Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio, November 2, A.M.

In its prime-time news round-up at 7 a.m., the Voice of Palestine ignored the meeting between Yasser Arafat and Shimon Peres last night.

Instead, VOP continued to emphasize military confrontation with Israel inits headlines and interview subjects. VOP continued to extol martyrdom and steadfastness in fighting “Israeli crimes.”

VOP chose to emphasize the fact that Israel had held up PA negotiator Saeb Erikat’s departure from Jericho to the United States where he is slated to push for an international “protection force.”

Erikat,who was the featured morning interview guest declared that he would be pressing for an international tribunal to judge Israeli war criminals.

In a second interview, the PA’s Gaza security chief, Muhammad Dahalan, asserted repeatedly that the last few days proved that “Israel failed” to impose its version of the recent Camp David understandings on the Palestinians.

Through the first three hours of programming today, there was no call for Palestinian restraint or for parents to watch their children.

Headlines and Details

During the 8am news summary, the Arafat-Peres meeting was mentioned in one terse sentence in a low item in the morning line-up (see below for details) explaining briefly that the meeting was held to stop Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people.

In the 9am bulletins in Hebrew, English and French, the Arafat-Peres meeting was the second item in the news line-up and was discussed more prominently, but again in the context of a cessation of Israeli aggression against Palestinians.

9 a.m. Headlines

  • “The masses of our people will give final honors to the six martyrs who fell before the bullets of the occupation forces(tne list of the martyrs);
  • In the confrontations yesterday about 170 citizens were wounded, eight of whom are considered in dangerous condition;
  • Israeli artillery shelling and fire continued through the late hours of the night, including populated areas in Al-Bireh, Beit Jallah, Beit Sahur, Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem, al-Khader, the neighborhoods of AbuSneina and Tel Rumeida in Hebron, the Western approaches to Tulkarm.
  • President Yasser Arafat met last night with the Israeli Cooperation and Regional Development Minister Shimon Peres,and the meeting concentrated on stopping Israeli aggression against the sons of our people;
  • Fatah movement secretary Marwan Baghrouti clarified that the National and Islamic forces would NOT call today for a FULL strike in the West Bank and that the strike announced yesterday would encompass only Gaza;
  • Israeli tanks have withdrawn in the approaches of Gaza.
  • Settlers from Talmon which was built on Arab land near Ramallah and al-Bireh prevented citizens from picking olives.
  • Israeli authorities continuing closure of Gaza airport until tonight;
  • The 83rd anniversary of the dastardly Balfour Declaration under which Britain consented to the Zionist movement building a national home in Palestine for the Jews. And this accursed anniversary connects with the battle campaign of popular intifada by our people in defense of their land, their rights and their holy places and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with holy Jerusalem as its capital.”

Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio, November 2 – P.M.

The Palestinian Authority today broadcast its leadership’s tentative, halting and conditional acceptance of a ceasefire “understanding” with Israel under the terms of the Sharm al-Sheikh summit.

The communique, which called for Palestinians to use “peaceful means” to achieve national aims, was broadcast one hour after a car bomb exploded in a crowded Jerusalem market. But there was no mention of the bomb blast on VOP radio (for several hours), nor any clear condemnation of this attack or any earlier violence (except by Israeli forces) at any time during broadcasting today.

“The Palestinian National Authority and the government of Israel reached an understanding for the two sides to implement the understandings of Sharm al-Sheikh as set forth in the statement of President Clinton and the speech of President Mubarrak,” the statement began.

It was clear that the communique was both more and less than what many Israeli officials wanted. The PA statement did not speak directly about the need for Palestinian restraint, but it made many demands on Israel, thus leaving potential “escape clauses” for itself if Israel fails to meet all Palestinian conditions.

The communique stressed the Palestinian view that Palestinian compliance was contingent on a withdrawal of Israeli forces from all Palestinian areas-especially Israeli tanks from approaches to Palestinian towns, and it also demanded Israel “restrain settler gangs who have continuously committed crimes against our people.”

The PA cabinet communique, which was read at 4pm on Voice of Palestine Radio, actually came more than two hours later than originally expected, and it followed PA President Yasser Arafat’s decision to pull back from his original agreement to read the communique himself on both Palestinian television and radio. (According to Israeli officials, Arafat first pulled back from the idea of a tv statement, and he subsequently refused to make any live statement on radio as well.)

