​Center for Near East Policy Research

7830 POSTS

CBN TV on the situation of UNRWA in the next US administration

Analysts Warn a Biden Admin Could Renew UNRWA Funding for Pro-Terrorism Palestinian Education https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCd-MJMlYoM

Fatah: We Will Continue the Fight Against Israel

The Fatah movement, headed by Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas, claims that “the Palestinian people will never give up their basic national rights, including...

Analysts Warn a Biden Admin Could Renew UNRWA Funding for Pro-Terrorism Palestinian Education

Analysts Warn a Biden Admin Could Renew UNRWA Funding for Pro-Terrorism Palestinian Education https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCd-MJMlYoM&ab_channel=CBNNews

The Self-Assured Hubris of the World’s Human-Rights Abusers

The United States withdrew from the United Nations Human Rights Council in 2018, after years of trying to reform the agency came to naught. But...

NGO MONITOR: How Germany Funds The Adversaries Of The Jewish State

The German federal government provides millions of euros to political advocacy NGOs in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza through a variety of frameworks,...

Austria’s Kurz and Germany’s Merkel On Collision Course About How to Oppose Jihad Terror

The German-language Austrian publication Kronen Zeitung reported Tuesday that Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz flew to Paris in order to “coordinate ‘on a European level’ with French...

Israel: CNN’s Amanpour must apologize for comparing Trump to Nazis

Israel’s Diaspora Affairs Minister Omer Yankelevich has called on CNN anchorwoman and veteran journalist Christiane Amanpour to apologize for remarks she made last week...

Givat Hamatos: A Strategic Jerusalem Neighborhood

Institute for Contemporary Affairs Founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation Vol. 18, No. 1 A plan to build a Jewish residential neighborhood in Givat Hamatos...

Friday November 20, 2020: Free Pollard Day

Distribute Widely: Write to President Trump to allow Jonathan Pollard the freedom travel to Israel when his parole finishes on November 20, 2020. Snail mail...