A Battle, Not A Massacre

NEW YORK– A pro-Arab lobby group which has always claimed that 254 Arabs died during the 1948 battle of Deir Yassin has quietly changed its story, and now admits that about 100, not 254, were killed. The change comes just weeks after the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) released a study showing that the number of Arabs killed in Deir Yassin was less than half of what has been claimed, and that they were not massacred.

The “Deir Yassin Remembered” group, which is headed by Daniel McGowan of Hobart & William Smith Colleges (NY), had repeatedly claimed that 254 Arabs died at Deir Yassin. For example, in the April 1996 issue of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, McGowan wrote of “254 innocent men, women and children who were systematically slaughtered.” A February 1998 posting on the group’s web site, the “Deir Yassin Remember Online Information Center,” claimed that “In all, 254 men, women, and children were systematically slaughtered.”

But during the past week, the “Deir Yassin Remembered Group” has twice revised the death toll downwards. In a press release on March 22, 1998, McGowan wrote that “an estimated 100-250 Arab villagers were slaughtered.” Then, in a listing of forthcoming activities, released on March 25, 1998, McGowan reported that “over 100 Palestinian men, women and children were killed.”

The changes in the death toll count come in the wake of the ZOA’s publication of a new study, Deir Yassin History of a Lie, a 32-page analysis (with 156 footnotes) by ZOA National President Morton A. Klein. (For a free copy, please call (212) 481-1500.)

Among other things, the ZOA study shows that the original claim of 254 dead was not based on any actual body count. The number was invented by Mordechai Ra’anan, leader of the Jewish soldiers who fought in Deir Yassin. He later admitted that the figure was a deliberate exaggeration in order to undermine the morale of the Arab forces, which had launched a war against the Jews in Mandate Palestine to prevent the establishment of Israel. Other eyewitnesses to the battle estimated that about 100 Arabs had died. Despite Ra’anan’s admission, the figure 254 was circulated by Palestinian Arab leader Hussein Khalidi. His claims about Deir Yassin were the basis for an article in the New York Times claiming a massacre took place–an article that has been widely reprinted and cited as “proof” of the massacre throughout the past 50 years.

The ZOA study describes how in 1987, researchers from Bir Zeit University, an Arab university in Palestinian Authority territory, interviewed every Arab survivor of the battle and concluded that the number of civilians who died in Deir Yassin could not have been more than 120. Despite the study, the “Deir Yassin Remembered” group continued using the figure of 254 dead.

ZOA president Klein said “Now that the ZOA has publicized the Bir Zeit University findings and proven that far fewer Arabs died than was always claimed, the pro-Arab propagandists have been forced to quietly change their story. Our booklet proves not only that the death toll was falsely inflated, it also proves there was no massacre, rape, or mutilation.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Hussein Khalidi is at the center of a startling new report, in which several Arab eyewitnesses to the Deir Yassin battle admitted that some of their original claims about Jewish atrocities were fabricated. The latest issue of the Jerusalem Report (April 2, 1998) reveals that in a forthcoming BBC television program, Hazem Nusseibeh, an editor of the Palestine Broadcasting Service’s Arabic news in 1948, admits that he was told by Hussein Khalidi to fabricate claims of atrocities at Deir Yassin in order to encourage Arab regimes to invade the Jewish state-to-be.

According to the Jerusalem Report, Nusseibeh “describes an encounter at the Jaffa Gate of Jerusalem’s Old City with Deir Yassin survivors and Palestinian leaders, including Hussein Khalidi… ‘I asked Dr. Khalidi how we should cover the story,’ recalled Nusseibeh. ‘He said, “We must make the most of this.” So we wrote a press release stating that at Deir Yassin children were murdered, pregnant women were raped. All sorts of atrocities.'”

The BBC program then shows a recent interview with Abu Mahmud, who was a Deir Yassin resident in 1948, who says that the villagers protested against the atrocity claims “‘We said, “There was no rape.” [Khalidi] said, “We have to say this, so the Arab armies will come to liberate Palestine from the Jews.'”

