Hamas Attacks Israel Air Force Bases

The Middle East Newsline has uncovered that Hamas has succeeded in striking Israeli Air Force (IAF) bases. Israeli military sources have confirmed that Hamas struck at least two air force bases within a 35-mile vicinity of Gaza.

The air force bases hit by Hamas rocket attacks were Tel Nof and Hatzerim.

Tel Nof has served as a base for the air force’s F-16 squadron.

“The rockets struck these bases but nobody was injured,” an Israeli military source said.

During the current conflict, Hamas has demonstrated a capability to fire rockets with at least a 30-mile range.

Israeli military sources expect that Hamas will acquire Iranian-origin rockets with a range of at least 45 miles by the end of this year.

A key concern, according to Israeli military sources said, was that Hamas would strike Israel’s commercial center in Tel Aviv and its Dimona nuclear facility – widely believed to be a key facility in Israel’s 40-year-old nuclear weapons program.

The IDF Situation in Gaza

Our current ground operation, stage two, is just about complete. Yet we’re not pulling out and we’re not bringing in all of the reserve units to move into stage three. Some reservists have been put into play and the operation late yesterday was referred to as stage 2-1/2, which may sound cute but strikes me as fairly meaningless.

We keep on hearing that we are “close” to achieving our goals, suggesting that we’re almost done. But those goals still have not been spelled out. Hamas is severely weakened but not out of play — still launching weapons, although many fewer than was the case a couple of weeks ago.


As yet, even if we are close to finished, there is no clear exit strategy; no final arrangements for the day after have yet been put into place.

A contingent from Hamas in Gaza went to Cairo at the end of last week, and Egypt is handling negotiations for a ceasefire with them. There are elements within Hamas that are desperate for a cease fire. Others remain defiant and want to persist. According to David Horovitz, the Damascus contingent of Hamas (Mashaal and company) was somewhat out of touch with how bad things had become in Gaza and was then set straight by the negotiating mission, which went to Damascus from Cairo.

But there’s more to it than this: In Gaza, the people’s lives are on the line, and there is a need for leaders to stay hidden. In Damascus, the leadership is not coping with the same degree of stress and personal deprivation. They are content to continue to push their associates in Gaza to keep fighting.

Additionally, it has been reported by Egyptian sources that Iran is pushing Hamas not to settle for a ceasefire. Two Iranian officials, Ali Larijani, speaker of the Iranian parliament, and Said Jalili of the Iranian intelligence service, met in Damascus with Hamas politburo head Khaled Mashaal and Islamic Jihad Secretary-General Ramadan Shallah.

“As soon as the Iranians heard about the Egyptian cease-fire initiative, they dispatched the two officials to Damascus on an urgent mission to warn the Palestinians against accepting it,” an Egyptian government official reported to the Post. “The Iranians threatened to stop weapons supplies and funding to the Palestinian factions if they agreed to a cease-fire with Israel.”

Thus would the Hamas contingent from Damascus be most persistent in holding out.

In Al-Hayat (London) yesterday, there was a report that while Hamas is still talking with Cairo, it has rejected the notion of a long term truce. They are apparently looking for quick fix to save their necks now.


Ehud Olmert, according to Barak Ravid in Haaretz, is for continuing the operation. He says that we won’t stop until Hamas stops launching missiles and an end is put to smuggling.

Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak, says Ravid, would rather see us stop now.

This division of attitude seems reflected in the statement that we’re in stage “2-1/2” of the operation — neither here and neither there.

But from another source there is information that the “triumvirate” met last night and decided to push on.

Livni has indicated that she’s for a unilateral pullout by us, as this means we are not tied into any agreement and can return as we wish. She maintains that the Gaza offensive has “restored Israel’s deterrence” and “created a new equation… which says that when our citizens are attacked we respond with force.” And, she says, we have nothing to negotiate with Hamas, which is a terrorist organization.

Cannot say I would argue with this, as long as it doesn’t prompt premature departure. Agreements with Hamas officials are worthless, as they don’t honor their word (don’t really believe they have to, as we’re not Muslims). What matters is what we can impose upon them.


There has been some suggestion that we might retain a presence in Gaza in a strip adjacent to our border, rather like the security zone we had for years in southern Lebanon. But there is nothing definitive with regard to this.

The idea of re-taking the Philadelphi Corridor does not seem to have gained traction.


THE issue, beyond the question of whether we keep hitting Hamas or call it quits, is the matter of the smuggling.

Thus, when all is said and done, the most significant player here is Egypt, which is supposed to be working on a mechanism for stopping that smuggling. Theoretically, at least, it must be in place before we pull out.

In the course of the day today I’ve read information that says Egypt’s attitude has changed and we’re further along now in achieving the desired result of blocking smuggling.

But then I also read that there are major problems in working things out with Egypt. What we know is that Amos Gilad, who was supposed to return to Egypt today for further negotiations, has not gone.


The report about a shift in Egypt’s attitude is true, however: Egypt is enormously sensitive about being accused of not having done enough to stop smuggling in the past. According to my best sources, the Mubarak administration has until now resisted the idea of working with foreign troops because this implies they are not capable of doing the job on their own.

Mubarak sought equipment only, with no foreign forces on his soil. When he requested this of the US, he was refused. But now he has had a visit from German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who was also here. Steinmeier told Mubarak that Germany would supply the equipment and technical experts but make no demands regarding troops in the Sinai.

This message from Germany — which essentially is an expression of confidence in Egypt — has buoyed Mubarak’s willingness to help solve the issue of stopping the smuggling. This doesn’t mean he will now accept foreign troops on his soil, but that he’s exploring other alternatives. One of these involves foreign troops on the other side of the border. Previously, I’m told, he objected even to this. There is also talk revived of a moat at the Philadelphi Corridor, which would theoretically block the possibility of tunnels being re-dug; but there are complications with regard to ecological issues, as the canal would be filled with water.

But this all seems rather moot. For Mubarak is still insisting that he will cooperate only with the PA at the border, and Hamas is insisting there will be no PA there. And no foreign troops either.


NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said yesterday that NATO has no plans to send troops to supervise a ceasefire in Gaza. Hoop Scheffer was here in Jerusalem and met with both Olmert and Livni. He indicated that NATO would be willing to play a peacekeeping role only if there existed a full-scale peace agreement, consent from both sides, and a UN mandate; and he wasn’t expecting this to happen any time soon.

I suspect this will be more typical than not: we’re not going to see foreign forces falling over themselves to come serve in Gaza — even if the situation ultimately allows for it.


What is most unsettling with regard to this is a statement that was made by Amos Gilad on Israel radio yesterday. Gilad, head of the Defense Ministry’s political-security branch, said with regard to arrangements with Egypt to stop the smuggling, that results of talks with Egypt were not particularly relevant, and the Israeli public would know if Hamas had smuggled if rockets were fired from Gaza.

As Aaron Lerner of IMRA puts it:

“It would appear that as far as Gilad is concerned, should the Olmert-Livni-Barak team he represents strike an arrangement with Egypt, critics of the arrangement should have no ability to criticize it and the failure of the arrangement can only be determined when Hamas fires the rockets it smuggles in.”

