​Center for Near East Policy Research

7760 POSTS

P.A. Said to Issue Fictitious Security Claims

Israel has determined that the Palestinian Authority has falsely claimed to have foiled Palestinian insurgency attacks against Israel. Israeli security sources said PA claims of...

In the era of Abu Mazen, Universities Under the Jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority...

In the era of Abu Mazen, universities in the Palestinian Authority administered territories continue to serve as centers of incitement: preaching for terrorism in...

Palestinian Leader Abbas Signals Mild Disapproval of Rocket Attack on Israel, But Does Not...

The official Palestinian Auhtority media reported today (Wednesday) Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas was not pleased with the rocket attack Tuesday night on the Israeli...

The PLO Rejects Any Notion of a West Bank/Gaza State

The Rand Corporation has ignored one basic fact of life: The PLO is at war with the state and people of Israel. The purpose of...

Why Sharon’s Plan will NOT Come to Fruition

"What are you doing regarding planning for the day after?" That infuriating question regarding Sharon's Disengagement/Expulsion Plan is constantly being asked and repeated. There are...

Self-Censorship in the Israeli Media To Protect PM Sharon From Too Much Criticism

"The one who set up this whole enterprise was Sharon, and if, toward the end of his life, he is inspired to remove the...

The United States Wants Cheap Oil and Democracy

Since World War II, the United States' abiding relationship with Saudi Arabia has been based on mutual interest. The United States wanted a reliable...

Acting Out of Faith

Unrealistic. How can I best describe the Jewish residents of Gaza? As unrealistic. Believers. How do the Jewish residents of Gaza describe themselves? As believers. The Jewish community...

Abandoning synagogues in Gaza, No Legal Responsibility for Jews’ Belongings

IDF Radio reported today that senior security sources advised IDF Radio that in contrast to previous statements by Israeli Government officials that all synagogues...

During Eviction, Israel Police Would Be Allowed to Employ “Reasonable Force” Against Children

The police would be able to employ "reasonable force" and detain children under age 12 who are actively involved in disturbances in resistance activities...