Indeed, when the communique was released at 4pm, it followed several hours of halting hints to the communique’s content-as released by three close advisors of Arafat: spokesman NabilAbu-Irdeineh, Information Minister Yasser Abd-Rabbo and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Nabil ‘Amr.

Palestinian execution of the agreement, ‘Amr asserted, “is subject to a complete cessation of the aggression against our people.”

The PA’s communique also included a demand for a restoration of the borders of June 4, 1967, “safeguarding” the Palestinian right of return and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, but its main subject comprised four key paragraphs:

“The Palestinian National Authority and the government of Israel reached an understanding for the two sides to implement the understandings of Sharm al-Sheikh as set forth in the statement of President Clinton and the speech of President Mubarrak…”

“The Palestinian leadership always conscious of its desire to abide by mutual obligations will closely observe what the Israeli side carries out, regarding its commitments to withdraw its occupation and its military units from populated areas occupied after September 28, as well as ceasing hostilities against the innocent sons of our people along with the removal of closures…”

“The Palestinian leadership sees the Israeli government’s ability to restrain settler gangs who have committed crimes against our people as a fundamental element in the cessation of violence and terrorism to which our people have been continuously exposed…”

“The Palestinian leadership which always stands by the popular and peaceful nature of the Intifada calls on the masses and the national forces to adhere to its stance, to continue mass demonstrations and expressions while clinging to peaceful means in all proceedings…”

After the 4pm news, VOP reverted to what has been its standard fare in the last few weeks: news programs opening with detailsf martyrs’ deaths and burials sandwiched between patriotic and Islamic songs with martial melodies. The 5pm news was introduced by a song in which a father sings about his son’s death as a martyr. The song, which has been very popular at VOP and on Palestinian state television, is about Muhammad Dura, the young boy shot while caught in the middle of a firefight between Israeli and Palestinian forces in Gaza.

Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio October 31

There has been a fundamental change in the broadcast content and tone of VOP in the last 24 hours. President Yasser Arafat and VOP have communicated their complete support for the Fatah and Tanzeem units-and their actions, too. The shift in attitude and tone actually preceded by several hours Israeli missile strikes against Fatah and Tanzeem targets, (see quotes below).

Similarly, Arafat and VOP have removed the remaining bits of ambiguity regarding their support for violent actions. Arafat’s top advisors have begun speaking openly about “the Zionist enemy,” “the Jews,”the Israeli military government” and “the criminal Ehud Barak” in their references to Israeli leaders and forces.

One of the leaders of Fatah-Tanzeem, Marwan Baghrouti was featured on afternoon and evening interview shows several hours before the Israeli attacks on Fatah positions, (see below).

Detail, Commentary and Headlines

7 a.m. / 8 a.m./ 9 a.m.

General Introductory Commentary
“A campaign of raids and military attacks by Israeli forces against the Fatah offices in al-Bireh, a security installation in Nablus, Khan Yunis and Rafah. The leadership places complete responsibility for the attacks on Israel and says our people are steadfast and ready to continue through the crisisinthe struggle for freedom and independence. The Leadership asserts that this dastardly attack followed Barak’s political speech in the Knesset and reflects his aggression.”


  • “Israeli attacks on Fatah offices and dwellings in al-Bireh and Nablus”
  • “About 100 wounded in Israeli aggression against our people”


  • “President Yasser Arafat says that the Israeli bombardment will not cause even a tremble of the eyelash of a Palestinian child”
  • “Occupation forces close down Gaza International Airport”

4 p.m.

  • “Confrontations renewed in Gaza, Hebron and Ramallah while eight martyrs are buried”
  • “Israeli guard struck in Jerusalem, and settler found dead near colony of Gilo”
  • “President Arafat in Egypt says our people will continue battling Israeli aggression”

News details

Report of attack on Israeli border patrol in Gaza.

Report also included an on-air interview of Arafat in report by ‘Adil Za’nun, in which Arafat responded to alleged threats by Israeli Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz against Fatah and Tanzeem units. Arafat said: “The Fatah movement is part of the Palestinian people, and it has been burned by the tanks along with the Palestinian people”. Arafat further said that no force would be able to negate the Palestinian people’s defense of its land and its holy sites-sites holy to Islam and to Christianity. Similarly, VOP aired a lengthy interview with Marwan Baghrouti, head of the Tanzeem (see below) in which he issued a counter-threat to Mofaz

Interview with Yasser Abd-Rabbo, PA Minister of Culture

“We believe that the (upcoming) Islamic summit will reiterate and concentrate on supporting the Palestinian position in Jerusalem and its holy places in Jerusalem, and the sovereignty of the Palestinians in Jerusalem in its entirety, being that it contains holy places toIslamand Christianity.”
(Oct. 31, 4:15 pm)

“We don’t expect everything in one day.But we are confident that the Arab nation will not forget its word and will be steadfast with the Palestinian struggle. We are counting on this (keeping of) word in the future struggle for our independence.”

