David Bedein
I en tid då ICC och deras stödjare planerar en rättslig ansträngning för att...
I en tid då ICC och deras stödjare planerar en rättslig ansträngning för att främja idén att palestinska arabiska demonstranter är fredliga, där oskyldiga...
UNRWA: De l’usage abusif des dons
L'immonde détournement d'un mandat.
7 janvier 2020, David Bedein
Vous trouverez ci-dessous le rapport du CNEPR (Center For Near East Policy Research) sur l'utilisation abusive par...
Complete Guide On WalmartOne Employee Login
WalmartOne is a mobile application designed for Walmart associates. WalmartOne Login Using this app, users can access their schedule, paystub and other useful info...
UNRWA’s Misuse of Donor Funds
UNRWA’s mandate has been renewed by the UN General Assembly for the past 70 years, and its current mandate is set to expire on June...
The Long-Awaited Report on UNRWA’s Misuse of Donor Funds and Breach of Its Mandate
UNRWA’s mandate has been renewed by the UN General Assembly for the past 70 years, and its current mandate is set to expire on...
UNRWA: Where Has All the Money Gone?
Historic Overview
At midnight on 14 May 1948, the 30-year British Mandate for Palestine was formally ended by the British Colonial Office. Britain’s chaotic...
Replacing UNRWA in Jerusalem – a long way to go
The process of replacing UNRWA schools in Jerusalem with alternative schools will not be an easy one, despite the best of intentions to do...
Freeze of 150 million in pay-for-slay funds means nothing
The Israeli government freeze of 150 million in pay-for-slay funds, the precise amount designated for PLO terrorists and their families, carries no weight and...
Nyligen förnyad, kommer UNRWA att agera i enlighet med FN: s värden?
Nu när FN: s generalförsamling har beviljat ett nytt avtal med UNRWA, Förenta nationernas hjälp- och arbetsbyrå, kommer ledande UNRWAs donations länder - Tyskland,...
Newly renewed, will UNRWA act in accordance with UN values?
Now that the UN General Assembly has granted a new lease on life to UNRWA, Will leading UNRWA donor nations - Germany, Japan, Canada,...