Nusseibeh, who is a member of one of Jerusalem’s most prominent Arab families and presently lives in Amman, told the BBC that the fabricated atrocity stories about Deir Yassin were “our biggest mistake,” because “Palestinians fled in terror” and left the country in huge numbers after hearing the atrocity claims.

In 1948, Labor Zionist leaders initially claimed there was a massacre, in order to score points against the rival Irgun Zvai Leumi and Stern Group, the fighters who conquered Deir Yassin. But Israel’s Labor-led governments have, over the years, gradually rescinded the massacre accusation. A little-known 1952 Defense Ministry judicial court ruled that Deir Yassin was a legitimate military target. Official Israeli government statements about Deir Yassin, in 1960 and 1969 (under Foreign Ministers Golda Meir and Abba Eban), formally rebuked the Labor Zionist officials who had made the false massacre accusation in 1948, describing the “massacre” charge as a “fairy tale” and a “big lie.”

Meanwhile, the “Deir Yassin Remembered” group intends to hold a “50th Anniversary Memorial Conference” at the Hakawati theater in Jerusalem on April 9, 1998. On the same day, in Los Angeles, Arab activists intend to hold a “vigil” outside the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Museum of Tolerance, which commemorates the Holocaust. They will also be holding a vigil at the University of California at Davis, and a rally in Washington, D.C. on May 15, 1998, the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Israel.

International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism Website

The International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism in Herzliya, today (Sunday), 29.3.98, announces the opening of its new website at www.ict.org.il.

The site consists of a database on issues of terrorism, including terrorist organizations in the Middle East and the world, attacks, countries supporting terrorism, connections between terrorism and crime, the use of non- conventional weapons and counter-terrorism measures taken by Israel and other countries. The site is available to all interested parties.

For further details, please contact the institute at (+972-9) 952-7277 or fax (+972-9) 951-3073.

No Deal Without Return of ’48 Refugees

Jamal Shati Al-Hindi is a Fatah Jenin representative in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) where he is Chairman of the PLC Refugee and Diaspora Committee.

IMRA: interviewed Al-Hindi in Hebrew on March 24, 1998

IMRA: I understand that you say that Israel should allow the 1948 refugees to return to their homes inside Israel.

Al-Hindi: Yes. In Israel.

IMRA: The Left in Israel which supports the Palestinian cause – Yossi Sarid, Shulamit Aloni, etc. say that if you allow the refugees to return to their homes then there will be a situation that there may be more Palestinians than Jews in the Knesset. That this will be a problem because if Israel is a democracy then there won’t be a Jewish majority in Israel so the whole effort was for naught. How do you react to this – that even among the Israeli Left the view is that allowing the right of return wrecks the whole exercise.

Al-Hindi: This is a right of the Palestinian people for two thousand years. They lived in the land and lived in their homes. Why shouldn’t they return to their homes?

There is also UN Resolution 194 calling for them to return to their homes.

The UN allowed Israel membership so that it could fulfill 194 and Israel can’t take this away.

IMRA: All Israelis – I am not talking about Netanyahu – the Israeli Left including Yossi Sarid oppose this. Even if they were in power they would not allow the refugees to return within Israel.

Al-Hindi: Why wouldn’t the Left say that all the refugees should return to their homes. There are Palestinians living within Israel but not in their original homes. Why shouldn’t they be permitted to return to their homes.

IMRA: When I ask the Israeli Left they tell me that the Palestinian demand for the right of return is for negotiations. That in the end they will accept a compromise. Is this really just an opening position?

Al-Hindi: This is the right of the Palestinian refugees and they do not have to say yes now. There is time. A hundred years.

IMRA: What does that mean?

Al-Hindi: It may take much time for us to return to our homes. We want to live in our villages.

IMRA: So there can’t be peace without this?

Al-Hindi: Maybe there will be peace if the Palestinians get the right of return.

IMRA: And if they don’t?

Al-Hindi: Then there won’t. There are four million Palestinian refugees who want to return.