This suggests that the government team would consider pulling out before solid guarantees are in place, and bury the negotiating failure in secrecy.


Also greatly disconcerting is the news that Kadima held a secret poll on the second day of the war to assess how the fighting would affect the coming elections. This is not the way to fight a war — and it provides one more piece of evidence that the people running the government are no leaders at all.

I would hate to end up concluding that while I refrained from political observations, Olmert and Livni (most specifically Livni, who wants to be the next prime minister, I would guess) were motivated, as has been charged, by political considerations first.


And yet one other mention of a political consideration here: This is from one source only, but a reliable one in the main. He is suggesting that the issue of getting Egypt to agree to foreign forces IN PRINCIPLE, whether they are ever put in place in Gaza or not, is important for Kadima, as Livni envisions doing this ultimately in Judea and Samaria.


“Angst and Resolution”

From the start of this war, I was determined not to criticize the government, as long as it proceeded to do the right thing — never mind that our actions in our self-defense were severely over-due (and made necessary by the grievous error of the “disengagement” that Kadima promoted) and that there might be political motivation for some of what was happening. If it’s the right thing now, it’s the right thing. Time for critique could come later, if and as necessary.

Several times now, as we’ve progressed, I’ve expressed unease about whether the government might cave prematurely and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. There is ample precedent for being uneasy about the resolve of Olmert and company to see through our attempts to achieve victory, however that would be defined. Each time, I’ve been pleasantly surprised: we’re still fighting. Although again now I am uneasy (more about this following).


Of course, the question of what defines a state of victory is still outstanding. There has been criticism in this country regarding a vagueness within the government about defining precisely what our goals are. But I’ve cut them slack on this score as well. I have considered the fact that there might be legitimate reasons for playing our cards close to the chest, as it were.


Now, however, it is time, once again, to pause and take stock — look at where we’ve gone and where we need to go.

The fighting of the IDF has been superb. Lessons have been learned from 2006, and we’re a lean, mean fighting machine right now. As a result, we’ve dealt Hamas a really hard blow — although not yet hard enough, as I’ve been writing for some days now. What has been made clear is that there is a third stage that has been planned by the IDF that would hit Hamas even harder.

The UN Security Council Resolution last Thursday had the potential to bring what we were doing to a halt. Our Security Cabinet opted not to accept the resolution — presumably because Hamas refused to accept it and actually responded by launching 25 rockets into our south, and because the Egyptians turned out to be all talk and — refusing foreign forces on their soil — without solid plans for stopping the smuggling.

We announced that we were going ahead, and we dropped leaflets on the south of Gaza announcing that escalation could be expected. But we haven’t moved additional reserve troops — who have been trained and are ready — into Gaza and we haven’t begun a genuine intensification of our military actions. It’s been more of the same — which can continue just so long, even though we are still hitting the houses of Hamas leaders, taking out tunnels, etc. What is being done now is to put the soldiers in a static situation, which is not acceptable. Saying we’ll probably move ahead, either in the south or into Gaza City, is not the same as actually doing it.

On Monday, Amos Gilad, head of the Ministry of Defense Diplomatic-Security Bureau, is going back to Cairo to discuss Egyptian plans for stopping the smuggling. For even as it’s being said that we’re probably going to keep going, so is it being said that if Egypt comes up with “satisfactory” plans (involving foreign forces) we’ll stop. (There is some suggestion that if we do escalate our efforts, it will be to “convince” Egypt to cooperate on the matter of international forces.)


So there’s a feeling of “uh oh.” And what has to be asked is if satisfactory plans are even possible and, if so, what they would be. Olmert is moving as if there is the possibility of satisfactory plans. I, along with many others, remain exceedingly dubious. The model of UNIFIL stares us in the face. Which international forces would risk themselves, for Israel’s sake, in confrontation with those who dig tunnels and transport weapons through them? None come readily to mind.

Coupled with this is the issue of Egypt resenting the implication that it cannot go it alone, so that the international forces on Egyptian soil might be loathe to point out how remiss Egypt is.

There is, when all is said and done, a huge possibility that this would be a charade.


And in addition there is this factor: The notion has been touted that the PA should resume its presence at the Philadelphi Corridor, which it maintained — without real success at monitoring smuggling — from the fall of 2005, when we pulled out, until June 2007, when Hamas took over.

I figure PA forces would last about a day there now, because Hamas has said they wouldn’t be tolerated.

And Abbas knows this, too: he has now said that the PA would take control again at the crossing into the Sinai only after reconciliation with Hamas. There’s no great chance of that happening any time soon, as Hamas sees the PA as complicit with Israel in the current war. Never mind that Egypt is trying to get Hamas to agree to this “plan.”

Abbas, for his part, is pushing for an international force inside of Gaza. This won’t fly with Hamas either, as it has said that any international troops inside of Gaza would be attacked as occupiers.

This over-view of the situation makes it clear what a total balagan (state of confusion) it is.


And there’s even more to be considered:

Can we necessarily assume that if Olmert and Livni, who touted resolution 1701, say that a plan Egypt is proposing is a good plan, it truly is? I, for one, would not rely on this. Might our government seek a way out of further fighting by accepting a plan that has significant flaws? This is the question that nags at us, although we have no evidence of this now. Even with the best of intentions, are they all too ready to rely on international guarantees? Possibly. Although Olmert’s position now is that we must rely on ourselves.

And if we want to stop fighting, what would the parameters be for doing so? Would we actually stop unilaterally, as has been proposed? The mere suggestion of this is highly offensive.

If we want Hamas to stop too, there are two ways to get it to do so. Either we beat it down sufficiently — as General Kupervasser, whom I cited last week, suggests — which necessarily means further fighting. Or we give Hamas something — that something being permanent opening of crossings from Israel into Gaza, allowing Hamas the normalization it is seeking.

This would be counterproductive to all of our goals and would give Hamas the opportunity to say it has won. Would we, at a bare minimum, require return of Gilad Shalit first? It would be to our everlasting shame if we did not.

Hardly a simple situation.


And there is yet one other parameter to consider: Would it be a good thing for Israel if we were to totally and fully defeat Hamas? My answer to this has been, and remains, that it would not. The goal of the international community is to ensconce the PA in Gaza once again, and then to lean on us to make “peace” with the PA that would once again be in control of all “Palestinian territory.”

In fact, it is not only the international community that is pushing this, but also our foreign minister, Tzipi Livni. And it is with regard to this that I have absolutely no compunction about criticizing, war or no war. She has suggested on several occasions, most recently in an interview that ran in the Washington Post last week, that we are fighting so that moderate forces can be restored in Gaza, forces with whom we can make peace. And I consider the notion that we would lose a single one of our boys for any reason other than to protect our own rights an obscenity. We are not fighting for Mahmoud Abbas, and a Palestinian state would serve us only ill.

This, by the way, is where I take issue with Charles Krauthammer’s article on the issue, which has been sent to me by multiple persons.


So, where does this leave us? Is there no answer? I think perhaps there is. This is not original with me: I am merely drawing on what seems most reasonable.

