Daily Archives: June 23, 2023

Renewed US pressure on Israel : What everyone needs to know,

Renewed US pressure on Israel : What everyone needs to know, Journalist David Bedein Briefing at the OU Israel Center. June 20, 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONq_1SOdMgw

USA:s kyliga omfamning av Israel.

USA:s ambassadör Tom Nides kommentar om det kallblodiga mordet på fyra judar i Israel nyligen har fått kritik för sin brist på tydlighet och beslutsamma åtgärder. Samtidigt som ambassadör Nides uttryckte kondoleanser till de sörjande...

Campus Battle Against Zionism by Pro-Palestinian Activists

Editorial Note After numerous accusations of antisemitism, some pro-Palestinian campus advocates became vocal in stressing that their critique was merely anti-Zionist. However, according to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), the widely-accepted definition of antisemitism,...