IMRA: Israelis may say that they are willing to have a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza but only if the Palestinians give up on the right of return of the refugees to Israel. Don’t give up on the right of return and the negotiations fall apart. Are you ready to have the negotiations fail just because of the right of return?

Al-Hindi: Israel didn’t give us houses in Israel. They are Palestinian houses. Why can’t we return to our homes. Would the Jews agree to the Arabs getting their homes?

IMRA: I am asking a practical question. If there is a way for you to get now a Palestinian state it is at the price of giving up on the right of return. Are you willing to pay this price?

Al-Hindi No. I won’t agree to this. Nor will all the Palestinian refugees.

Dr. Aaron Lerner,
Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
P.O.BOX 982 Kfar Sava
Tel: (+972-9) 760-4719
Fax: (+972-9) 741-1645

Did Israel Inject “AIDS” to Palestinian Children?

Israel cannot allow the Palestinian Authority’s incitement methods to go unchecked.

Nabil Ramlawi, the PLO’s representative in Geneva, apologized last week to the UN Committee on Human Rights for the libelling the Israeli government, and retracted the complaint that he had submitted to the committee, which said that “Israel has, over the past year, injected the AIDS virus into 300 Palestinian children.” However, he has still not retracted his complaint that the [Israeli] health minister “permitted Israeli pharmaceutical companies to conduct dangerous tests on more than 4,000 Palestinian prisoners.”

The AIDS story has been going circulating in the committee since its last session, a year ago. Its chairman, the Czech ambassador, cast doubt on the veracity of the facts on which the complaint was based and did not allow a vote. The PLO representative responded with a letter that he sent last July “My declaration is not exceptional and it is based on various sources, including the media.” However, the media was not enough of a foundation for Nabil Ramlawi, and he was forced to retract his accusations. There is reason to assume that had the committee chairman been a diplomat from an Arab or Muslim country, and not from the Czech Republic, the committee would have voted on the resolution to condemn Israel, without giving time for the PLO representative to apologize for the libel, since that is the routine for UN votes. There is an automatic majority for any condemnation of Israel. Therefore, there is still no assurance that the UN committee will not condemn Israel in the wake of the libel about dangerous medical experiments being performed on Palestinian prisoners.

Israel’s ambassador in Geneva and the Foreign Ministry executive are, apparently, doing their best to stave off the Palestinian attack, but the specific handling of the libel is not enough. The government would do well to deal with this phenomenon at the root level, by presenting the libel as an overt violation of the Hebron Accord, in which the Palestinian Authority undertook to stop all incitement against Israel.

How can the government conduct quiet and substantive negotiations with the Palestinians on the arrangements for the safe passage from Gaza to Judea and Samaria, when it is constantly being forced to defend itself against Palestinian initiatives in the international arena which incite against Israel? How can Israel calmly consider the American mediation proposals on the scope of the IDF withdrawal from Judea and Samaria, when at the same time students in the schools under PA guidance are being educated to wage war for the return of Jaffa and Ramle, Lod and Haifa? And how can the government give up its demand for appropriate security arrangements at Gaza port and the airport at Dahaniya, which would prevent the infiltration of hostile elements to Israel, when at the PA’s television station young Palestinians sing and declaim their readiness to be “martyrs” in the war to liberate the despoiled homeland?

These “educational” activities perpetuate the hostility for the coming generations as well, and they frequently receive support in reports about UN condemnations of Israel. The condemnations signal to Arafat that he does not have to seek dialogue with the [Israeli] government. The countries which vote against Israel, on the erroneous argument that the construction on Har Homa violates the Oslo Accords, promise Arafat that they will convince the United States, which voted against the resolution condemning [Israel], to join the international pressure on Israel. And after they ensured, with their votes and declarations, that Arafat would be convinced to delay progress in negotiations, the countries cry foul over the freeze in the political process.