First, we must hit Hamas with additional fighting power. General Kupervasser, who served with IDF Intelligence, says they can be pushed into a situation in which they will halt their aggression, whether permanently or temporarily is up for discussion.

And then, we need to re-take the Philadelphia Corridor, which we should never have left. There is no way that Hamas can claim a “win” if we are sitting there. And in this instance, instead of depending on Egypt and some obscure international force to ensure that there is no smuggling of arms, we protect ourselves — which is precisely how it should be.


I have no information that the IDF is planning this. But I do know that it is being promoted in significant circles. As I’ve previously mentioned, Maj.-Gen.(res) Yom-Tov Samia — who was head of the Southern Command of the IDF from 2001 until 2004, and is now advising the current head of the Southern Command, Maj.-Gen. Yoav Galant — has urged that we return to the Corridor and stay for 25 years. David Horovitz, editor of the Jerusalem Post, seems to support this idea, as does Dr. Aaron Lerner, head of IMRA.

Please see here for an analysis of this approach, with background and an extremely useful map. This is by IDF veteran and commentator on defense issues, David Eshel (with thanks to Joel Kangisser):


In brief, then, today’s news:

Olmert, and I must give him this credit, is still saying the right things. At today’s Cabinet meeting, he declared:

“No country in the world, including those that preach morals to us, would have shown restraint as we have. We knew this wouldn’t be simple, and what is acceptable for every other country in the world is barely accepted when it comes to Israel.

“Israel is approaching the targets it has set for itself, but more patience, determination and courage are needed for us to achieve those goals in a way that will change the security reality in the south, and for our citizens to feel long-term security and stability.

“We must not miss out last minute on what was achieved in an unprecedented national effort to restore the spirit of unity to the people of Israel. The Israeli public, and mainly the residents of the south in the Home Front, have the patience and will for this – as does the government.

“… We have never allowed anyone to decide for us whether we are allowed to strike those that hurl bombs at our kindergartens and schools and we never will agree to that in the future.

“No resolution that was made or will be made in the future that will deprive us of our basic right to defend the residents of Israel.”


The IDF is reporting that whole Hamas battalions have been wiped out. In addition, the Hamas fighters, who are vicious and devious, are also showing themselves to be cowardly. Not only are they in hiding, some are beginning to desert. Yesterday, we took out Amr Mansi, a rocket chief for the Gaza City area. We were able to target him because his subordinates refused his orders to come out of hiding to fire mortar shells at Israeli soldiers, so he did it himself, and was hit.


Overnight, we attacked the house of Hamas military commander Ahmad Jabari in Sajiya. We also struck some 60 additional terror targets including a mosque in Rafah that was used as a training camp and a storage facility for anti-aircraft missiles.


According to Carmela Menashe, military correspondent for Voice of Israel radio, the IDF wants to continue the war until the end of the month and is prepared to do so.

Note: This is the military intention, not necessarily what the political leaders will decide.

Note also: This would bring us past the January 20th inauguration date.


This is fairly astonishing, and a sign of the shift in the larger political situation in the Middle East:

Israel National News reports that, according to the Saudi Gazette, Saudi Arabia has promised that it will not use oil as a weapon against Israel because of its war against Hamas in Gaza. “You can’t reverse a conflict by using oil,” declared the Saudi Foreign Minister.

Says INN, the Gazette also stated, in a separate report, that the war in Gaza is a proxy battle between Western allies and Iran.


Hamas leaders are offering their usual bluster. Mashaal, Hamas politburo head in Damascus, has declared his fighting forces to be at full strength, even as he says we are committing a “holocaust” in Gaza.

He gave us a moment of unintended amusement when he announced that because of our acts we have ruined the opportunity to make peace with Hamas.


Head of Shin Bet, Yuval Diskin, today reported to the Cabinet that the number of rockets launched from Gaza since the beginning of the war has been fewer than had been anticipated.

Hamas is still fighting, however, and rockets — including Grad Katyushas — are being launched at our south. There have been Grads launched today at Beersheva, where a car was hit, near a kindergarten (thankfully empty!) in Ashkelon, and in Ashdod, next to an apartment building, as well as in other locations: Kiryat Malachi, Netivot, Eshkol regions, etc.

The comment has been made that the miracles continue, for these rockets are lethal and yet our people in the main have escaped injury — through the grace of G-d, and care that is taken to seek shelter. May this continue.


Hamas attacks, it should be noted, continued today during the three hour daily ceasefire we are honoring to allow relief to go into Gaza. Is anyone in the international community (and especially UNRWA) taking note of this?

There is a perpetual double standard at work, with Palestinians, whether Hamas or Fatah, cut slack. Does anyone care when Hamas is oblivious to civilian needs, or, since they are terrorists, is it simply assumed they will act as they do?


The Israeli Air Force reports that there have been attempts by Hamas to damage our aircraft, utilizing anti-aircraft missiles. Our pilots are aware of the situation and act in accordance with specified guidelines.


A spokeswoman for Barak Obama denies the report that Obama will deal quietly with Hamas that appeared in the Guardian on Friday.

In fact, Obama has just said that, “I think that a basic principle of any country is that they’ve got to protect their citizens.”

He has indicated that he is preparing his team to be immediately engaged, after January 20, in a Middle East peace process.


Please, see this really excellent YouTube video with a different and powerful slant, and share it widely (thanks Ruthie L.):

Also please see the IDF YouTube site and bookmark it for future reference. This is not only informative, I’ve been advised that YouTube would just as soon take it down, using the fact that it’s not being accessed as an excuse:

Secrecy Surrounds Senator Specter’s Visit to Damascus

The interview that follows was conducted with Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA.) when he visited Israel, en route to Damascus.

Despite Senator Specter’s willingness to engage in an open and frank discussion before his visit to Syria, Senator Specter has not yet been willing to answer the following questions about his visit to Damascus:

  1. What was the Syrian president’s response to the issue of the three MIA’s? (Ok, the Senator raised the question. How did Assad react?
  2. Will Assad recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Galilee?
  3. Did you ask Assad about whether he would adjust Syrian school boks to recognize the state of Israel?
  4. Did you ask Assad to police narcotics traffic that emanates from Syria?

US Senator Speaks With ‘Bulletin’ While In Israel By David Bedein, Middle East Correspondent Published:

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 Jerusalem – A pro forma announcement of the Israeli President’s office that U.S Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) was meeting with the Israeli president tipped off The Bulletin that the senator, ranking Republican member of the U.S. Senator Foreign Relations Operations Subcommittee and former chairman of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, was indeed in Jerusalem.

Mr. Specter’s office did not announce the timing or purpose of the visit.

After The Bulletin sent 10 inquiries to know the purpose of the visit, Mr. invited The Bulletin and two other news agencies to meet with him at his hotel, where Pennsylvania’s senior senator made a dramatic announcement. He had been asked by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to carry a message from Mr. Olmert to Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Mr. Specter, making his 17th journey to Syria, said that he would not disclose the message that he delivers from Mr. Olmert until Mr. Assad sees the letter.