Reporting Elements

Field reports are stressing the alleged Israeli use of internationally-banned weapons such as dum-dum bullets, which according to the reports, have been deliberately aimed at civilian targets inside Palestinian towns.

Quote of the Day

“This government of Barak’s-this military government-is trying to force a military solution on the Palestinian people. To use the force of arms to make the Palestinian people accept Israeli demands which are: not withdrawing from Palestinian lands, not removing settlements, and Judaizing Jerusalem.Barak who cried about peace in the Knesset two days ago has dipped his hands into the spilled blood of the Palestinian people.”
(PA Cabinet Secretary Ahmad Abdul-Rahman, prime time morning interview, Oct. 31)

Attitude to Reconciliation or Negotiation with Israel (Baghruti)

“I think that the statement of Israeli chief of Staff Mofaz shows that the Israelis have made a political decision, with all its danger, to continue evil, terroristic Israeli aggression against our people with an increased use of tanks, use of artillery and opening fire against our people combined with sophisticated use of blockades.I think the decision to threaten to strike Fatah and Tanzeem and their elements is a political decision to strike at the Intifada. If Mofaz tries to carry out his threat we will make sure he pays a price he cannot afford.”
(Marwan Baghrouti, 4:45 p.m., Oct. 31)

Other Quotes of the Day

“This thing (Israeli military action) will not cause a trembling of even an eyelash on any Palestinian child.”
(Yasser Arafat in interview with VOP morning Oct. 31, repeated throughout day)

“The national and Islamic forces feel that this crime (casualties in Jenin)come from the criminal Israeli government and the occupation army that shelled Jenin all night.”
(report of Nasser Abu-Bakr 4:30pm, Oct. 31)

“Any Israeli escalation will be matched by our blessed Intifada. The Israelis who have failed with their closures are moving to a new level of aggression against our cities.”
(Ahmad Abdul-Rahman, PA Cabinet secretary in morning interview)

Offcial PA Radio: PBC Voice of Palestine News Oct 30

Late-Breaking News

VOP covered the murder of the man in Gilo in its afternoon programs in a quick sentence saying that Israeli sources reported “the killing of a settler in the colony (musta’mara) of Gilo” (4 p.m.). VOP did not report the satchel charge attack on an Israeli convoy this morning, but it was quick to report on border clash involving an Israeli border patrol.

There was a terse report on the attack on the two Israeli guards at the National Insurance offices in eastern Jerusalem. There was no comment or characterization of the attack — only that they were shot at close range (4pm).

During the 6pm (Monday) news, Marwan Baghrouti, leader of the Fatah-Tanzeem, was interviewed at length. Baghrouti, responding to comment by Israeli chief of staff Shaul Mofaz (that Israel would begin taking military initiatives), threatened to strike out at Israel and to inflict Casualties “beyond any price that Mofaz will be willing to pay.”

Quotes of the Day

“There will be no peace without Jerusalem. Jerusalem is Arab, Muslim and Christian. Jerusalem is the gateway to peace. So says President Arafat….The Islamic peoples reject the Judaization of Jerusalem. (Morning Commentary read by VOP’s senior commentator Youssef al-Kazaz [with background music of a Beethoven symphony], at 9:10am, following morning news)

“The national and Islamic committees consider this crime (i.e. the killing of Palestinians in Jenin) to be the execution of policy under the Israeli war cabinet led by the criminal Ehud Barak (from report of Nasser Abu-Bakr, Jenin, 7:25 am)

7 a.m. Headlines

  • “The intifada enters its second month”
  • “Seven new martyrs and several new wounded”
  • “Israeli Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz advocates an increase in the flow of blood from our people…taking initiative against Palestinian towns and villages”
  • “Occupation forces step up confrontations using tank reinforcements in many locations especially Gaza”
  • “President Yasser Arafat heads to Sharm al-Sheikh today to meet with Egyptian president Husni Mubarak”
  • “Presidential secretary Taib Abdel-Rahim asserts that the Israeli government has been planning its aggression for seven months”


VOP once again escalated the anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish tone of its broadcasts in the last 24 hours. References to “the zionist enemy” and “the Jews” are becoming increasingly familiar-and not just from mid-level announcers, but by senior commentators, anchormen and leading officials of the Palestinian Authority itself.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak was today labeled “the criminal” (al-mujrim) Ehud Barak during the prime time morning news. This is a very severe escalation on the part of VOP which has usually taken pains during its five-year tenure not to insult personally the current Israeli prime minister (not even Netanyahu).

