Michael Kuttner


It’s not a laughing matter

Quite often, one is faced with a situation so absurd that laughter seems to be the only suitable response. On closer examination, however, it invariably...

How unsurprising

“Life is full of surprises. Not all these surprises are pleasant, so you need to be ready for what life brings you.” This anonymous quote...

Deciphering the headlines

According to the Oxford language website, deciphering is defined as “succeeding in understanding, interpreting or identifying something.” Having the ability to do this is a...

A Capital Offence

One of the synonyms for a capital offence is a heinous crime. This more than adequately describes most of the international community’s reaction to the...


Note 15 May in your diary because that is the date when all the Israel historic revisionists will be having their annual convulsions. This “unholy”...


After the party is over, the hangover usually kicks in. Israel’s 75th birthday party had hardly finished when the usual domestic and foreign crowd surfaced to...

75 not out

As we celebrate seventy-five years of re-established Jewish independence, I can’t help thinking is Israel still loved at 75? When it comes to Israel in...

Predictable Agendas

Only those who are genetically biased or living in la la land could fail to discern the predictable preordained script which has unfolded this...


The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs (and Trade) has issued a statement that they are “appalled” at the assertion by Israel’s Finance Minister...

March Madness

As explained by Wikipedia, “mad as a March hare” is a common British English phrase, both today and in Lewis Carroll’s time in the...