​Center for Near East Policy Research

7838 POSTS

Gedanken zum Holocaust-Gedenktag

Ich bin in einem Flüchtlingslager in Deutschland von polischen Eltern geboren. Ich bin als Flüchtling nach Amerika gekommen. Ich bete dafür, dass der Holocaust und...

Update: Class Action Suit Filed on Behalf of the Survivors of the Holocaust of...

Because today is Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day ), I want to update everyone about the class action my colleagues and I have been...

The Israel Knesset Parliament will finally  convene again after a 15 month hiatus

The Israel Knesset Parliament will finally  convene again after a 15 month hiatus. That means that The Knesset Lobby for UNRWA reform can now convene, ...

Thoughts on Holocaust Remembrance Day

I was born in a displaced persons camp in Germany of Polish parents. I came to America as a refugee. I pray that the...

“When They Come for Us, We’ll Be Gone” 10 Years Later

On Passover, we are reminded of the more recent "Let My People Go" in Jewish history -- that of the rallying cry of the...

Josef Mendelevich. How I became a member of illegal Jewish movement in the USSR

Josef Mendelevich. How I became a member of illegal Jewish movement in the USSR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbaPGJGG1OY  

UNRWA’s gefälschte Studenten, Lehrpläne und Defizite

29.08.2019 Der erste Schultag war eine wunderbare Gelegenheit für das 70 Jahre alte, temporäre Hilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen, um Bilder von Kindern zu zeigen und...

Why there is no credible alternative to IHRA definition of antisemitism

Proponents of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel typically react with indignation when their views are denounced as antisemitic. They tell us it’s...

PA and Hamas try to ‘coronawash’ their own corruption

We are in the midst of a global health crisis unlike any we have faced in our lifetime. A pandemic has filled the future...

After the Corona Plague, We’ll Also March and Sing – by Lenny Ben-David

Several years ago, after research, field trips, & my wife’s assistance, we discovered the picture was taken in Jerusalem on Lag B’Omer, April 30, 1918....