​Center for Near East Policy Research

7830 POSTS

What constraints does the US Law hold over the PLO and the PA?

What constraints does the US Law hold over the PLO and the PA? The new US Congress will be sworn in on January 4, 2021. A...

Antisemitismo en la educación de UNRWA

Introducción El Organismo de Obras Públicas y Socorro de las Naciones Unidas para los refugiados de la guerra de 1948 (OOPS) ofrece servicios educativos a...

Anti-Semitism in UNRWA Education

Introduction The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the refugees of the 1948 war (UNRWA) provides educational services to school children registered as refugees...

The Event That Sparked the Movement to Free Soviet Jewry

It is a date rarely marked, even as it inspired a movement hardly studied, led by heroes barely known. Fifty years ago, on Dec....

Breaking the Silence’s Report on Roads in the Territories Is Misleading and Blatantly Partisan

The Israeli organization "Breaking the Silence" (BtS) published a study in December 2020 highly critical of Israel's transportation infrastructure projects in the West...

Israel Police Must Ask Forgiveness from the Parents of the Young Man Who Was Killed...

I would like to say to all the policemen who pursued the young men, collided with them, and caused the death of Ahuvia Sandak....

The Real Risks of Chinese Investment: China Hustle 2.0 – Don’t Let This Happen...

We’ve warned about the risk of investments in Chinese shares on multiple occasions here in the Economic War Room®, we’ve talked about the Thrift...

In last push before Trump exits, GOP tries to erase Palestinian refugees

In one final push before Donald Trump leaves office, some Republican Members of Congress are attempting to push the Trump administration to declassify a...

“Rosenberg Holocaust Siddur: Program material preserving the memory of the Holocaust,” by Dr. Bernhard...

Rosenberg Holocaust Siddur: Program material preserving the memory of the Holocaust Paperback  by Dr. Bernhard H. Rosenberg I have already published the ROSENBERG HOLOCAUST HAGADDAH in...