Mr. Olmert, who has tendered his resignation under a cloud of corruption charges, has said he wants to use his remaining time in office to advance peace gestures with Syria, which has been in a state of war with Israel since the inception of the Jewish state in 1948.

Mr. Specter said Syria wanted the strategic Golan heights back, which was taken by Israel in the 1967 war, and the senator defined other conditions for peace with Syria. Those conditions are: allowing Lebanon to function as an independent nation, stop transferring Iranian arms to Hezbollah and to cut off aid to Hamas.

On the issue of the Golan, Mr. Specter, as an expert on Syria, was asked by the Bulletin if he had the impression Syria was ready to recognize the Upper Galilee region as a sovereign part of Israel, since Israel conquered the Golan to stop Syria from using the Golan Heights to stage attacks on the farms and cities of the Upper Galilee region.

Mr. Specter turned to his aide and asked him to remind him to raise the issue with President Assad.

In a follow-up question, the Bulletin asked Mr. Specter if Syria was ready to change its new school books, which define Israel as “southern Syria”.

The question surprised the senator. His aide asked for reference to the Syrian school books, since Mr. Specter has already held hearings in the US Senate about the incitement in the school books of Saudi Arabia and incitement in the school books of the Palestinian Authority.

Asked if it would be possible to draw a wedge between Syria and Iran, Mr. Specter said that he thought “it would be very difficult” to draw Syria out of Iran’s orbit, because the ties go back “a long way.” But, he said, “it is an evolving picture, and interests change. I think Syria would definitely like a closer relationship with the US. I have always been an advocate of diplomacy.”

In addition to pushing for talks with Syria, Mr. Specter has for many years advocated talking with the Iranians. He took issue with a suggestion made earlier this month by House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Howard Berman that any dialogue with Iran be of a limited duration, perhaps three months, so Tehran didn’t use it as cover to pursue their nuclear program.

“I think the dialogue ought to last however long the dialogue needs to last,” he said. “I would hope that it would last and be successful, and lead to diplomatic relations, and peaceful terms, and to a new Iranian president who doesn’t want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, that’s what I would like.”

Asked whether the Iranians would use the talks as a cover to move their nuclear program forward, Mr. Specter said, “They are going to move that forward whether we like it or not”
Specter said that it needed to be communicated to the Iranians “in unmistakable terms that it is unacceptable for them to have a nuclear weapon, but I don’t think we are well advised to say anything beyond that. No threats, no implied threats, just that it is unacceptable.”

Regarding the current hostilities in Gaza, Mr. Specter said that he did not think Israel was using disproportionate force, and said Israel was just seeking to remove the Hamas threat.

Mr. Specter said he believed American support for the Israeli operation would continue, and President George W. Bush had made it clear Washington saw Hamas as the provocateur.

As the briefing drew to a close, the Bulletin asked Mr. Specter a question in the personal realm.

Since Mr. Specter has presented himself throughout his entire career as both and proud American and a proud Jew, how did he cope with meeting with some of the most virulent anti-semites of this generation?

Among them were Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, Libyan President Moammar Gadhafi, Syrian president Assad and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

Mr. Specter choked up for a moment and said he spoke with each of these leaders with “dignity and respect” with people whom you do not have to agree with and that his response to them is “cordial and blunt”.

Assessments of the Middle East NewsLine

Welcome to Middle East Newsline, a defense news service by independent journalists with a real understanding of the region.

Our correspondents gather information from Ankara, Athens, Amman, Cairo, Jerusalem, London, Moscow, Nicosia, Ramallah and Washington on developments in the Middle East as well as on issues that affect the region. These issues include weapons sales and development, strategic business deals in defense and energy, and threat environment, such as terrorism and insurgency.

Middle East Newsline is not just an assembly line of information. Its focus is strategic and the service concentrates on actual developments and trends rather than on passing rhetoric. The result is news of significance. News you can use.

Our coverage for news and information goes beyond the region. We cover Russia because of its close military and political ties to the Middle East. We cover North Korea because it is regarded as one of the active weapons proliferators in this region. We cover Congress because its hearings contain valuable information on the Middle East as well as weapons programs that affect it.

The greatest strength of Middle East Newsline is its regional focus. We report on Israel’s military, strategic programs and relations with its neighbors. We closely follow developments in the Palestinian Authority, which appears on the verge of statehood. Our service also monitors Islamic fundamentalism and particularly its ties with other groups in the West. Our aim is to address two issues to our clients: the defense market in the Middle East and the threats that drive weapons sales.

Currently, we provide our subscribers with full online access to updated news and archives and a choice of two E-mail services: Daily Edition and Weekly Defense. Our clients are largely professionals who want us to cut away the fluff and just provide the significant developments and trends that do not appear in the general press. The result is a concentrated but easy read that brings you a daily comprehensive picture of the region.

We also provide strategic country profiles as well as customized reports on virtually any issue in the Middle East. Most of these reports can be prepared within a week of order.

Middle East Newsline is directed by Steve Rodan, a journalist with more than 20 years experience who has worked for U.S., European, Arab and Israeli newspapers, radio and television. Rodan is fluent in Arabic and Hebrew and has won awards for investigative and enterprise reporting. He was one of the first journalists to write on Iran’s missile and nuclear weapons programs, Israeli-Russian joint defense marketing, and the first to document Egyptian-North Korean missile cooperation. He has provided exclusives to such publications as Jane’s Defense Weekly in London, Defense News in Washington, Military Technology in Bonn, The Jerusalem Post in Israel, The Sunday Express in London and Le Nouvelles Actuelles in Paris. He has traveled extensively and is both an expert of the region as well as a specialist on military and strategic issues

January 9, 2009

It might not be over until the fat lady sings, but Hamas has already made history. The Islamic regime absorbed massive Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip and kept firing missiles on cities throughout southern Israel.

More important, it has been Israel rather Hamas that is now seeking a ceasefire. Hamas has shown it could mobilize Arabs and Muslims against their regimes throughout the Middle East while maintaining strong support from such rivals as Iran and Saudi Arabia. Most important, Hamas has proven that it can play the military and diplomatic game even better than Hizbullah in 2006. Today, Hamas has graduated into a strategic threat to Israel and a model for Sunni regimes throughout the region. Welcome to 2009.

January 10, 2009

If there has been one Middle East country of which can be said has been on its best behavior lately, it is Iran. Despite repeated assurances from its friends in the West, Teheran until the end remained concerned that U.S. President George Bush would order a last-minute air strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. With President-elect Obama in Washington and Bush cleaning out his closets in the White House, that threat appears to have passed. This,more than anything else explains the low Iranian profile during the Hamas-Israel war. Western intelligence agencies agree that 2009 marks the transformation of Iran into a nuclear power. Then watch Iran’s regional and international profile soar.

Israeli General: Let The Israeli Army Win

The commander of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) operation in the Gaza Strip, southern regional commander, Maj. Gen. Yoav Galant, has called on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Ehud Barak to authorize expanding the operation to its third phase.

The phase would include sending large numbers of reserve troops into Gaza and taking over large portions of the territory. Mr.
Galant told the senior Israel Ministry of Defense leadership the IDF can achieve a “decisive situation” against Hamas without being forced to take Gaza in its entirety.

