​Center for Near East Policy Research

7847 POSTS

UNRWA Uprising – with Swedish Subtitles

Om terroruppvigling bland barn i UNRWA, med svensk undertext

Palestinian Authority Continues Its “Pay for Slay” Policy

In 2017, we published a paper that revealed the fact that the Palestinian Authority is paying by law salaries to terrorists arrested in Israeli...

Security Council Resolution 1701 and Its Systematic Violation by Hezbollah and Iran

The IDF is currently carrying out Operation Northern Shield to expose and neutralize the attack tunnels dug by Hezbollah along the Israeli-Lebanese border. The...

Documenting BBC amplification of an UNRWA campaign

Among the topics (see ‘related articles’ below) that the BBC chose to promote during 2018 in a manner that went beyond ordinary reporting both...

When your child goes to Israel for a gap year

Parents always worry about their children's welfare and certainly when they send their young adult children to an Israel gap year program. Rightly so, although in...

Mahmoud Abbas Contradicts the Palestinian Narrative on Refugees – Amb. Dore Gold, JCPA

It has been axiomatic for the Palestinian narrative that as a result of the first Arab-Israeli war in 1948, the Palestinian Arab refugees were...

Recent Increase in Terrorist Attacks in Judea and Samaria

Since September 2018 there has been an increase in the number of significant terrorist attacks carried out in Judea and Samaria. Five adults were...

UPDATE: Video (with subtitles) of Slain Soldier’s Father’s Response — Plus, story from bedside...

The Hebrew version of Rav Meirav's response to the terror attack killing his stepson, Sgt. Yosef Cohen (19), has gone viral. We want our...

Rättvisa i Jerusalem: Håll forum som verkställer lag mot terrorledare som uppmuntrar och förespråkar...

Skriven timmar efter att ett fyra dagar litet judiskt spädbarn begravdes, dödad i en arabisk terrorattack. Av: David Bedein, socialarbetare och journalist. En framträdande ledare inom...

Fortsatta betalningar från PA till Terrorister 2018. Undersökning behövs för att genomföra ny lag

Den detaljerade palestinska myndighetens budget för 2018 som publicerades nyligen har uppgifter om anslagen till arresterade terrorister och familjerna till de som dog eller...