At the same time, Arafat succeeds in extracting from the Iranian president a declaration of support for his demands. In fact, this is not an unequivocal assurance of a halt of Iran’s support for terrorism, but rather a handing of the key to Arafat, which says that only an agreement acceptable to the Palestinians can lead to a change in Teheran, which the United States so greatly desires. We should not be surprised if this Iranian bait spurs the United States to publish its mediation proposal on the question of the scope of the IDF withdrawal.

Palestinian Christians Win U.S. Political Asylum

American courts have for the first time granted political asylum to two West Bank evangelical Christians on the grounds of religious persecution. And more West Bank Christians are about to file asylum requests in American courts.

The courts – one in Chicago, and the other in North Carolina – accepted the asylum-seekers’ claims that the Palestinian Authority was persecuting Christian evangelicals, after the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service reversed its earlier skepticism and endorsed their claim. The two asylum-seekers – who won’t allow their names to be published, for fear of PA retaliation against relatives still in the territories – are both converts from Islam to Christianity, who had practiced their new faith in secret.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Bak’r, a West Bank convert to Christianity who had been in a PA prison since June, was released on bail in late February. The PA accused Bak’r of selling land to Jews, though sources close to Bak’r insist the real reason for his imprisonment was his activity as a Christian missionary.

Bak’r says he was tortured in prison, at one point hung by his hands from the ceiling for two consecutive days. His release followed intervention by the Norwegian government.

Are Stolen Cars More Important Than Escaped Killers?

“Killer Watch” notes that Kahalani “neglected” to ask Arafat to arrest the killers whom Arafat has welcomed to the Palestine Authority. Are cars more important that killers?”

Spring, 1998

A new advocacy group, “Killer Watch”, has emerged in Jerusalem.

It was founded by American-Israeli citizens, Joyce and Stanley Boim of Jerusalem.

David Boim, the teenage son of the Boims, was machine gunned to death at a school bus stop on May 13, 1996.

The two Arab gunman who murdered David Boim immediately sped into the area under the control of the Palestine Authority.

Within a few weeks, their identity and whereabouts were known to the Israel Defense Forces, and to the Palestine Authority.

The American embassy informed the Boims that David’s killers were in custody of the PA.

The PA denied this.

It was not until the Boims sued the Israeli Minister of Justice in July 1997 that the Israeli government issued a demand that the PA arrest the murderers of David Boim.

On September 4, 1997, one of David’s killers blew himself up on the Ben Yehudah Street Mall in Jerusalem, killing four high school girs and one young bank clerk who had taken his ten year old boy for ice cream.

Only after Joyce Boim testified in the US Congress and conducted a speaking tour throughout the US, did US President Clinton personally order Arafat to arrest David’s other killer, whose name is Amjad Hanawi.

In February, 1998, Hanawi was finally arrested and convicted of accessary to murder in the Jericho Palestine Authority court.

Hanawi was sentenced to ten years of hard labor.

The question posed by the Boims and others remains How long will Hanawi serve? Will the PA release Hanawi after a few months, as they have in other capital crimes?

Killer Watch will keep an eye on Hanawi, to see if the PA indeed keeps him in jail.

Killer Watch will also monitor the whereabouts of thirty three other admitted killers who have found refuge inside the Palestine Authority, and keep the issue alive in the public domain of the Israeli media and political arena.

During the month of March, 1998, the Israeli police, under pressure from Israeli insurance companies, conducted widespread searches for vehicles that had been stolen and smuggled to the areas under the jurisdiction of the Palestine Authority.

The Israel Minister of Police and Public Security, Avigdor Kahalani, met with PA chairman Yassir Arafat on March 29 to demand that the car thefts cease and that the Pa hand over stolen vehicles.

Killer Watch notes that Kahalani “neglected” to ask Arafat to arrest the killers whom Arafat has welcomed to the Palestine Authority. Are cars more important that killers?

It will be the task of Killer Watch to see to it that Kahalani and other Israeli leaders feel the pressure of justice for those who have been murdered, while the killers have simply crossed the line to the safe haven of the Palestine Authority.

Otherwise, the kill and run precedent of the Oslo process will remain.