On the other hand, VOP has for weeks been referring to Ariel Sharon as “the extremist Ariel Sharon” (al-mutatarif), but this kind of reference to rightist Israeli politicians is not new: it happens frequently during times of tension.


VOP continues to use the listing of deaths, funeral parades, heroic wounded as the main frame for its news broadcasts. Underlying this. However, there seems to be a growing concern about an Israeli military escalation as well as the forming of an Israeli government including elements of the Israeli Right. IDF Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz was attacked in this morning’s news shows. VOP continues to want to show Palestinian listeners that the PA isnot alone: it is highlighting aid efforts by Iraq (treatment of wounded) and-slightly less — by Kuwait (which has set up a fund). The PA’s ambassador to the UN-Nasser al Qudwa-spoke at length about the international efforts to set up a “protection force” and an international tribunal to try “Israeli war crimes.”

VOP also continues the strong Islamic/patriotic coloration in its broadcasting — featuring martial music with Islamic and strongly patriotic lyrics — especially right before and right after news broadcasts. Today (Monday), the morning news cycle also featured an appeal to continue the Intifada by Sheikh Ikrema al-Sabry, the Jerusalem Mufti.

Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio, October 27


VOP switched its focus today from alleged atrocities against children (yesterday’s charges and countercharges regarding bicycle bomber and attack on school bus, among others) and back to more generic descriptions of dead martyrs and their funerals and lists of wounded, interspersed with feverish reporting from local battle scenes. Late Thursday night (Oct 26) VOP also began refutations of published reports that foreign governments were aiding Christian Arabs seeking to flee scenes of fighting. This line of reporting carried over into Oct. 27 programming, apparently a sign that the Palestinian Authority is increasingly concerned that reports of injured or fleeing Christians will hurt the PA in the eyes of the Christian world.

Similarly, there is evidence the PA is concerned that official American opinion is turning against the Palestinians, as shown by the Congressional vote which the VOP (Oct 26night reports) characterized “as one-sided decisions casting blame on the Palestinians.” Today and yesterday there was more muted criticism of the Clinton Administration itself for tilting in Israel’s favor.

Headlines (excerpts)–October 27 (7 a.m./8 a.m.)

7 a.m.

  • Bay Othman Mahfouz, four years old, will be buried today;
  • Israeli occupation forces shell houses in Tulkarm;
  • Churches deny charges made in Jerusalem Post that Christians being forced out by Muslims (charges published three days ago) and say Christians and Muslims are united in struggle;
  • Israeli settlers attack olive pickers in Nablus;
  • President Arafat holds late-night meeting in office and calls on national figures to examine their actions;
  • Iraq affirms it will push for Islamic Conference to discuss Palestinian question.

8 a.m.

  • Burial of baby Othman al-Mahfouz injured two weeks ago
  • Abdel-Qadir killed in Halhoul
  • Heavy Israeli shelling in Halhoul and Tulkarm, 115 injured
  • Condemnation of Congress’s recent decision
  • Israeli occupation police spread out inoccupied Jerusalemto prevent entry of worshippers


VOP is regularly using the terms “the enemy” and “the zionist enemy” in references to Israel. Even the term “Israel” itself is becoming rarer, replaced often by the term “the occupiers” (“al-muhtaleen”)

Song of the Day

(lead-in to 8 am morning news round-up)
Watani Ya Haifa wa-Yaffa
(My homeland, O Haifa and Jaffa)
Min Jib ila Jib
(From side to side, [coast to coast])
Watani min Tulkarm ila Jalil
(My homeland from Tulkarm to the Galilee)

Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio, October 26


Despite the fall-off in military activity yesterday, the Voice of Palestine has markedly stepped up the strident anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish tone of its news and feature programming in the last 36 hours.

