With a very heavy heart, I am called to share with you the Official Statement by UNRWA Commissioner-General, Philippe Lazzarini, on today’s tragic developments in the Gaza Strip:

“As Gaza remains under heavy bombardment with Israel tightening its grip over the overpopulated Strip, it is left to the UN and humanitarians to protect civilians.

“The call from the Israeli Forces to move more than 1 million civilians living in northern Gaza within 24 hours is horrendous. This will only lead to unprecedented levels of misery and further push people in Gaza into abyss.

“Since 7 October, over 423,000 people have already been displaced. Of them, more than 270,000 have taken refuge in UNRWA shelters, where basic food, medicine and support is provided to retain dignity and a glimmer of hope.

“The scale and speed of the unfolding humanitarian crisis is bone-chilling. Gaza is fast becoming a hell hole and is on the brink of collapse.

“There is no exception, all parties must uphold the laws of war; humanitarian assistance must be provided at all times to civilians.

“In Gaza, more than 2 million people are caught up in this conflict. UNRWA is struggling to fulfil its mandate.

“I urge all parties and those with influence over them to put an end to this tragedy and provide immediate and unconditional humanitarian access and protection to the civilian, among them far too many women and children.

“The time for humanity to prevail is now”.

, Thank you for always supporting UNRWA and Palestine Refugees.

We are honoured to have you by our side.

UNRWA Spokesperson / Director of External Relations & Communications


  1. There is no exception, all parties must uphold the laws of war; humanitarian assistance must be provided at all times to civilians. REALLY – did Hamas read this?

  2. Of the holes, omission, biases at the: ‘War in the Holy Land: A PBS News Special Report’

    (By: Andrew Yang, Amna Nawaz, Geoff Bennett, Leila Molana-Allen)

    1. In its narration of the historic background, it starts off about 1947 partition, however, the elephant in the room is/was that the Arabs rejected and the Jews accepted. Why was this ignored? Even Arafat acknowledged it was a mistake.

    And just ‘how’ and on what ‘basis’ did the Arabs rejected, via their representative Jamal Husseini?
    Dr. J Herf: ‘Husseini claimed the Arab world’s “territorial continuity” served as a “natural bulwark for peace, homogeneity, and race” that a Jewish state in the region would destroy.’

    In today’s terminology, it is called pure supremacy / racism.

    Why not start with the brutal 1929 massacre of non-Zionist pious Jews – agitated by their leader al-Husseini, the Mufti and his (with hundreds, including Ahmad Shukeiri who would be first PLO chief) helping Hitler 1941-45?
    The very Mufti whose led killing of thousands of moderate Arabs 1936-9 (which was accompanied with Hitler admiration too, as reported, among others, by then German Consul), is the cradle of Hamas.

    His libel “Al Aqsa in danger” is also lingering today.

    Then the narrator jumps right to 1948, without elaborating surroundung Arab states / leaders collective war against Jews, via active military attacks and genocidal speeches as well as ex Nazis helping the Arabs pre and during 1948.
    Let me phrase it correctly: war for its survival.
    Among other Arab leaders’ menacing words, throwing the Jews into the sea was by the (aforementioned Mufti’s linked) Muslim Brotherhood, the ideological father of Hamas, as reported in NY Times on Aug 2, 1948, its leader Al Banna saying: “If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea.”

    When it talks about the 1948, it only uses the Palestinian narrative of “nakba,” not a word about Arab leaders asking them to leave – until their expexted “victory.”

    Narrating that it was Sharon’s ascend to Temple Mount that supposedly triggered second Intifadah, is historically inaccurate, as even Imad Falluji, Arafat’s Palestinian Minister of Communications had stated, that the Al-Aqsa Intifada has been planned since Camp David.

    The October 2000 Ramallah lynch — in public square by masses of Arab Palestinians– of two Israelis who lost their way, while in civilian clothes – described by a British photographer “they were like animals,” is a huge part in understanding the fear in Israeli society.