Expanding the operation, he told Mr. Olmert and Mr. Barak, would come at the cost of soldiers’ lives and would require extending the reservists’ terms of duty. However, it would solve southern Israel’s security problems for many years to come. 

He said the operation has created a “once in a generation” opportunity to solve the problem of Hamas.

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“If we don’t do that we’ll be missing an historic opportunity,” Maj. Gen. Galant said. He he anticipates that ending the operation at its current stage would result in quiet along the Gaza front for a number of years. During that time period Hamas would likely resume its rearmament and, and Tel Aviv would then fall within range of their rockets. 

He also addressed efforts to persuade Egypt to take 
more effective actions to prevent arms smuggling on the Philadelphi Road. “Israel,” he said, “can only count on the IDF.” 

Preparing For Intensified Army Activity 

IDF troops are preparing for activity at a level of intensity that has not yet been seen. 

On Saturday, the IDF warned the Palestinians to prepare 
themselves for a possible offensive. Leaflets that were distributed throughout Gaza announced an “escalation in the army’s operations.” 

“In the near future,” the leaflets read, “the IDF will continue to 
attack tunnels, weapons caches and terrorist activists with mounting 
intensity throughout the entire Gaza Strip. For the sake of your safety 
and the safety of your family you are required to refrain from remaining 
in proximity to terrorist elements or places in which weapons are stored 
or terrorist actions are perpetrated. You should continue to heed the 
instructions that are given to you… “

Throughout the weekend, only a small number 
of engagements between IDF troops and Hamas fighters occurred, resulting in seven soldiers sustaining light injuries. The troops were mainly engaged in 
clearing the areas now under their control from bombs and in breaking 
any routines so as to impede any efforts by the terrorists to strike at 
the troops. 

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) attacked some 60 targets, including 10 rocket-launching sites, five tunnels that served for arms smuggling and 14 ammunition 
storehouses and weapons production sites. Golani Brigade soldiers killed 
a suicide bomber in the northern Gaza Strip who was armed with a bomb 

IDF Troops Kill Leader Of Rocket Forces 

Amir Mansi, who was defined as the commander of the rocket crews in 
the Gaza City area, was among the 50 terrorists who were killed by IDF forces over weekend. He was among the more important Hamas officials who had been believed to have been involved with the BM-21 Grad rocket attacks against Israel. IDF officials say that Mansi came under fire after he was identified firing mortar shells at Israel.

Mansi, who was trained by Hezbollah, was killed on the spot, and two terrorists who were with him were hit.

According to eyewitnesses who were nearby when the incident took 
place, Mansi, 28, was seen walking in the streets of Gaza City 
late on Saturday afternoon. Several minutes later, as Mansi was 
passing by a school in the northern Gaza Strip, a powerful 
explosion that shook the street and its inhabitants was heard. The same eyewitnesses recalled that a missile fired by the IDF scored 
a direct hit on him. 

Mansi, one of the greatest Palestinian experts on rocket launching, was killed instantly. 

Mansi was the son of Yusuf Mansi, 
the communications minister in the Hamas government, also considered a religious extremist figure. 

An Israeli security source described the hit as a heavy blow to 
Hamas. “This is a figure of the first rank on Hamas’ team,” the source said. “He was a particularly knowledgeable expert on operating Grad rockets. 
Operating a long-range rocket is much more complicated than the Qassam 
rocket, and so he was in charge of the training and launches.” 

A high-ranking commander in the Gaza sector added, “We are seeing 
people deserting and going AWOL among Hamas’ combat personnel. They are 
afraid to go out and fight. Therefore, today we saw Amir Mansi, a 
high-ranking man in high trajectory fire launches, whose subordinate 
did not go out to launch rockets, so he went out to launch them 

A security source in Gaza assessed that Mansi had been forced to fire the mortars himself because his troops had refused. Mansi allegedly had no choice, and he was forced to go out and fire the mortar shells himself. 

IDF officials said they believed 300 Hamas fighters had been killed in battles with IDF troops – in addition to the others who had been
killed in IAF strikes that were carried out in the week preceding the ground operation.

A high-ranking Israeli officer said Hamas has suffered hundreds of casualties from the range of fighting.

“There are entire companies and battalions that have simply been wiped out,” he 
said. “We’ve also identified fear among activists to make an appearance 
that might endanger them when dealing with IDF soldiers. Only when the
Hamas people stick their heads out of their bunkers will they realize 
the magnitude of the destruction that Israel has caused them.”

The IAF also attacked last night the home of Ahmed Jaabri, the commander of Hamas’ military wing, in Gaza City’s Sajaiya neighborhood. The IDF has attacked some 60 targets in Gaza since last night, including tunnels and a mosque that served as a weapons storehouse where a machinegun and shells had been stored.

IDF officials also allege that the mosque served as a 
training ground and a meeting place for Hamas activists. 

Diplomatic Maneuvering

In the meantime, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier arrived in Israel yesterday, after having met with with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo Saturday.

He told the Egyptian leader Germany was prepared to send a team to Egypt that would examine how to prevent arms smuggling. The Italians also voiced their willingness to send troops, as did NATO, which announced that it would help address the arms smuggling routes from Iran to Gaza. 

Israel Accuses: Condoleezza Worked Against Us 

Relations between Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice were warm until a short time ago, but two days ago something changed. During the night between Thursday and Friday, when the U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire, Ms. Livni spoke with Ms. Rice seven times – tough conversations with raised voices. 

Israeli officials accused Ms. Rice of having worked behind Israel’s 
back and of having been the “engine” behind the wording of the Security 
Council’s resolution, contrary to the promises that she gave to Israel.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s dramatic appeal to President George W. Bush last Friday at 3:30 a.m., where Mr. Olmert demanded that the Americans veto the resolution – caused Bush to force Ms. Rice to abstain from voting although she had wanted to support it from the beginning. 

A tough conversation between Ms. Livni and British Foreign Secretary David Miliband also erupted. Israeli officials claim that Mr. Miliband was the
 one who put pressure on the French to hold the vote on Thursday night
 and not postpone it by 24 hours, as the Americans and the 

IAF Commander Sets Personal Example And Bombs Gaza 

In the initial stages of the current IDF operations, were complaints existed about how Israeli commanders had been watching events unfold on their computer screens instead of leading their troops on the battlefield. This reminded many people of the 2006 War in Lebanon, when Israeli military commanders chose to remain in their command posts near the border fence.

As the past two weeks have transpired, IDF commanders have worked to change that image.

Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Ido Nehushtan personally took part in one of the air strikes on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip. Mr. Nehushtan, formerly an F-16 squadron commander, flew in the plane he knew so well from the days when he commanded the squadron at the IAF’s Hatzor base.

The IDF chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, has been seen in the combat zone in the Gaza Strip, and Mr. Galant accompanied IDF Armored Corps troops from the 401st Brigade, while other high-ranking commanders have also begun to set a personal example and have gotten into the fray of things along with their subordinates. 

