In the harsh light of history, the Simchat Torah massacre of last year stands as a Holocaust-like event, a “mini-Holocaust” that shook Israel to its core. The elimination of its mastermind, Yahya Sinwar, represents nothing less than the eradication of a modern-day “Little Hitler.” This Palestinazi leader – whose ambitions, according to Hamas documents, included overrunning 221 southern Israeli communities and enlisting Iran and Hezbollah to conquer the Galilee and topple Tel Aviv’s skyline – had blueprinted a Holocaust-like massacre far exceeding the horrors that actually unfolded.

The atrocities witnessed in southern Israel a year ago – the cold-blooded murder of infants, women, and the elderly, beheadings, rape of women and corpses, and other unspeakable acts – were merely a fraction of what was planned. Sinwar and Hamas’ meticulously crafted strategy aimed at Israel’s complete annihilation within a mere two years.

Mirroring his patrons in Iran and Turkey, this “Little Hitler,” the Palestinazi Sinwar, saw the world in stark binary terms: Dar al-Islam (the House of Islam) encompassing areas under Islamic control, and Dar al-Harb (the House of War) comprising regions yet to be conquered. Sinwar’s Hamas, viewing itself as a vanguard of the Muslim Ummah, believed it had a divine mandate to wage war, expanding Dar al-Islam’s frontiers “to the utmost limits.”

For Sinwar and his cohorts, guilty of crimes against humanity, the Jewish people, and the State of Israel, Israel’s very existence was an intolerable affront. They saw it as a double transgression – not only was it land once part of Dar al-Islam, but it also represented a perversion of the natural order where Jews, instead of being subservient dhimmis under Islamic law, dared to govern Muslims.

The Hamas charter – both in its original form and the supposedly revised 2017 version (to which Sinwar clung with unwavering devotion) – unequivocally commits to the conquest of all Palestine as its ultimate objective. Their rallying cry of “from the river to the sea” leaves no room for ambiguity – it’s a clarion call for a world without Israel. The October 7 atrocities, horrific as they were, represented merely the opening salvo in Sinwar’s diabolical masterplan. He made no secret of this, brazenly declaring on November 30, 2023, that the massacre was but a “dress rehearsal” for the final, more devastating act to come.

Sinwar’s toxic ideology seeped deep into Gaza’s social fabric, indoctrinating a significant portion of its population. The grim reality is that many Gazans actively participated in the massacre and subsequent looting. The majority of Gaza’s residents chose Sinwar and Hamas as their leaders, with hundreds of thousands entangled in Hamas’s intricate web of terror. This “Little Hitler” transformed Gaza into a modern-day Sodom – a land consumed by evil, wickedness, terror, and crime, singularly focused on the slaughter of Jews and, ultimately, the obliteration of Israel. He laid bare this vision at the ominously named “End of Days Conference” held three years prior to the massacre, where he meticulously outlined his blueprint for the day after Israel’s destruction, and the dystopian alternative Hamas would erect upon its ruins.

While the full ramifications of Sinwar’s elimination are yet to unfold and be thoroughly analyzed, one thing is certain: the world today, unburdened of his presence, is undeniably a cleaner, better place. And indeed, it is not only permissible but necessary to find solace and even rejoice in this fact.