​Center for Near East Policy Research

7839 POSTS

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (October 7 – 23, 2019)

The return marches in the Gaza Strip held on October 11 and 18, 2019, were characterized by varying levels of violence (relatively high on...

YouTube shuts down Israeli NGO’s channel for showing UNRWA violence videos

YouTube has shut down the channel of the Center for Near East Policy (otherwise known as the Israel Resource Review) for what it claims...

Israeli-Swedish NASA astronaut participates in first all-female space walk

Two NASA astronauts, including an Israeli national, embarked Friday on the first all-female space walk. Jessica Meir, a Jewish woman who is a citizen of...

Mandate for Palestine – Our Legal Instrument under International Law

The Mandate for Palestine, a historical League of Nations document, laid down the Jewish legal right to settle anywhere in western Palestine, a 10,000-...

UNRWA måste utvecklas eller avvecklas, säger högt uppsatt FN-tjänsteman i slutet av generalförsamlingen

Organets misslyckande med att lösa det palestinska flyktingproblemet ”är faktiskt dess donatorers misslyckande”, säger före detta chefsjuristen James Lindsay, och bottnar i organets definition...

Israel mainstream TV channel telecast the results of a 25 year investigation which documented...

On October 19, 2019, Israel mainstream TV channel 13 telecast the results of a 25 year investigation which documented how a team of Israel...

US Supreme Court rebuffs student’s Islamic ‘indoctrination’ appeal

A few years back Caleigh Wood, above, a student at La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland, enrolled in a state-mandated World History...

Antisemitism’s perfect storm

It’s the world’s oldest bigotry and it’s on the rise again. Antisemitism is associated with the darkest chapters of human history when humanity abandons...

A Psychiatrist Talks About PA Children’s Indoctrination

“In both the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas-ruled territory of Gaza there are carefully planned, widespread campaigns of incitement of children. Due to this...

German MP Bystron: When will Germany Recognize Jerusalem?

Berlin, Oct. 16, 2019 - At Question Time in the German Bundestag today, AfD Foreign Policy Spokesman Petr Bystron asked Angela Merkel’s Chief of Staff...