David Bedein
Legislators who Fund UNRWA Confronted with Reality of… UNRWA Education for War
11 December 2014
To: Ms. Imogen Atkinson
Office of David Burrowes MP, Member of Parliament for Enfield Southgate
From: David Bedein, Director, Israel Resource News Agency &...
Rising above personal attacks, the time has come to examine UNRWA policy
United Nations Relief and Works Agency spokesman Chris Gunness launched personal attacks this week against a Palestinian critic of UNRWA who wrote an op-ed...
Misunderstood issue of employing Arabs in Israel
The issue is not whether or not to employ Arab workers in Israel.
The issue at hand is that the GSS , Israel's "General Security...
Lack of response of US AID and US embassy to HAMAS collusion with UNRWA
Two US government entities in Tel Aviv will not respond to continued Hamas involvement with UNRWA, which would raise questions about the legality of...
Book Review: Phantom Nation: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace
956 pages available only at www.Amazon.com
Not since Joan Peters’s From Time Immemorial thirty years ago has there been such a book on the Arab-Israeli...
UNRWA Reform Through Nations That Donate to UNRWA
There is a myth that the UN determines policies of the UNRWA, The United Nations Relief and Works Agency.
UNRWA is a self-run authority, funded...
Rachel’s Tomb Hijacked
On the 11th of Heshvan, which this year falls on November 4, Jews observe the "yaarzeit" memorial for Rachel, the Biblical matriarch who bore...
Witness to shooting of Rabbi Yehudah Glick tells what happened
Moriah Halamish, a young woman who attended Rabbis Glick's lecture on Weds, Oct 29 at the Menachem Begin Center described what happened. Moriah related...
Tie strings to the UNRWA appeal for funds
UNRWA, the United Nations Relief Works Agency administers refugee facilities for five million descendants of Arab refugees of the 1948 war. More than 1,200,000...
A letter to Colleagues in Jewish journalism: Lift the veil of self censorship
For the better part of 21 years, ever since the launch of negotiations between Israel and the PLO, the Jewish media, as a matter...