​Center for Near East Policy Research

7847 POSTS

The Global Jihad

Spotlight on Iran (October 21– November 4, 2018) In a meeting with families of Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) fighters killed in Syria and Iraq,...

Intelligence Analysis: Understanding Reality in an Era of Dramatic Changes

Since its inception, the aim of intelligence analysis has been to provide a reliable description of reality and to generate knowledge about the enemy...

The Palestinian Authority (PA)

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (October 24 – October 29, 2018) The "return march" riots of October 26, 2018, were particularly violent, Seven...

Gaza border communities under fire say enough is enough

“I lay on top of my children, we were 300 meters from the bomb shelter but there was not enough time to run there,...

Book, PDF, 573 pp. “Genesis of the Palestinian Authority” By David Bedein, Edited...

How to purchase a hard copy: https://tinyurl.com/y843f65z View book in PDF, click here.

Vivian Bercovici: Why are we ignoring the appalling human rights crisis in the PA?

Human rights in the West Bank and Gaza Strip appear to be in a death spiral. Two weeks ago, an American citizen, Issam Akel, who...

The progressive West must stop fetishising Palestinian extremists

He is bare-chested, muscular and not unattractive. A Palestinian flag blazes in one hand, a slingshot is strained taut in the other. All around...

Yossi Kuperwasser on Jerusalem and the peace process

AIJAC guest Brig. Gen. Yossi Kuperwasser of the Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs was interviewed by Girish Sawlani on ABC News 24 “The World”...

Would Palestinians rather live under Israel?

ILTV speaks with David Bedein, director of The Center For Near East Policy.