​Center for Near East Policy Research

7839 POSTS

The US Takes a Stand Against UNRWA

Cherith Norman Chalet Acting U.S. Deputy Rtiepresentative to the United Nations U.S. Mission to the United Nations New York, New York November 15, 2019 AS DELIVERED The United States continues...

“Palestine Chronicle” tries to refute Bedein that PLO does not recognize Israel

David Bedein *** There is only One Legitimate Alternative to UNRWA; the Palestinian Right of Return Since allegations about the misconduct and corruption of some staff...

Weekly Commentary: Hamas Is Patient – Not Deterred

Hamas wants to pick the time and place for conflict with Israel. This is a matter of patience rather deterrence. Under quiet for quiet (Q4Q) Hamas...

L’UNRWA en grande difficulté

Le mandat de l'UNRWA, l'agence des Nations Unies opérant dans 59 camps de réfugiés en Jordanie, en Syrie, au Liban, en Cisjordanie, à Jérusalem...

Youtube censure la chaîne qui dénonce les méfaits de l’UNRWA

Note: les liens renvoient à des pages en anglais Début octobre, le géant des médias sociaux YouTube a fermé la chaîne liée au Center for...

UNRWA is in trouble

The mandate of UNRWA, the UN agency operating in 59 refugee camps in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza, is set...

YouTube Shuts Down Channel Belonging to Center for Near East Policy Research

In early October, video hosting, social media giant YouTube shut down the YouTube channel associated with the Center for Near East Policy Research, a non-governmental organization...

With Renewal of UNRWA mandate: How to truly help 5 million Arab refugees?

The Center for Near East Policy Research invites you to a public presentation: With Renewal of UNRWA mandate: How to truly help 5 million Arab...

While demanding humanitarian aid from across the globe, the Palestinian Authority spent $2.1 billion...

Billions of dollars in foreign aid have been unaccounted for – money that was supposed to go to Palestinian citizens under the oppressive and...