VOP, which switched its radio frequency again last night, is now focusing attention on the way Israeli occupation forces intentionally kill and maim “youthful demonstrators.” VOP accused Israel of deliberately bombing a school bus in Gaza. At the same time VOP first ignored (9AM and 10 AM) and later denied (11 AM and subsequently) that a Palestinian youth carrying a suicide bomb (apparently a teenager) had pedaled his bicycle up to an Israeli military base and blown himself up. But at the same time, for one hour immediately after the suicide bombing in Gaza (10am -11am, Oct. 26), VOP broadcast an hour-long show featuring powerful praise to suicide bombers and other martyrs.This program also included a long elegy from a father to his young son, a suicide bomber. At 4PM, VOP charged, citing Gen. Abdel-Razek al-Mujaida, that Israel had attacked Palestinian children in Gaza and tried to fabricate the evidence in order to sully the reputation of the Palestinian Authority with ridiculous charges that it was sending children as suicide bombers.

Children’s Programming

VOP broadcast a special feature (“Al-Irshad Wa-al-Isthishara”-tr.: “Guidance and Advice” ) with a child psychologist dealing with how Palestinians should deal with their children’s stress. The bottom line, as seen from the quotations below of the psychologist, was that families must listen to their children, while the bottom line of the Palestinian Authority-appointed VOP radio host…

Psychologist (Nili Abu-Zeina ): “We say to the families and to the teachers and guides: It’s imperative that we spend time with our children and talk with them about every situation and do it with candor. They have to realize why things happen and where we’re going. We have to be candid with them about the situation.” (from psychologist’s instructions to parents, 1:45pm, Oct. 26)

Show Host: “Well, dear listeners, despite all that, and despite all the negative points facing our children, our women and our men, we will not forget the blood of our martyrs. We will continue with our intifada until we free Palestine. And we will tell our children that that is the solution for our people ever since the occupation of our land in 1948”.

Headlines (4pm)

  • The PA denies it is sending children as suicide bombers
  • The martyr’s death of the child Illah Mahfouz in a Saudi hospital after being shot two weeks ago;
  • Artillery attacks by the Israelis on houses in Rafah with other attacks together with settlers in Ramallah, Nablus, Jenin, Tulkarm, Al-Bireh, Gaza and Hebron;
  • President Arafat send letter to president of Austria demanding international protection as well as international inquiry to reveal Israeli crimes;
  • The parliament condemns Washington’s decision to offer military aid to Israel;
  • A Palestinian plane will go to Saddam International Airport (in Iraq) this Sunday

Quote of the Day

“The Intifada will continue, the tide of our martyrs united in our land, believing that the bridge to our return will not be built except over the pulse of our blood, a picture of life without death, registered in our children who are servants of their fathers, their houses exposed to the tanks of the Zionist enemy (tr: al’udu al-sihyooni, i.e. Israel).”


The frequent use of terms such as “occupation of 1948”, “Zionist enemy” and frequent use of the term “the Jews” (instead of the Israelis) is a quantum leap in severity of the anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish rhetoric of the Voice of Palestine — unequaled during a time frame since the Palestinian Authority began operating the VOP in 1995.

It goes without saying that there is no message of possible reconciliation with Israel. Nor is there any PA-authorized repudiation of violence against Israelis, be they civilian or military, be they in Israel, Zone A, Zone B or Zone C of the Territories.

Official PA radio news – the PBC radio Oct 25

Quote of the Day

“Three new martyrs today, among them Nimr Youssef Maghneim of Jenin and Nidala Breiksa, stars of the Al-Aqsa Intifada, who were both struck and killed by fire from Israeli occupation forces yesterday.

Attitude to Violence

“We now have confronted with war the Israeli government-a government that thinks it is the strongest government ever to face our people. This is a war that we embrace because Barak froze and withdrew from the (peace) process. We have no choice but to face this barbaric aggression with steadfastness.”

Dr. Zakariah Agha, member PLO Executive Committee, in main morning interview, yesterday Oct. 4, 7:14 AM.

Attitude to Reconciliation or Negotiation With Israel

“Secretary of the PLO Executive Mahmoud Abbas-Abu Mazen-completely denied reports that he had had contacts with Israeli Justice Minister Yossi Beilin.” ((Quote is taken from 2PM headlines-October 25–of “Ahdaf al-Yom” (Events of the Day), main afternoon news show on VOP. Commentators made clear that any resumption of talks with Israel was out of question.))

