There can be no bigger contrast between the Islamic cult of venerating death and the Jewish tradition of hallowing life. It is at times like this when the glaring differences are on display for all to see. It contains a lesson for all of us and in particular for those who continue to dwell in some sort of parallel universe where the victims of terror are categorized as authors of their own misfortunes.
The Islamic terror groups, one of which is presently a partner of President Abbas, our much touted misnamed peace partner, promote and indeed revere death, martyrdom and its heavenly rewards. This sick article of faith combined with an intense hatred of Jews, Judaism and the Jewish State, make a toxic mixture which has poisoned generations of youth and today is gaining a growing legion of followers not only in Moslem countries but also in the midst of democratic nations particularly in Europe. An obsession with death, murder and delegitimisation of those who do not subscribe to their creed is not a new phenomenon as some would have us believe but can be traced back in a direct line to jihad warriors in the name of militant Islam over the last 1,900 years or so.
How does this death cult manifest itself on our door step today? We can see the barbarism to which it has descended by observing what is happening in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Nigeria to name just a few examples of its modern day worship. However look at what is happening on a daily basis amongst those of our neighbors, the international community and naïve Jews who continue to deem them peace partners. Their media and school textbooks are full of glorification for jihad, murder of Jews (and Christians) and descriptions of us as sons of pigs and apes. The Arab public is saturated on a daily basis with incitement and false accusations and glorification of those who have murdered Jewish men, women, children and babies. There are schools, summer camps and public squares named in their memory and honor and pictures of those who have murdered are displayed prominently.
Friday sermons contain inciting hatred against Jews while an almost continuous procession of Arab and Moslem nations accuse Israel in all international forums of any and every crime.
Contrast this with Judaism’s emphasis on peace, its endless references to peace in our prayers and our belief that all of humanity is created in the image of God. We do not demand that non believers must become Jewish and our Faith promotes the concept of all righteous people regardless of their religion or lack of one, being rewarded for their good deeds at some stage in the future. Our yearning for the messianic age is based on our belief that this event will bring universal peace and justice and that the rebuilt Temple will be a place of pilgrimage for all nations. Judaism holds life to be sacrosanct and we are commanded to do anything to preserve it.
When Jews are murdered by Islamic terrorists our neighbors celebrate by letting off fireworks and distributing candies to adults and children. What sort of lesson does this teach the masses? When an Arab is killed by the IDF an inquiry takes place to determine culpability. The terror groups target civilians deliberately by firing rockets and when Jewish houses are hit and casualties caused this is an excuse for celebrations by the perpetrators.
We mourn, pray and sing psalms for the souls of those murdered by terror. We envelop the bereaved families in a blanket of love and sympathy and concentrate on living and making a better country and society.
In contrast those who murder us celebrate and honor the murderers and look forward to continuing their evil deeds.
As we in Israel and Jews worldwide mourn for the 3 teenage students so cruelly taken from us because they were Jews let us also remind ourselves that our morality and ethical beliefs will at the end of the day triumph over those who wallow in death and hate.
Michael Kuttner is a Jewish New Zealander who for many years was actively involved with various communal organisations connected to Judaism and Israel. He now lives in Israel and is J-Wire’s correspondent in the region.