In addition, Israel Navy Commander Maj. Gen. Eliezer (Cheney) Marom was aboard an Israel Navy missile boat off the Gaza coast, while Maj. Gen. Gadi Shamni also entered the battlefield when he came to visit the troops from the 401st Brigade, which is subordinate to him.

David Bedein can be reached at dbedein@israelbehindthenews.com

Israel Scores Initial Victories In Gaza War

During Thursday’s Israel Defense Forces (IDF) operations, the Israeli army targeted, identified and killed Islamic Jihad terrorists who in recent days launched rockets into Israel including, Nasser Halil Hassan Ouda, 21; Muhammad Faez Yadeb Hanedi, 24; Anwar Abed al-Hafiz Abu Salem, 23.

Israeli ground troops encountered and shot armed gunmen in several different incidents.

On Thursday morning, an Israeli officer, Maj. Roi Rosner, 27, from Holon, Israel, was killed when an anti-tank missile hit Israeli troops from the Kfir infantry brigade.

On Thursday afternoon, Sgt. Amit Robinson, 21, a tank crewman from kibbutz Magal, was killed Thursday by sniper fire in Northern Gaza.

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The Israel Air Force (IAF) attacked approximately 25 targets, including: 

  • Nine Weaponry storehouses, most of them hidden under the homes of Hamas terrorists;
  • Weapons smuggling tunnels;
  • Four rocket launching sites;
  • A vehicle carrying a rocket launcher;
  • Two Hamas outposts;
  • and five cadres of armed terrorists operatives, some of which fired at Israeli forces.

On Wednesday night, the IAF attacked a number of targets, based on IDF and Israel Securities Authority (ISA) intelligence, including the house of Yaser Natat, who commands the rocket-firing program in the Rafah area, and the house of Muhammad Sanuar, the commander of the Hamas “Han Yunes Brigade.”

The Middle East Newsline confirmed the IAF had knocked out the Hamas government’s telecommunications facilities in Gaza.

Hamas has lost its entire cellular phone system, operated by PaTel, the Palestinian telephone system, due to IAF attacks, as well as most of its landlines. Its secure communications system has now been totally disrupted by Israel’s military.

PalTel reported that at least three of its technicians were killed during the war.

The IAF also knocked out Hamas’ military communications systems. Over the last two years, Hamas’ military wing operated the Senao system of Taiwanese origin, which is meant to prevent interception or jamming. It was comprised of two-way handheld wireless radios with a range of 35 miles.

Hamas military leaders have been forced to cease most of their communications with field units, and messages are now transmitted through couriers or walkie-talkies.

“This [walkie-talkie] is also becoming difficult because we are running out of batteries,” a Hamas operative said.

The Washington, D.C.-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) has said the IAF has combined manned and unmanned aircraft to target and strike Hamas operatives and facilities throughout the Gaza Strip. CSIS, said to be close to members of the incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama, said the air force has eroded much of the Hamas command structure.

“One should not underestimate Israeli success in purely military
 terms,” the CSIS report, titled “The Fighting in Gaza: How Does It End?” said. “The IAF flew roughly 150 sorties on December 27, the first day, and over 100 the next three days. Hamas quickly dispersed both its personnel and weapons and equipment, but the IAF has continued to have excellent targeting support from its unmanned aerial vehicles and other technical intelligence assets, and support from anti-Hamas elements inside and outside of Gaza.”

The report, authored by former Defense Department official Anthony Cordesman, said Israeli air strikes have eroded Hamas’ military command. Mr. Cordesman cited such air force targets as Hamas weapons tunnels, shelters and other facilities.

“The IAF may not be able to find and hit every target, and some tunnels and sheltered areas, yet Hamas has clearly lost some key leaders and is losing most of its key facilities and much of its equipment,” the report said. “It may be able to fire limited numbers of rockets indefinitely into the future, but it will lose a significant amount of its weapons, as well as its training facilities and communications facilities.”

Mr. Cordesman said that Hamas has failed to reach the military capabilities of the Iranian-sponsored Hezbollah. The report said Hamas does not have the training, experience or the equipment of the Lebanese-based militia.

“Hamas is not Hezbollah,” the report said. “It has not fought the IDF for years. Its forces are limited in training and experience, and do not seem to have had anything like Hezbollah’s access to the more modern and lethal man-portable and crew-served weapons – although it may well have some anti-tank guided weapon and portable surface to air missiles in reserve.”

CSIS determined that the Israeli military could quickly overpower Hamas in urban strongholds in the Gaza Strip. The report cited the lack of a Hamas military infrastructure, hampered by the refusal of the rival Fatah movement to battle Israel.

“For all of the talk about the difficulties of house-to-house fighting, it is important to note that most urban combat is over quickly unless both sides have extensive combat equipment and support capabilities, and that insurgent defenders generally take massive losses relative to the attacker,” the report said. “Hamas may inflict casualties in a few clashes, but it also has not yet demonstrated that it can bring together any kind of broad Palestinian resistance that has any effectiveness.”

Mr. Cordesman said the Israeli army would not be required to attack all Hamas strongholds, because the Israeli military could rely on its air force to flatten suspected Hamas facilities in urban areas.

“It [Israeli military] can secure and isolate such strong points, attack only those strong points that have key value, and use airpower instead of house-to-house fighting,” the report said. “The problems the IDF faces because it was committed to a static war against far better defended areas long the Israeli-Lebanese border do not apply in Gaza, and Israel has had two years in which to retrain and improve its capabilities for joint warfare. Unless its political leadership repeats the mistakes of 2006, it does not need to fight the wrong kind of urban warfare.”

Still, Mr. Cordesman appeared to dismiss the prospect that Israel’s military would stabilize the Gaza Strip, and doubts Israel’s military will defeat Hamas or its insurgency allies.

“While no one should judge the outcome of any clash or series of battles before they are over, the more serious question will be whether IDF tactical successes have lasting strategic value, and produce any kind of stable political outcome,” the report said. “The deafening silence of the Israeli government in describing the broader goals behind Israel’s operations raise much more serious questions here than its military operations to date. It seems very unlikely, however, that any amount of Israeli tactical success can – by itself – bring an end to the war process.”

Israel’s current defense minister, Ehud Barak, was a research fellow at the CSIS during the six-month period after he completed his term of office as the commander in chief of the IDF on Dec. 31, 1994. After that, Mr. Barak entered Israeli politics and served as the interior minister, foreign minister and prime minister of Israel.

Diplomatic Initiatives:

The Director of the Political-Security Staff in the Israel Defense Ministry Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilad made a short visit to Egypt on Thursday morning to discuss Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s cease-fire plan. However, the Israeli government security cabinet instructed the IDF to exhaust the second stage of the operation in the Gaza Strip until it becomes clear whether the diplomatic measures initiated by Egypt and France are leading to a cease-fire. Sources in the Israeli government confirm that if the diplomatic talks fail, the prime minister will convene the security cabinet in order to approve the third stage of the operation and its expansion.

The London based al-Hayat newspaper reports that Mr. Mubarak had invited Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to meet with him in order to discuss the Egyptian cease-fire initiative. The item said Mr. Olmert said he would come to Egypt after the security cabinet meets.

