David Bedein
UNRWA bestows honors on their idol of violence, Muhammad Assaf
UNRWA bestowed new honors on their official youth idol, Muhammad Assaf, who promotes insurrection and violence.
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine...
Our agency facilitated an informal briefing for US embassy officials at the Knesset, with...
Last week, our agency facilitated an informal briefing for US embassy officials at the Knesset, with experts on the subject of UNRWA policies. The...
See PA textbook incitement for yourself – funded by the US taxpayer
Last July, our agency raised concerns at the US Congress about current PA school books used in US-funded UNRWA schools.
We have worked on this issue...
Palestinian Authority Textook Study Project
SPECIAL REPORT: Israel and the Jews in the Newest Palestinian Authority (PA) Schoolbooks taught in PA and UNRWA Schools: De-legitimization, Demonization, Advocacy of Violent...
I de nya palestinska (PA) Skolverket undervisas det om Israel och Judar i PA...
Produceras för en rättvis och laglig gemensam strävan, Israeliska Legal Forum och Centrum för Nära Östen Policy forskning.
En företrädare för det amerikanska utrikesdepartementet besökte...
Poisoned Wells Allegation of Human Rights Groups
The "Jews poison wells" theme has resurfaced.
Last year, during a trip to the UK Parliament, our delegation of UNRWA experts was scheduled to meet an MP from the UK Parliament who...
Israel and Jews in the newest Palestinian Authority (PA) Schoolbooks taught in PA and...
Research and Translation: Dr. Arnon Groiss
(January 2016)
Produced as a joint endeavor of Lawfare, The Israel Legal Forum and the Center for Near East Policy...
The Center for Near East Policy Research: New Palestinian Authority Text Book Study
The Center for Near East Policy Research has acquired the new Palestinian Authority school books used in the PA and UNRWA schools in Jerusalem,...
When Israel’s school system discourages Arab-Jewish romance – “A word to the wise is...
Israel’s Ministry of Education decided, for sound reasons not to include in its syllabus a novel that glorifies a situation where an Arab man...
Are the lyrics of the UNRWA youth Ambassador not lethal?
There are those who tell us that UNRWA Youth Ambassador Mohammad Assaf’s lyrics are innocuous. Please judge for yourself : If you think that...