​Center for Near East Policy Research

7839 POSTS

Thanks to censorship of You Tube, our UNRWA films have now been moved to...

Thanks to censorship of You Tube, our UNRWA films have now been moved to VIMEO. https://vimeo.com/showcase/6364097

The Hidden Face of Nationalism in Islamic Lands

The Jews in Islamic Lands  The following story has yet to be written. Over the course of several decades in the aftermath of the Holocaust,...

UNRWA Under Scrutiny – OpEd

At around the time the State of Israel came into being, something over half the non-Jewish population of what used to be called “Palestine”,...

The truth about UNRWA corruption is exposed at the United Nations

Truth at the UN Sharing the truth at the UN? Well, that does not always happen. Especially when it comes to Israel. The United Nations...

Australia at the table as UN discusses Palestinian funding

Australia was represented at a United Nations committee meeting that called for more funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (September 25 – October 6, 2019)

The two most recent return marches (September 27 and October 4, 2019) were characterized by a high level of violence. IEDs and hand grenades...

UNRWA must evolve or dissolve, says senior agency official at end of General Assembly

“Direct pressure” by donors is the most likely way to induce the United Nations Relief and Works Agency to change, former UNRWA general counsel...

Antisemitism on the rise and Jews are divided

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks: “Moses’ final message to the Israelites was: ‘It is not enough that you have received the Torah from me. You...

A New Arab Refugee Module forms in Stockholm

UNRWA REFORM: SWEDEN (pending) has registered as a non-profit organization  with the Swedish government, with a Swedish language website: https://israelbehindthenews.com/category/swedish After the registration process is completed, UNRWA REFORM:...

Still not a partner for peace

In his annual speech to the UN General Assembly, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas warned that Israel's annexation of the Jordan Valley would be met by...