Talks are also underway for a meeting between Prime Minister Olmert and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who will meet with President Mubarak in Cairo on Saturday.

The U.N. Security Council has come to no agreement. Libya demands that the Security Council vote on a resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire. The U.S., U.K. and France wish to issue a statement rather than a binding resolution. Such a statement requires the agreement of all 15 members of the council. The statement that the three powers has offered emphasizes the need for a sustainable cease-fire that will include guarantees that arms smuggling to the Gaza Strip will be prevented.

However, Hamas has rejected any and all initiatives for a cease-fire that have emanated from Egypt and France.

Northern Israel Attacked

On Thursday morning, a second front opened up against Israel. At least three Katyusha rockets were fired from Lebanon on the city Nahariya area in the Western Galilee. A nursing home suffered a direct hit. Fortunately, all of the elderly residents were sitting in the breakfast hall when the attack occurred on Thursday morning. The rocket hit the roof of the building, penetrating to through the ceiling and crashing into the kitchen, destroying its water and electrical system.

Following the attack, all Nahariya school children were instructed not to report to school.

Within a few hours, the IDF shelled rocket-launching sites in Lebanon with artillery fire. Israeli security sources said that they believed that a pro-Palestinian was involved in the attack, and not by Hezbollah. Afat Mora, a Hamas spokesman in Lebanon, said on Thursday that his organization was not involved in the Katyusha fire.”

The Nahariya attack caused the Israeli Army Northern Command to convene for an urgent meeting to evaluate the situation, to discuss the possibility that the northern region could flare up if armed groups in Lebanon were to decide to launch attacks to show their solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza.

Senior intelligence officers, headed by IDF Intelligence chief Amos Yadlin, warned earlier this week that Hezbollah or another Palestinian group in Lebanon might attempt to open a second front against Israel in light of the fighting in the Gaza.

Civilian Front: An Interim Assessment

With the second week of Israel’s Gaza Incursion coming to a close, initial insights about Israel’s civilian front have emerged.

In the first six days of the operation, 182 improvised Qassam rockets and 65 standard Grad katyusha rockets were launched against Israeli civilian targets – an average of 41 rockets per day (compared with an average of nine rockets per day in all of 2008). In addition, 277 mortar shells were fired.

The rockets fired at Ashdod and Beersheba reflect a significant upgrade in Hamas’ range capabilities. This expanded capability relies on standard katyusha rockets smuggled into the Gaza Strip, during the recent six-month cease-fire.

So far, four civilians in Israel were killed during this operation.

David Bedein can be reached at dbedein@israelbehindthenews.com

Israel Scores Initial Victories In Gaza War

During Thursday’s Israel Defense Forces (IDF) operations, the Israeli army targeted, identified and killed Islamic Jihad terrorists who in recent days launched rockets into Israel including, Nasser Halil Hassan Ouda, 21; Muhammad Faez Yadeb Hanedi, 24; Anwar Abed al-Hafiz Abu Salem, 23.

Israeli ground troops encountered and shot armed gunmen in several different incidents.

On Thursday morning, an Israeli officer, Maj. Roi Rosner, 27, from Holon, Israel, was killed when an anti-tank missile hit Israeli troops from the Kfir infantry brigade.

On Thursday afternoon, Sgt. Amit Robinson, 21, a tank crewman from kibbutz Magal, was killed Thursday by sniper fire in Northern Gaza.

The Israel Air Force (IAF) attacked approximately 25 targets, including: 

  • Nine Weaponry storehouses, most of them hidden under the homes of Hamas terrorists;
  • Weapons smuggling tunnels;
  • Four rocket launching sites;
  • A vehicle carrying a rocket launcher;
  • Two Hamas outposts;
  • and five cadres of armed terrorists operatives, some of which fired at Israeli forces.

On Wednesday night, the IAF attacked a number of targets, based on IDF and Israel Securities Authority (ISA) intelligence, including the house of Yaser Natat, who commands the rocket-firing program in the Rafah area, and the house of Muhammad Sanuar, the commander of the Hamas “Han Yunes Brigade.”

The Middle East Newsline confirmed the IAF had knocked out the Hamas government’s telecommunications facilities in Gaza.

Hamas has lost its entire cellular phone system, operated by PaTel, the Palestinian telephone system, due to IAF attacks, as well as most of its landlines. Its secure communications system has now been totally disrupted by Israel’s military.

PalTel reported that at least three of its technicians were killed during the war.

The IAF also knocked out Hamas’ military communications systems. Over the last two years, Hamas’ military wing operated the Senao system of Taiwanese origin, which is meant to prevent interception or jamming. It was comprised of two-way handheld wireless radios with a range of 35 miles.

Hamas military leaders have been forced to cease most of their communications with field units, and messages are now transmitted through couriers or walkie-talkies.

“This [walkie-talkie] is also becoming difficult because we are running out of batteries,” a Hamas operative said.

The Washington, D.C.-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) has said the IAF has combined manned and unmanned aircraft to target and strike Hamas operatives and facilities throughout the Gaza Strip. CSIS, said to be close to members of the incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama, said the air force has eroded much of the Hamas command structure.

“One should not underestimate Israeli success in purely military
 terms,” the CSIS report, titled “The Fighting in Gaza: How Does It End?” said. “The IAF flew roughly 150 sorties on December 27, the first day, and over 100 the next three days. Hamas quickly dispersed both its personnel and weapons and equipment, but the IAF has continued to have excellent targeting support from its unmanned aerial vehicles and other technical intelligence assets, and support from anti-Hamas elements inside and outside of Gaza.”

The report, authored by former Defense Department official Anthony Cordesman, said Israeli air strikes have eroded Hamas’ military command. Mr. Cordesman cited such air force targets as Hamas weapons tunnels, shelters and other facilities.

“The IAF may not be able to find and hit every target, and some tunnels and sheltered areas, yet Hamas has clearly lost some key leaders and is losing most of its key facilities and much of its equipment,” the report said. “It may be able to fire limited numbers of rockets indefinitely into the future, but it will lose a significant amount of its weapons, as well as its training facilities and communications facilities.”

Mr. Cordesman said that Hamas has failed to reach the military capabilities of the Iranian-sponsored Hezbollah. The report said Hamas does not have the training, experience or the equipment of the Lebanese-based militia.

“Hamas is not Hezbollah,” the report said. “It has not fought the IDF for years. Its forces are limited in training and experience, and do not seem to have had anything like Hezbollah’s access to the more modern and lethal man-portable and crew-served weapons – although it may well have some anti-tank guided weapon and portable surface to air missiles in reserve.”

CSIS determined that the Israeli military could quickly overpower Hamas in urban strongholds in the Gaza Strip. The report cited the lack of a Hamas military infrastructure, hampered by the refusal of the rival Fatah movement to battle Israel.

“For all of the talk about the difficulties of house-to-house fighting, it is important to note that most urban combat is over quickly unless both sides have extensive combat equipment and support capabilities, and that insurgent defenders generally take massive losses relative to the attacker,” the report said. “Hamas may inflict casualties in a few clashes, but it also has not yet demonstrated that it can bring together any kind of broad Palestinian resistance that has any effectiveness.”

