Monthly Archives: June 2024


An affliction is running rampant and has developed an uncanny resistance to any sort of countermeasures. No treatment, whether medication, surgery or preventative action can cure the malady once it has infected individuals. It has...
Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip | Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit

US obscures truth about weapon shipments to Israel

In the ongoing dispute over weapons shipments between the United States and Israel, two possibilities emerge: either Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is lying, or the Americans are being dishonest. After careful examination, the latter...

From the Battle of Badr to Military Defeat: Changes in Hamas Perceptions of the...

The Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7, 2023 was quickly characterized by Hamas as fulfillment of a prophecy about the destruction of Israel. Hamas cast the invasion as a Palestinian version of the...

China Is Waging a Proxy War on Israel | Opinion

n early November, a letter allegedly written by Osama bin Laden went viral on the social media app TikTok, where American kids were making videos of themselves praising the letter's contents and confessing that it...

Norway strongly opposes the lawsuit against UNRWA staff

'We strongly oppose the attack on UNRWA and their staff, including the Norwegian diplomat who previously served as Deputy Commissioner-General of the agency. The accusations against individuals coincide with a politically motivated campaign aimed...

Victims of October 7 massacre file lawsuit against UNRWA for aiding Hamas terrorists

The scandal-plagued United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is facing a lawsuit in Manhattan for its alleged role in aiding the terrorist movement Hamas to slaughter nearly 1,200...

Biden’s Italian Strike

o sooner had Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the Biden administration on Tuesday of withholding arms shipments for Israel than American officials depicted him as delusional. “We … do not know what he’s...

The ‘Gaza famine’ myth

It’s now quite clear that there are simply no facts at all—none—that will alter the fixed narrative of lies, distortions and blood libels with which the liberal internationalist order is demonizing and delegitimizing Israel. The...

Senseless Silence

There comes a time when in the face of unremitting enmity, silence is no longer a viable option. As we face a tsunami of hate and delegitimisation not seen since pre-World WarII times, the necessity...