Killer Watch is now developing a systematic strategy to influence Israeli and world public opinion.

Mailing Address of KILLER WATCH
POB 2265
Jerusalem, Israel
Tel: (02) 625-7303
Fax: (02) 625-9239

Killer Watch will appreciate contributions, active support and voluntary efforts on its behalf.

Palestine Broadcasting Corporation Children’s TV Program

Video is available from “SHALOM LEDOROT” – Address listed below.

This video was shown at the March 11, 1998 hearings at the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee

“All means of… education”

The P.L.O. Covenant – Article 7

What you are about to see are clips from Palestinian Authority’s Children’s Club – a Sesame Street like T.V. show. These excerpts come from programs the P.A. has broadcast in recent weeks.

U.S. AID funds this T.V. children’s program in a “Sesame Street” format
Palestinian Authority Television
The Children’s Club, 29th January, 1998

Palestine! Amidst the shooting of the revolution, I turn to you with my blood and the blood of my brother and of the son of my neighbours. My heart will cleanse your image. Allah is great! Allah is great!

The Children’s Club, 6th February, 1998

When I wander into the entrance of Jerusalem, I’ll turn into a suicide warrior in battledress! In battledress! In battledress! Thank you ‘Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!’

The Children’s Club, 13th February, 1998

I am the voice of the exalted martyr. I am the voice of the exalted martyr and his green fire. Oh, my homeland…. And like my father I’ll live in the shadow of the heroes and echo his voice, with my blood, and his image will be upon my eyelids.

Each and every part of your soil I have drenched with all my blood. And we shall march as warriors of Jihad (Holy War). Oh, my exalted martyr, you are my example. Oh, my companion, you are beside me. Oh, my sister, sing constantly about my life as a suicide warrior how we remain steadfast. Oh, my country, you are my soul. Oh, my dawn, you are my heartbeat.

The Children’s Club, 20th, 24th February, 1998

My heartfelt conviction to launch a Jihad (Holy War).

A teacher’s poem ‘The shout’, 26th February, 1998

Oh, to those who achieved eternal glory and to the lovers of exalted martyrdom.
Oh, steadfast leaders, we bless you with the most fitting tribute of all, for you have reached the highest summit, together with the righteous and the prophets.
Do we say to you Good-bye? No, instead we declare, see you again in heaven!
For this is the meeting place, the loving faithful one.

Chairman Yasser Arafat, honoring the exalted martyrs especially Yihyeh Ayaash 19 January, 1998

Our collective goal is to continue in their path. Indeed we are all candidates for holy martyrdom! Candidates for holy martyrdom in memory of the noble and brave exalted martyrs Abu Iyaad, Abu Alhol, and before them Abu Jihad and before them Yihyeh Ayaash and after them Yihyeh Ayaash.

All means of information and education must be adopted in order to acquaint the Palestinian with his country in the most profound manner….
He must be prepared for the armed struggle and ready to sacrifice his wealth and his life in order to win back his homeland….

The P.L.O. Covenant – Article 7

Peace for Generations
Chairman – Daniel Yosef
National Coordinator U.S. – Ferne Hassan

8 Eliash Street,
Jerusalem, Israel

Jerusalem Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1941,
Jerusalem, 91022

Tel (02) 530-0123
Fax (02) 625-7121.

U.S.A. Mailing Address
Post Office Box 55
Union, NJ 07083-0055

Tel: (908) 624-9090
Fax: (908) 851-2498
E-mail: peace4gen@aol.com

EGYPT: Former DM on Arab Strategy for the Future

The following are excerpts from articles which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, “Al-Ahram” of Al-Ahram Weekly 5 – 11 March 1998

“A strategy for the future” by Amin Hewedy (former Minister of Defense and Chief of General Intelligence)

[Heading:] Whether or not they are the victims of overt military action, the Arabs are footing the bill.

When the major powers united their efforts in establishing the state of Israel, they did so in order to protect Western interests in the region. Israel would also serve as a means of dividing the Arab world, and as an obstacle to nascent national movements.