Attitude to Israeli Emergency Government

“The establishment of an emergency government is the final killing of the peace process and the continuation of aggression.” (AGHA, Oct 24, 7:16 AM)

Morning Headlines, Oct 25 (7 a.m.):

  • Three new martyrs of the Al-Aqsa Intifada;
  • Cabinet Secretary Ahmad Abdul-Rahman says Barak has chosen war and only choice for our people is to defend itself;
  • US source: Clinton wants to invite President Arafat and Barak to summit;
  • Arab diplomatic movement to reinforce decisions of Arab summit;
  • Islamic Movement to convene in Teheran in coming days to discus situation;
  • Palestinian representative to UN pushes implementation of resolutions of international legitimacy.


The Voice of Palestine continues its intensive coverage of battlefield events, employing an almost score-card-like approach to dead and casualties (see above quotation referring to dead Palestinians as “star” performers in Intifada-related events). The Palestinian dead are called martyrs and given the Olympian status of Gold medal winners.

This morning VOP provided an in-depth feature (7:55 am) on the kinds of weaponry used by Israel–an almost surrealistic color commentary that seem so football-game-like except that the points on the scoreboard are human lives and maimed and destroyed bodies. Through all this there is rarely a mention of Israeli casualties, especially not those of civilians.


VOP is now regularly using the term”al-Yahoud” (the Jews) instead of “al-Israillyyin” (the Israelis) or “al-janib al-Israili” (the Israeli side) in its studio reports, not to mention the field reports from correspondents. This is an important change in nuance which signals the depths of hostility.

Late News

VOP contends that Israeli tanks and artillery fired continuously today and last night at targets in Tulkarm and Salfit, as well as Ramallah. Further it contends that armed Jewish settlers attacked olive pickers in several locations.

“Clarification” for Mubarrak

Taib Abdul-Rahim, Arafat’s presidential secretary, issued a statement thanking Egyptian President Husni Mubarrak for his efforts at the recent summit and on behalf of the Palestinians. The statement was a clear effort to placate Mubarrak who was visibly annoyed at Arafat’s behavior at the summit as well as insults hurled at him by Palestinian street activists.

Official PA radio news – the PBC Voice of Palestine – Oct 24


“President Arafat opened the meeting (of the Palestinian leadership) by sending his congratulations to the Palestinian masses for their steadfastness in standing up tocontinuing Israeli aggression for three weeks.”-


The Voice of Palestine stepped up its “blood and guts” approach to the current conflict, underscoring that Israeli occupation forces were engaged in “a dangerous escalation.” The “Palestinian leadership” called for an international “protection force” to be brought into the area to prevent “further Israeli aggression.”

In addition to the now familiar program opening with lists of dead martyrs, wounded heroes and funeral times that have dominated the last two days of broadcasting, VOP has stressed in-depth hospital reports from doctors and even the Minister of Health (Dr. Iyad Zaanoun whose report alone lasted more than 8 minutes).

Field reports from Ramallah (Rashid Hilal), Jenin (Nasser Abu-Bakr), Bethlehem (Said Ayyad) and especially Hebron (Salim Abu-Salih) have become intense sometimes to the point of breathless hysteria, including reports of Israeli warplanes (not just helicopters) shooting missiles. The rapid-fire field dispatches highlight Palestinian allegations of Israeli use of dum-dum bullets, tank shells, airborne missiles and other sorts of heavy machine-gun fire far beyond anything Israel has acknowledged. For example,VOP says that Israel used tank and artillery fire against Bethlehem itself. These reports, punctuated with descriptions of “evil,” “wicked,” “criminal,” and “tyrannical” Israeli actions, never mention whether the Palestinian side initiated the confrontation. Israeli settlers are said to have “criminally attacked” Palestinian olive pickers in several areas.

In Beit Jallah, the fighting of Oct 23 (evening) was depicted as an unprovoked Israeli machine gun (500-mm) on “citizens’ houses” as well as on an ambulance of the Palestinian Red Crescent. At the same time, reporters stressed that occupied forces had stiffened their closure of Palestinian cities.

The broadcasts of Oct 24 also had another special quality because today according to the Islamic calendar is the anniversary date of the Prophet Muhammad’s mythical night journey. According to some Islamic traditions, Muhammad travelled from Mecca to Jerusalem where he ascended to the heavens. Because of the occasion, VOP announced one day in advance that students would be given time off from school.

Islamic Mufti Sheikh Ikrema al-Sabry was a featured morning interview guest,stressing the need to defend Jerusalem’s holy Islamic sites. Throughout the day, broadcasts were sprinkled with prayer services and songs with strong Islamic and patriotic overtones.

