Casualties of War and Terror Appreciation Day:
Unfortunately Israel has suffered numerous wars and terrorist attacks and the government has established an annual Casualties of War and Terror – Appreciation Day for those injured in these terrible acts of violence. This stamp recognizes the victims and the rehabilitation organization that do all they can to assist the injured.
Seasons in Israel Souvenir Sheet:
Our Autumn stamp culminates the Seasons in Israel series and we can now sum up the yearly cycle. The beautiful Souvenir Sheet features each of the four seasons stamps which were issued during the year, and one tree symbolizing the characteristics of the Season.
Festivals Yom Kippur Poems:
The most important High Holiday in the Jewish religion is Yom Kippur – a day to reflect, repent and ask forgiveness for one’s sins. Our festivals stamps this year illustrate the metaphoric Yom Kippur Poem which describes different artisans creating something new from raw materials – just like God created mankind. The artisans represented on this stamp series are the Potter, the Glazier and the Silversmith.
Parables of the Sages & Parables of the Sages Booklet:
Parables or fables are found in many cultures. The Parables of the Sages like Aesop’s fables tell short stories in which plants or animals speak and act like humans and teach a moral lesson. The stamps feature The Fox in the Vineyard, The Lion and the Heron and the Reed and the Cedar.
Seasons in Israel- Autumn:
Autumn in Israel means the High Holidays. We begin our new year and it’s a time of new beginnings. There is a feeling of change in the air and you can just feel the wind blowing by looking at the stamp.
Israel – Bulgaria Joint Issues:
Bird Migration is the subject for the joint issue with Bulgaria. Israel is a significant global crossroads for migrating birds and White Stork, as shown on the stamp, nests in Bulgaria and migrates through Israel. This topic was chosen for the joint issue as a symbol of peace and coexistence between the two countries.