Today I did an analysis of the home pages of @nytimes and @WSJ regarding their coverage of demonstrations and counter-protests on college campuses. The NYTimes accuses pro-Jewish students of violence, while the WSJ investigates the extensive preparation of pro-Hamas groups, focusing on their systematic training, financing, and indoctrination efforts over several months. The NYTimes consistently overlooks the extensive intimidation and violence against Jewish students, who have been prevented from attending classes and feel unsupported by university administrations. It portrays Jewish self-defense as unacceptable, yet seems indifferent when these students are attacked. In contrast, today’s WSJ goes deeper, meticulously examining how propaganda campaigns on campuses have been organized, funded, and executed, detailing the messaging and tactics used to prepare and intimidate students. In summary: The WSJ provides detailed and comprehensive journalism, while the NYTimes actively engages with narratives that support pro-Hamas demonstrators.