Michael Kuttner
Los Memorables Sabores de Garum
Rosh Chodesh Adar (the new month of Adar) has arrived, and that means Purim is not far away.
Michael Kuttner
In Israel, schools are blaring forth...
A reader of J-Wire commented to me that it was left-wing socialists who had settled and developed what was then Ottoman-ruled and later British...
Inconvenient Reminders
Sweeping embarrassing and painful occurrences under the proverbial carpet is a popular pastime for many.
There is always the possibility that some might throw a...
Looney Tunes
I remember as a youngster (last century) that one of the “shorts” always shown in the cinema before the main feature film was a...
Glaring inconsistencies
Another week witnesses yet more mind-boggling contortions by so-called friends and declared foes alike.
Michael Kuttner
Surely by now, we should not be shocked or startled...
Frantic Frenzy
The Oxford dictionary definition of frenzy states “a period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behaviour.”
Michael Kuttner
Here in Israel, we seem to be experiencing an...
Collective and compulsive convulsions
One did not need to possess a crystal ball or read tea leaves in order to predict that 2023 would commence with Israel being...
Lumen accipe et imperti
This Latin motto of my old college, literally translated as “receive the light and pass it on”, is very relevant as we get ready...
Time to be resolute
Viktor Frankl, the renowned Austrian psychiatrist who was a Shoah survivor, wrote: “to suffer unnecessarily is masochistic rather than heroic.”
Surveying the putrid and poisonous...
Definition: “A sudden loss of control over one’s feelings or behaviour.”
With the final official results still to be confirmed, it looks as though Israeli...