David Bedein
Data Base – key articles on US military aid to Pal Security Services
Israel Resource Review PSF file
By Amit Cohen and Barak Ravid Maariv Jericho Sun Oct 15 2006
IU.S.-backed militia to include terrorists
Twenty Conclusions of “Operation Pillar of Defense”:
Last week, while visiting communities struck by Gaza missiles throughout southern Israel, it was easy to discern the all pervasive anger that Israeli citizens...
A media strategy to help Israel in the Gaza war
Our agency will now use its two rooms and two computers at Beit Agron to organize a new media response network to encourage people...
What people of Sderot needs is emergency mental health assistance.
By David Bedein, writing from the perspective of an MSW.
The Sderot Mental Health Center for the Western Negev now handles 3,000 cases of mental...
Sderot Perspective of Israel’s “Gaza Policy” after Hamas Gaza regime bombardment
Photo:Direct hit by a missile in a house
In Danny's words, "After 29,000 aerial attacks in ten years, we do not see any light at...
Concerning Gershon Baskin’s gestures to Abbas if he becomes
In his article, “Encountering Peace: The challenge of statesmanship” http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/Article.aspx?id=287949 one wonders why Gershon Baskin in his prime ministership will not ask Abbas to...
Why Does Bibi Stand up to Iran at the UN and Give in to...
Two days before Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu flew to the UN to fight the lethal challenge posed by Iran, Netanyahu’s Defense Minister, Ehud...
The Renewed Barak Bibi Arik Retreat Map
Yisrael Hayom, the daily Israeli newspaper often referred to as the newspaper closest to Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu published in its Pre Yom...
Golda Meir’s Doctrine After Munich: Death Sentence For PLO Leaders Responsible…Could this be applied...
Golda Meir's Doctrine After Munich: Death Sentence For PLO Leaders...Could this be applied today to Abbas for His Role in financing Munich Massacre?
by David...