David Bedein, head of the Center for Near East Policy Research, has been investigating the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for decades. He discovered that international funding (including from the US) has been paying for textbooks that glorify terrorism and the murder of Jews. Now that it has been proven that UNRWA employees took part in the Hamas-led October 7 massacre of Israelis, Bedein is calling for a unique solution to the UNRWA problem.
Check out his reporting:



Check out Adam Eliyahu’s writing on Amazon:
The Hope Merchant
Dolphins on the Moon
Master of Return and the Eleventh Light


  1. Since 1994, IINO has been enabling and condoning Arab children to be educated to killing Jews from the moment of their birth and through their entire school experience.  This explains why so many 14-year old suicide attackers think that this is some kind of heroic act.  Musloids are supposed to kill us (all). It’s their “religion”.  It’s who they are.  But, we have no one to blame but ourselves for permitting them to educate their children to be jihadis inside of our so-called “Jewish Homeland”.  They can have their Murderous education for their children inside of Arab land, but NOT inside Israel.  Israel is thus betraying our Covenant with our Creator and our True Judge who judges us mercifully, although we don’t deserve it…

  2. Since 1994, Israel has been enabling and condoning Arab children to be educated to killing Jews from the moment of their birth and through their entire school experience.  This explains why so many 14-year old suicide attackers think that this is some kind of heroic act.  Musloids are supposed to kill us (all). It’s their “religion”.  It’s who they are.  But, we have no one to blame but ourselves for permitting them to educate their children to be jihadis inside of our so-called “Jewish Homeland”.  They can have their Murderous education for their children inside of Arab land, but NOT inside Israel.  Israel is thus betraying our Covenant with our Creator and our True Judge who judges us mercifully, although we don’t deserve it…


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