…The most important goal was to maintain a balance of power in Israel’s benefit. Through the use of force, the state of Israel was established and through force it must continue to impose its presence.

…The arms deal with the Eastern bloc signed on 20 May 1955 and announced by President Nasser on 27 September, was tantamount to a breach of the Western monopoly on arms sales, as well as a shattering blow to Western plans for an unjust peace between the Arab countries and Israel.

…The Soviets were convinced that, if a global confrontation was going to take place, it would be a nuclear war. The emphasis on nuclear capabilities led to a further decline in the quality of conventional Soviet weaponry, so while allegations that the Soviets refused to supply the Arab countries with more effective weapons are untrue, the weapons they did provide had to be discredited on the battlefield. No attempt had been made to increase the potential of these weapons through creative management or sustained training.

…Despite the Arabs’ ability to purchase weapons and technology, the capacity to absorb them was inadequate at different levels of training, specialization and leadership.

…Arab strategists and military commanders did not attempt to study the succession of direct confrontations to which their armies were subjected in order to determine and enhance their strong points, or define their weaknesses so as to minimise them. On the contrary, they transformed their defeat into false victory, and any victory into a glaring defeat.

Conflict among Arab decision-makers as to which countries may be regarded as allies is at the root of many military mistakes. The confusion has been the source of continual confrontations and, therefore, the constant draining of Arab resources and capital.

…Despite an abundance of different weapons, and the large portion of the budget devoted to defence, Arab national security is threatened from all sides. Yet the Arab armies are unable to confront these threats actively in battle or to engage in deterrence operations. This means that the escalating cost of defence does not avert the threats directed at us, yet still continues to erode resources that could have been allocated to raising the population’s standard of living. Heavy arsenals and high technology do not necessarily imply improved combat capabilities.

…These problems have been further exacerbated by the US’s attempts to further skew the balance of power — and maximise profit– by providing Israel with the most up-to-date military technology, while selling the Arabs defective or less effective arms. It also accepts that Israel possesses nuclear, biological and chemical capabilities while insisting that similar capabilities be destroyed if they are found in the possession of an Arab regime. Not that the Arab countries have shown any resistance in this respect: the destruction of the Iraqi arsenal was carried out with the knowledge and blessings of the Arab countries and the UN Security Council.

Once the US had neutralised Arab military capabilities effectively, it began to drain Arab resources. The Iraqi crisis is a good example. Whether or not a military strike is launched in the future, decimating both civilian and military targets, Iraq is crippled for decades to come. Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are still settling bills for US protection, depleting their financial resources…. The blockade against Iran and Libya…grinds mercilessly on. Manipulation of world oil prices, devaluation of the US dollar from time to time, and the fomenting of unrest in order to encourage further arms purchases are all facets of US strategy.

At the end of the Cold War it was said that the Arabs and Muslims had replaced the Soviet Union as the West’s primary enemy. Developments on the ground seem to confirm this fear. The threats to Arab potential in terms of military capabilities and economic resources are now striking at the very integrity of the Arab countries themselves.

The principal oil producing countries — Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, Libya and Algeria — are either trembling on the verge of political disaster or emerging from a crisis: terrorist attacks, bloody civil wars.

…The US may threaten to launch a military strike on Iraq in order to paralyse its capabilities and destroy its arsenal. Its long-term objective is nothing less than the elimination of any resources the Arabs may still have. The US’s strategy is aimed at depleting Arab capabilities, whether through the purchase of oil at prices dictated by the West, or through a military attack.

If the Arab leaders are unable to agree on their allies and enemies, they will remain incapable of achieving any measure of sustained success.

Hebron Community Spokesman Noam Arnon?

IMRA interviewed Noam Arnon, Spokesman for the Hebron Jewish Community, in Hebrew, on March 15, 1998:

IMRA: Is the IDF doing anything in reaction to the Palestinian rioters and shooters?