    To quote from a reality check as early as 1995, by the late Charles Krauthmmer (Washington Post, on Jan 27), after a suicide-bombing massacre:

    ‘Said a brother of one suicide bomber: “I cried a little at first, but later I stopped. When I saw the flesh and blood of the Jews, I was happy.” With such people one cannot make peace. With such people one can only make war.
    But then it is said that the Islamic groups like Hamas that carry out terror attacks do not speak for the Palestinians. They don’t? Why then do Hamas rallies vastly outdraw PLO rallies in Gaza? Why then the celebration of the murders and the lionization of the murderers? “Their pictures hang in homes and are carried in wallets and on key chains,” reports the New York Times. “Walls are covered with graffiti saluting them and with bold drawings of their attacks.” Palestinian singers write them love songs. Palestinian youngsters carry around their pictures “like an American boy with a pack of baseball cards.”
    Hamas, whose public pronouncements refer to Israelis as “the sons of pigs and monkeys,” i.e., sub-humans fit for extermination, has wide allegiance both in Gaza and the West Bank. It is one of two leading political movements in Palestinian society.’ — end of quote.

    Without going into Mr. Nathan J Brown’s sanitizing Hamas, at no moment was Hamas genocidal Charter, against Jews – per se, ever discussed. Nor their leaders’ open speeches about killing Jews, drinking the blood of Jews (Feb/2006), the repeated “apes and pigs” mantra etc. – as well as at Palestinian Authority.

    Here are some Hamas samples:

    Hamad Al-Regeb, Hamas Official Sheikh (Elder): “Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon the Jews. Paralyze them, destroy their entity. Oh Allah, enable us to get to the necks of the Jews.”
    Fathi Hamad, Former Interior Minister of Gaza: “The day of your [Jews’] slaughter, extermination, and annihilation is near.”
    Unnamed Hamas Imam speaking at Hamas Friday sermon: “… until not a single Jew or Zionist is left on the face of the Earth.”
    “The moment will come when their property will be destroyed and their sons annihilated.”
    Another unnamed Hamas Imam speaking at Hamas Friday sermon: “Our doctrine in fighting you [the Jews] is that we will totally exterminate you. We will not leave a single one of you alive.”
    Mahmoud Al-Zahar, Hamas co-founder: “(The Quran says), ‘Kill them wherever you may find them.’ We will fight them wherever we can.”
    Ahmad Bahr – Deputy Speaker, Hamas parliament: “Oh, Allah, destroy the Jews and their supporters. Oh Allah, destroy the Americans and their supporters. Oh, Allah, count them one by one. Kill them all without leaving a single one.”

    A vital read is also: “Understanding Hamas’s Genocidal Ideology
    A close read of Hamas’s founding documents clearly shows its intentions.”
    By Bruce Hoffman, The Atlantic, October 10, 2023.


    The last portion with anti-Israel critic Aaron David Miller & (Arab-Lebanese) Kim Ghattas was so transparent – biased, shadowed by the ugly apathy to the victims of the latest Oct 7/24 atrocities which traumatizes all of Israel, that there is no need to comment (asides from the fact that, as of Oct 13 2023, 400,000 already left Northern Gaza since, for days, IDF asked them to and Mr. Miller’s pretentious attitude – as if he is not aware of Hamas using aid for their “fighters”). But it proves that their “analysis” do not derive out of sincere opinion.

    Another aspect ignored: The cheers to the atrocities on the Arab street.
    The sansme, that no one explained over there what “territory” is far-away Islamic Republic of Iran’s “dog in the fight” about.


    Because, it was always, since the 1920s’, about bigotry, radical Arab racism and religious bigotry.

    And, if some people (including inside peace camp) forgot what Israel was and is fighting for, which is to survive, to live, it came this latest series of crimes to reveal this threat. No wonder

    ADL did stress about demonization of Israel and Zionism which leads to hatred.
    (And for this crime, Hanan Ashrawi — tops the list among the interviewees, per her vocabulary record).


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