As in previous days, there was no general call for tranquility or even such a request in a particular locality. There was no mention of the satchel bomb attack in Gaza on a convoy of settlers.

On the diplomatic front VOP highlighted Morocco’s recall of diplomats from Israel-asit had earlier registered favorably Tunisia’s similar action a day earlier.

On the political front VOP continued to condemn Ehud Barak for his “attempts to form an emergency government with extreme Right lead by the extremist Ariel Sharon.”

A Parallel Mideast Battle: Is It News or Incitement?

RAMALLAH, West Bank, Oct. 21 – When Israel unleashed a retaliatory rocket barrage nearly two weeks ago against the police station here, where two of its soldiers were killed by an angry mob, the helicopters took out a second target as well: the transmitters of the Voice of Palestine, the Palestinian Authority’s official radio network, which Israel contends has deliberately incited mass violence and ethnic hatred.

“This was the voice of the intifada, and people could express their feelings without censorship,” said Ibrahim Milhem, the host of “Good Morning Palestine,” a popular call-in talk show. “The only way Israel could stop it was to bomb it.”

But the Voice of Palestine was back on the air by nightfall, its signal switched to transmitters loaned by private stations.

Now, with simultaneous broadcasting on several FM frequencies giving it a bigger audience than ever, the network’s news bulletins, commentaries and martial music have become the ubiquitous soundtrack to life in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

As with the two television stations owned by the Palestinian Authority, programs are regularly interrupted by live coverage of clashes with Israeli troops and eulogies for each Palestinian killed in the violence that has claimed more than 100 lives in three weeks.

Israeli military commanders said this sort of coverage has directly provoked attacks against its forces, including the killing of the two soldiers here on Oct. 12.

“They call us murderers, and they show pictures of Israeli soldiers shooting Palestinian children, day and night,” said Tsionit Kuperwasser, an Israeli colonel who monitors Palestinian news coverage.

Israel tried leveling another weapon against Palestinian broadcasters: the truce agreement brokered by President Clinton in Egypt.

The pact expressly called for a halt to incitement, a provision read by Israelis as a requirement that official Palestinian news outlets cease their depictions of all Palestinian killed as heroes and all Israeli soldiers and settlers as villains.

But while senior Palestinian officials urged local news media to stress their commitment to the cease-fire, radio and television news directors said they were not asked and have not volunteered to change the basic tenor of their broadcasts.

“Every word the Israelis hear on the Voice of Palestine they think is incitement,” Mr. Milhem said. “But what they are hearing is Palestinians demanding our rights.”

A 43-year-old former newspaper editor, Mr. Milhem is also the West Bank news anchor and editorial director for Palestine Satellite Television, one of the Palestinian Authority’s two channels.

Because the incidents represent instances of the authority’s “losing control,” he said, his network has never televised the two images that now define the Israeli view of the conflict: that of the Palestinian mob torching and destroying a site known as Joseph’s tomb, which is venerated by Orthodox Jews, and the killings of the two Israeli soldiers here.

But Palestinian television has repeatedly shown the furious Israeli responses – including the seven missiles fired at the radio station.

Israeli officials said the air strike against Voice of Palestine was justified, citing NATO attacks on state television studios in Yugoslavia, where official media were accused of promoting violence in Kosovo.

Israelis cite as one egregious example a televised sermon that defended the killing of the two soldiers. “Whether Likud or Labor, Jews are Jews,” proclaimed Sheik Ahmad Abu Halabaya in a live broadcast from a Gaza City mosque the day after the killings.

Of greater concern to Israelis, said military officials and media monitors dispatched by the government to brief journalists and diplomats, is the Palestinians’ unapologetically nationalistic coverage. Radio talk shows praise Palestinian “resistance” and excoriate Israeli “war criminals.” Televised funeral processions are replayed in slow motion with video overlays of Israeli soldiers firing their weapons.

A line of text appears at the foot of the screen during a talk show, announcing not an incoming storm front but the latest confirmed death of another “martyr,” a category applied equally to rock-throwing children, innocent bystanders and Kalashnikov-firing militias.

Israeli spokesmen also cite as examples of “incitement” the standard recitation of long-standing Palestinian political demands by Palestinian cabinet ministers – among them their claim to East Jerusalem and Palestinian refugees’ “right of return” to their former homeland.

