Instead of pleading with ignorant, ill-informed and inflamed haters to moderate their language, we should be exposing and challenging them every time they open their mouths.

Knee-jerk slanderers of Israel must be confronted head-on. Appealing to their better nature is useless because these individuals, groups and organizations are irredeemably lost in a cesspool of continual conspiracies.

Take Saint Greta, for example, who has now morphed from a teenage icon of climate change activism to a bitter and twisted supporter of Arab terror, pogroms and denier of Jewish historical legitimacy. Draping herself in the terror scarf so beloved by terror supporters, she stands in front of the braying mobs and shouts, “no climate justice without human rights.” Her version of human rights, however, excludes Israelis because, in her jaundiced eyes, they alone are guilty of crimes against humanity. According to her worldview and those who adore her, the real human rights abusers of this world are blameless. Whether it is executing teenagers, persecuting and incarcerating non-Muslims, targeting women or murdering minorities, none of the UN members engaged in these activities attracts the ire of Greta and her climate co-conspirators.

Tying Israel to climate change conspiracies and exonerating the likes of Iran, North Korea, Russia and China is a classic example of how twisted the whole Green movement has now become. In Australia, New Zealand and other Parliaments where the Greens are represented, their MPs now utter the vilest slanders against Israel. What is very noticeable is the complete lack of pushback by genuine environmentalist individuals and organizations. It is the same shameful silence that progressive women’s groups have exhibited in the face of the rapes and sexual crimes committed by Hamas. It is the same display of moral cowardice and failure shown by university heads and many faculty members.

Jewish communal groups and leadership should be flooding the media and public arena with “how dare you” posters and declarations. Out them and shame them should be the constant message.

The recent debate in the NZ Parliament is a perfect example of how ignorance and plain old prejudices gain traction while the few who dare to stand up to blatant lies are drowned out. A visual theatre of the absurd and a media spectacle is the sight of Green MPs and others draped in a keffiyeh scarf spouting the vilest accusations of genocide against Israel. While the Foreign Minister and an ACT coalition MP strove to inject some reality into the debate, the antics of the Green, Labour and Maori Party representatives garnered the headlines.

Instead of declaring “how dare you” at those spouting lies about how Israel has committed genocide and that 75 years of oppression is the reason for Hamas’s pogroms, the Parliament meekly adopted a Labour Party member amendment. Calling for a two-state solution and immediate ceasefire is a recipe for letting Hamas survive and creating yet another terror-supporting Islamic entity.

How many Parliamentarians have bothered to see the videos of the Hamas pogrom taken by the terrorists and others on the day of the massacres and kidnappings? My guess is that not one MP has bothered to front up to the Israel Embassy and actually find out the truth. If, in fact, one or two did do so, why did they remain silent in the face of the false accusations uttered in the debate?

Has any member of the Labour Party, the Greens or the Maori Party actually ever read the founding charter of Hamas, which calls for the destruction of Israel and the murder of its citizens? Has any member of the NZ Parliament listened to and understood the real intentions of the PA/PLO/Fatah “peace loving” authority?

Obviously not, otherwise they would not be peddling the rhetoric that they currently do.

Here is just a small selection of the latest peace gestures issued from Ramallah.

The PA Prime MinisterHamas is not only in Gaza, Hamas is an idea. It is not just a structure or a military organization in Gaza. Hamas is in the West Bank, Lebanon and Syria. Its leadership is in Qatar and everywhere. (Interview with France 24 News).

In other words, Hamas is an integral part of Arab society. That explains why children are being taught to murder Jews and why those already imbued with jihad brainwashing have no problem in carrying out the most heinous crimes.

Mahmoud Abbas: We own the land, Jerusalem and the holy places.

When he talks about owning the land, he actually means “from the river to the sea”. He means the Temple Mount and the Kotel. The corollary of all this rhetoric means a land cleansed of any Jewish presence and with its Jewish holy sites desecrated.

PA Justice: Two men accused of spying for Israel were recently strung up from electric poles and then their bodies were dumped in a garbage bin. The watching mob of locals cheered. No PA police were seen.

 Needless to say this example of human rights abuse never featured in the international media. It also never reached the agenda of the UN Human Rights Council, nor was it the subject of an emergency debate of the UN Security Council. Unsurprisingly, world leaders remained mute as did other usual suspects.

PA Supreme Shariah Judge & Abbas adviser: Palestine belongs to its residents and its people who have been living in it for more than six thousand years.

In other words Jews have no historical legitimacy or right to claim sovereignty in their homeland.

PA (after recent Jerusalem terror attack): All Israelis are colonialist settlers and legitimate targets.

What this really means is that any Jew living anywhere “from the river to the sea” is a settler and therefore a target for terror and murder. This is why all those who were attending the music festival in the Negev are described as settlers and legitimate targets for abduction and death.

OFFICIAL PA TV: (recorded by PMW on 27 October 2023):  The occupation (i.e. Israel) stole organs from the corpses (in Gaza) such as the cornea of the eye, the concha of the ear, liver, kidneys and heart.

Like the blood libels and well-poisoning accusations of the Middle Ages in Europe, these slanderous accusations spread like wildfire. The intention remains the same, namely to tar Jews with the vilest crimes and thereby arouse the ignorant masses to violence and murder.

Given these few examples and recognizing that the daily diet of venomous lies continues, why would any sane Israeli agree to the establishment of another terror and Jew-hating State in its midst? Unbelievably, despite the carnage of 7 October and the evidence of future such outrages, there are still those who dream of and advocate for precisely this to occur. The usual refrain is that we can only make peace with our enemies. What they do not tell you is that genuine peace can only come after the enemies are totally defeated and the evil ideologies buried with them. That is how Nazi Germany and its allies were dealt with before any peace agreement was contemplated.

Clueless politicians in parliaments and others who pontificate about two-state solutions and two states living in democratic peace and tolerance blindly ignore the reality on the ground. What is even worse, their ignorant parroting of mindless slogans, wearing Hamas scarves and baseless accusations of Israeli genocidal policies encourage those plotting future pogroms. In their indecent haste to blame Israel for every sin known to humanity, they blatantly ignore the real genocidal agenda of Islamic terror groups.