Arnon: The IDF soldiers on the scene are working night and day to guard and are making efforts but that isn’t the problem. The problem is that the Abu Sneinah hill has terrorists on it and the hill has been handed over to the Palestinian Authority along with the terrorists. The terrorists are there yet the IDF command does nothing about it and this is the problem. I have no complaints against soldiers here, my claim is against the policy of the army which is an ineffective and mistaken policy. The fact is that the terrorists are laughing at the army and shoot again and again from the same place and this isn’t being solved.

Now the Hebron agreement provides for hot pursuit but in practice the army does not carry out hot pursuit. It is all a matter of policy. In the agreement there are buffer areas which protect the Jewish community but in practice there are no buffer areas and the terrorists reach the dividing line itself. The agreement also talks about special arrangements on the commanding high ground but in practice there is nothing.

There is a conceptual problem here.

IMRA: With regards to what happened on Friday night, when Jewish settlers went into the Arab H1 area in protest, how do you respond to the charge that this causes a disruption which hurts the IDF’s ability to control the situation.

Arnon: This is a ridiculous claim. For four days the Arab disruptions took place. They attacked us with countless rocks, tens of fire bombs and explosive devices as well as gunfire coming down from the high ground in Abu Snenah. All of this was before Friday night. So the claim that the Israeli response was the cause of the situation is simply groundless.

Anyone who makes such a claim is assuming that his audience is stupid. The Jewish community of Hebron has been under many and various assaults – including gun fire – since the IDF withdrawal from out of Hebron. It has turned out that the Arabs who received the city, supposedly with peaceful intentions, actually want war. They use the area which they control to add to their war against us.

IMRA: Are we talking of something in waves?

Arnon: Yes, We are talking about waves, under the instruction of the Palestinian Authority. We are talking about something which happens every period of time or after a specific incident. First they promote the attacks and then they give out instructions to stop and reap the positive publicity for their hand in restoring order.

IMRA: If it is in waves so you know that it has an end…

Arnon: Yes, but it may end in dead. If a bomb drops in the yard of a kindergarten or if a fire bomb breaks inside a Jewish house, or rocks are thrown and hurt people, then it is an initiative of the Palestinian Authority to carry out terrorist and barbaric acts against the Jewish residents.

They received area as part of a peace agreement and instead use it in order to carry out a war. Therefore, the entire concept has to be changed. I am surprised that people who consider themselves open and reasonable should always identify themselves with the Arabs come what may. Even if the Jews are attacked they continue to identify themselves with the Arabs.

I would like also to mention that under the terms of the agreement, Jews are permitted to enter the Arab H1 area. This is explicitly written in the agreement. They prevent this, in violation of the agreement. So the side which is consistently violating the agreement is the Arab side.

IMRA: The claim heard is that yes, there are gunshots, but so far no one has been killed so what’s the big deal?

Arnon: This is ridiculous. Should we wait for something worse to happen? What purpose is there for an army which doesn’t take care of an enemy which shoots?

IMRA: If they respond with a massive response the outcome will be that this wave won’t end and instead will get larger.

Arnon: I don’t understand. When Katyushas rain down on communities in the North do they also decline to respond? I don’t understand the approach which says that we have to accept the situation that they shoot at us as a normal situation and not respond.

If the Palestinian Authority controls the area from which the shooting is coming then it is guilty. And if the PA can’t handle it then that’s what the IDF is for. The situation cannot go on this way.

IMRA: This situation – of shooting. Are you saying that it was a pastoral situation before the PA entered the scene?

Arnon: It wasn’t a pastoral situation but the IDF responded to attacks and dealt with terrorists. The area was given to the PA on the assumption that they would bring a peaceful situation. What has happened is the opposite. They don’t honor the most basic elements of the agreement which they committed themselves to.

IMRA: There are more attacks today then before?

Arnon: There have been more firebombs thrown in Hebron in the last year than during the entire intifada period. There is no question that the takeover of most of Hebron by the PA did not bring peace. They don’t talk of peace. They only talk of continuing the assault and continue with the violence. They themselves are responsible for the breakdown of the entire agreement.