Mr. Milhem says Israel is asking Palestinians to stop broadcasting incidents that are shown globally by the BBC and CNN, and on Israeli news shows as well. “We are covering the story here, we are reporting the facts,” he said. “We have no fabricated pictures, and no fabricated stories.”

Israeli news media present a distorted view of the conflict to its own public, Mr. Milhem said. Israeli television’s constant showing of the burning of Joseph’s Tomb and the killing of the soldiers here inspires hatred of Palestinians, he said.

“They don’t show the Palestinian hospitals with the dead and the wounded,” Mr. Milhem said, “they don’t show the Palestinian trucks that have been burned by Jewish settlers, they don’t show the Palestinian ambulances being shot at by Israeli soldiers. They don’t show Palestinian mothers crying. They show Israeli mothers crying.”

The writer is a correspondent for the New York Times bureau in Israel

Come all to Jihad – “Hayya ‘Ala al-Jihad”: Listening to Palestinian Media

Listening to the Palestinian media these days gives the clear impression that what the Jews of Israel are facing now is no less than a call for Jihad, a holy Islamic war. The term Jihad itself, while avoided by the Palestinian leadership, is constantly on the lips of announcers and interviewees. I know it is frightening, but it should be said clearly and loudly.

The message of the Palestinian radio – to which I constantly listen – is that the impure Jews (who – according to Islamic tradition – are “sons of pigs and monkeys” – ahfad al-qirada wa-alkhanazIr – Koran 5, 60) are threatening to perpetuate their occupation of the al-Aqsa mosque, and thus to defile the Islamic sanctuaries (tadnis almuqaddasat al-Islamiyyah). The Palestinian media negate the fact that two Jewish temples once stood on that site, since, after all, both the Old and New Testaments are forgeries of Jews and Christians (Ghyyarou wa-baddalou).

Since the Jews are those who have incurred Allah’s wrath (al-maghdoub ‘alayhim – see al-Jalalayn commentary, Koran 1, 7), how dare they demand the rule over their alleged “Temple Mount”??

Israeli Arab citizens have no choice but to answer the call to Jihad: At the entrance to umm al-fahm there is a big road sign showing the Dome of the Rock in chains, with the inscription “al-aqsa is in danger” (al-aqsa fi khatar).

The unification of the PA and the radical Islamist groups (Hamas and Jihad (!) ) is also a sign of the common Jihadic effort. The “help” of the Lebanese Hizballah, who kidnapped three Israeli soldiers some weeks ago, is another sign of a broad Islamic effort (jd). What Arafat is trying to do is to widen the scope of the war: from national struggle between the Israelis and the Palestinians to religious war between the Jews and the whole Islamic world.

The reaction of the presidents of Yemen (Saleh), Lybia (Qazzafi) and Iraq (Saddam Husayn) is exactly what one could expect – readiness to participate in the Jihad. On the other hand, Egypt’s president, Mubarak, who himself is constantly threatened with a domestic Jihad by his own groups of Islamic radicals, is one leader who tries to stop this Jihadic trend in order to maintain Egypt’s stability. Bashar al-Asad who also does not relish the idea of Jihad (‘Alawis – 1982 – Hamah – remember?) rushed to Mubarak to discuss their mutual fear of Jihad. The Russian minister of foreign affairs, is also concerned about Islamic upheaval, because of his unpleasantnesses in Chechniya and Tataristan, and so was impelled to rush to the Middle East to see what can be done.

The reality is that in these days, in full view of the whole Western world, Israel faces a real, although modern, Jihad, over the question of the future of Jerusalem. The West has to realize that if this Jihad succeeds, the next battle will be over the rest of the State of Israel (al-Diyar al-Muqaddasa) all of which is considered a Waqf (Islamic endowment), and if that battle is won, Europe and the rest of the non-Islamic world (dar al-harb, the house of war) are next.

As an aside, one might recall that Jerusalem was under the rule of King Husayn of Jordan until 1967. Why didn’t HE give Jerusalem to the Palestinians as the capital of their state? It seems that they tolerated his rule over the Holy City because he was a Moslem, but the Jews? God forbid…

And another question: Why was the capital of Jund Falastin (the district of Palestine) during the first Islamic period Ramlah, 30 miles from Jerusalem?

Seeing the recent events in the context of Jihad explains what is currently happening in he Middle East between the Moslem majority and the Jewish minority and may offer a reasonable forecast for what might occur in the near fur over Jerusalem is only the beginning.

The writer is a professor of Arabic at Bar Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel