David Bedein
“Poisoning minds”
Regarding “Breaking the Silence offers Eurovision visitors tour of Hebron” (jerusalem Post, May 12), it is hard to imagine an organization that does more...
The Yogi Bear Theory of Media Bias
A few years back, sad news reached Jerusalem that Veteran Yankee Catcher Yogi Berra had passed away at the tender age of 90 years...
Disaster: Proposed Jewish caucus in Congress
Attn: Dan Schori, American Jewish Congress
From: David Bedein,
Israel Resource News Agency & Center for Near East Policy Research
Have just heard of your ill-advised...
Tribute from his student, David Bedein, 46 years later.
People in Israel who do not have a loved one to mourn often choose someone to...
Media Advisory: No cease fire was reached in Gaza this week
As journalists cover the complexities of the Middle East reportage, news agencies often interpret a lull in hostilities as an "armistice" or a "cease-fire",...
UNRWA – A hurdle in the way of any peace process; May 2019
UNRWA uses the school textbooks of the Palestinian Authority in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and Gaza.
That policy in itself raises a serious ethical problem, since...
Give feedback to the Rabbis of Schules who welcome the PLO
Two synagogues welcome the PLO to their sanctuaries over the next few days.
Sydney’s Emanuel Synagogue
Sixth and I Historic Synagogue
People do not generally...
Should President Trump Reconsider the PLO as a Partner for Peace?
The British statesman Sir Edmund Burke is said to have stated: “The end is the means in process" in explanation for his lack of...
Prime Minister Netanyahu: Learn from PM Shamir – How to Respond to NYT Cartoon
The blatantly anti semitic and anti Israel cartoon which ran in the New York Times leaves one to wonder how Prime Minister Netanyahu should...
New Legislation Proposed in the US to monitor PA/UNRWA education
A bipartisan bill has been proposed in US Congress that would require the US Secretary of state to submit annual reports reviewing the educational...