Dr. Aaron Lerner,
Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
P.O.BOX 982 Kfar Sava
Tel: (+972-9) 760-4719
Fax: (+972-9) 741-1645

Palestinian Policeman Served As Commander of the Gang of Death

The policeman, four other ringleaders and dozens of members of the terrorist cell have been arrested. The cell was responsible for the deaths of 21 Israelis and hundreds of wounded. They planned a series of additional attacks, including the kidnapping of a Knesset member. The failed attempt to kidnap an israeli soldier is what ultimately led to the cell’s capture.

Israel has uncovered a Hamas terror cell which initiated, planned and carried out the suicide bombings at the Mahane Yehuda market and the pedestrian mall in Jerusalem last summer which killed 21 people and injured more than 300. Five of the commanders of the terror cell have been arrested, including Amar Abd al-Rahman Zaben, a Palestinian policeman from Nablus.

The policeman, who works in the Nablus prison, is a central member of the military wing of Hamas. He selected the locations of the attacks, collected intelligence about them and led the five suicide bombers to carry out the attacks at the marketplace and the pedestrian mall.

Israeli General Security Service investigators, aided by the Israeli Army’s Duvdevan unit and the Border Police’s undercover agents, succeeded in uncovering the policeman’s activity and that of one of the most dangerous Hamas terror cells to have operated in the West Bank since 1995. In addition to the two attacks in Jerusalem, members of the terror group carried out a string of attacks in Nablus, and in May 1996 they murdered yeshiva student David Boim in Beit El.

Booby-Trapped Videotapes

The discovery of the terror group and the arrest of dozens of its members throughout the West Bank thwarted a range of terror activities the group had planned, including: the takeover of a residential or office building; a suicide bombing in the French Hill section of Jerusalem; car-bombs in Haifa, Beit El and Ariel; the planting of mines and explosive devices in various locations in the West Bank; attacks via explosive devices hidden in videotapes; and a planned kidnapping of a Knesset member.

Instructions From Jordan

In addition to the Palestinian policeman, four other ringleaders of the terror group were arrested: Muab Ghassan Yusuf Jabara (23), commander of the Hebron cell and a former student at the Haifa Technion, whose arrest led to the discovery of the group; Abdallah Bakri, commander of the Ramallah cell; Muwad Balal and Iman Said Khalawa, students from Nablus. Additional members of the terror group have not yet been arrested. Some of the detentions were carried out by the Palestinian Preventive Intelligence Service headed by Tufik Turawi.

The group’s senior commanders were Mahmoud Abu Hunud, a leading wanted fugitive originally from Nablus, and Khalil Sharif, who blew himself up in the suicide bombing at the pedestrian mall in Jerusalem. The two were activated by the commanders of Hamas’ military wing in the West Bank, Muhi a-Din a-Sharif and Adel Awadallah, both wanted fugitives. They were also in contact with Hamas headquarters in Jordan and Gaza and senior Hamas figures who are behind bars in Israeli and Palestinian jails.

This is how the terror group was uncovered: on November 24, 1997, at the A-Ram checkpoint in northern Jerusalem, Israeli Border Policemen stopped a group of terrorists who were on their way back from the Tel Aviv area after a failed attempt to kidnap an Israeli soldier. Three pistols were found in the car, along with magazines and ammunition, handcuffs, a yarmulke, a commando knife and a syringe loaded with a sleep-inducing injection.

The terrorists had gone to fulfill their mission in two cars. Muab Ghassan Yusuf Jabara, commander of the terror group, was in the car which was not captured. He was later located and arrested by the Israeli General Security Service. The interrogation of Jabara was what led to the unravelling of the entire scheme.

The investigation led to the discovery of the Hamas laboratory in Nablus earlier this year, where 700 kilograms of chemicals were found from which dangerous explosive materials, including TATP, could be prepared. The explosive devices used by the suicide bombers at the Mahaneh Yehuda market and the pedestrian mall in Jerusalem last summer were prepared in this laboratory.