Michael Kuttner
Lumen accipe et imperti
This Latin motto of my old college, literally translated as “receive the light and pass it on”, is very relevant as we get ready...
Time to be resolute
Viktor Frankl, the renowned Austrian psychiatrist who was a Shoah survivor, wrote: “to suffer unnecessarily is masochistic rather than heroic.”
Surveying the putrid and poisonous...
Definition: “A sudden loss of control over one’s feelings or behaviour.”
With the final official results still to be confirmed, it looks as though Israeli...
Ballot box blues
If anecdotal feedback and surveys are anything to go by, an increasing number of potential voters are feeling tuned out as Election Day approaches...
Definition: Someone lacking moral principles. Synonyms: Dishonest, corrupt, immoral, unscrupulous, devious, unethical, deceitful, underhand, dishonourable.
Take your pick and apply it to any number of...
Double cross
Perfectly timed for the commencement of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), the heads of the United Kingdom Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches revealed their...
A nechtiker tog
This exquisite Yiddish expression loosely translated means “whom are you trying to fool?”
After two thousand years of being abused, kicked around, targeted, slandered and accused...
Use by date expires
When use by dates expire for food and medicine, we dispose of the remaining items to avoid being either poisoned or adversely affected.
Watching and...
Pray for peace – prepare for action
Peace is always at the forefront of our prayers, but at the same time, most of us should have learnt from bitter past experience...
Changing of the guard
In the words of A.A. Milne, “they are changing the guards at Buckingham Palace.”
With the death of Queen Elizabeth, the expression “passing of an...