Mr. Cordesman said the Israeli army would not be required to attack all Hamas strongholds, because the Israeli military could rely on its air force to flatten suspected Hamas facilities in urban areas.

“It [Israeli military] can secure and isolate such strong points, attack only those strong points that have key value, and use airpower instead of house-to-house fighting,” the report said. “The problems the IDF faces because it was committed to a static war against far better defended areas long the Israeli-Lebanese border do not apply in Gaza, and Israel has had two years in which to retrain and improve its capabilities for joint warfare. Unless its political leadership repeats the mistakes of 2006, it does not need to fight the wrong kind of urban warfare.”

Still, Mr. Cordesman appeared to dismiss the prospect that Israel’s military would stabilize the Gaza Strip, and doubts Israel’s military will defeat Hamas or its insurgency allies.

“While no one should judge the outcome of any clash or series of battles before they are over, the more serious question will be whether IDF tactical successes have lasting strategic value, and produce any kind of stable political outcome,” the report said. “The deafening silence of the Israeli government in describing the broader goals behind Israel’s operations raise much more serious questions here than its military operations to date. It seems very unlikely, however, that any amount of Israeli tactical success can – by itself – bring an end to the war process.”

Israel’s current defense minister, Ehud Barak, was a research fellow at the CSIS during the six-month period after he completed his term of office as the commander in chief of the IDF on December 31, 1994. After that, Mr. Barak entered Israeli politics and served as the interior minister, foreign minister and prime minister of Israel.

Diplomatic Initiatives:

The Director of the Political-Security Staff in the Israel Defense Ministry Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilad made a short visit to Egypt on Thursday morning to discuss Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s cease-fire plan. However, the Israeli government security cabinet instructed the IDF to exhaust the second stage of the operation in the Gaza Strip until it becomes clear whether the diplomatic measures initiated by Egypt and France are leading to a cease-fire. Sources in the Israeli government confirm that if the diplomatic talks fail, the prime minister will convene the security cabinet in order to approve the third stage of the operation and its expansion.

The London based al-Hayat newspaper reports that Mr. Mubarak had invited Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to meet with him in order to discuss the Egyptian cease-fire initiative. The item said Mr. Olmert said he would come to Egypt after the security cabinet meets.

Talks are also underway for a meeting between Prime Minister Olmert and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who will meet with President Mubarak in Cairo on Saturday.

The U.N. Security Council has come to no agreement. Libya demands that the Security Council vote on a resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire. The U.S., U.K. and France wish to issue a statement rather than a binding resolution. Such a statement requires the agreement of all 15 members of the council. The statement that the three powers has offered emphasizes the need for a sustainable cease-fire that will include guarantees that arms smuggling to the Gaza Strip will be prevented.

However, Hamas has rejected any and all initiatives for a cease-fire that have emanated from Egypt and France.

Northern Israel Attacked

On Thursday morning, a second front opened up against Israel. At least three Katyusha rockets were fired from Lebanon on the city Nahariya area in the Western Galilee. A nursing home suffered a direct hit. Fortunately, all of the elderly residents were sitting in the breakfast hall when the attack occurred on Thursday morning. The rocket hit the roof of the building, penetrating to through the ceiling and crashing into the kitchen, destroying its water and electrical system.

Following the attack, all Nahariya school children were instructed not to report to school.

Within a few hours, the IDF shelled rocket-launching sites in Lebanon with artillery fire. Israeli security sources said that they believed that a pro-Palestinian was involved in the attack, and not by Hezbollah. Afat Mora, a Hamas spokesman in Lebanon, said on Thursday that his organization was not involved in the Katyusha fire.”

The Nahariya attack caused the Israeli Army Northern Command to convene for an urgent meeting to evaluate the situation, to discuss the possibility that the northern region could flare up if armed groups in Lebanon were to decide to launch attacks to show their solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza.

Senior intelligence officers, headed by IDF Intelligence chief Amos Yadlin, warned earlier this week that Hezbollah or another Palestinian group in Lebanon might attempt to open a second front against Israel in light of the fighting in the Gaza.

Civilian Front: An Interim Assessment

With the second week of Israel’s Gaza Incursion coming to a close, initial insights about Israel’s civilian front have emerged.

In the first six days of the operation, 182 improvised Qassam rockets and 65 standard Grad katyusha rockets were launched against Israeli civilian targets – an average of 41 rockets per day (compared with an average of nine rockets per day in all of 2008). In addition, 277 mortar shells were fired.

The rockets fired at Ashdod and Beersheba reflect a significant upgrade in Hamas’ range capabilities. This expanded capability relies on standard katyusha rockets smuggled into the Gaza Strip, during the recent six-month cease-fire.

So far, four civilians in Israel were killed during this operation.

Sderot resident; 66-year old Maria, angry with Hamas

Maria Kovelskya is a 66-year old Ukrainian immigrant.

Her husband died a year and half ago.

She now lives alone in her Sderot apartment with her five cats to keep her company.”I live in fear here in Sderot,” says Maria.

Six Palestinian rockets have exploded near Maria’s apartment complex on a quiet residential street in Sderot.

The most recent Palestinian rocket attack on Maria’s neighborhood took place only a week ago, on Monday, December 29.

A Palestinian rocket landed in the courtyard right behind Maria’s kitchen but did not explode.

However, the impact of the rocket attack shattered the glass windows in Maria’s kitchen and living room.

Damage from the rocket impact reached the fourth floor of Maria’s apartment complex.

She no longer has a boiler or air conditioner as rocket shrapnel caused heavy damage both.

“It gets so cold at night,” says Maria. Sheets of plastic, held by duct tape, cover the broken windows in Maria’s home.

A volunteer knocks on Maria’s door and enters with extra blankets for the old lady.”My Philipino caretaker left me after this past rocket attack,” says Maria in Russian. “She got very scared.” Maria has a new caretaker now, but doesn’t know how long she will stay. One of Maria’s cats was wounded in the rocket attacks.

The door to the kitchen is broken and the clock has cracked. The time says 12:10 and Maria explains that the clock stopped working at the time the Qassam rocket slammed into the courtyard. “I was taking a bath at the time of the rocket attack,” says Maria. “My caretaker was with me when we heard the siren, Tzeva Adom.”

Like the fifty other apartments in the complex, has no shelter. Most of the residents are Russian immigrants who speak little Hebrew. “When the alert goes off, I run to the innermost room in my apartment, one without windows,” explains Maria. Next week, Maria has a meeting with a psychologist, although she appears to be in fair spirits. This is not the first time that Maria has lived through war.”I lived in the Ukraine during World War II,” says Maria. “I was a baby when the Germans began attacking my city.”

One of the German bombs blasted Maria into a wall in her home, injuring her legs.

Maria, however, is very angry with Hamas. “I am proud of the Israeli soldiers. If I could, I would join the IDF in the fight against Hamas,” says Maria, banging her cane on the floor. In the Ukraine, Maria was a principal of a school, and earned her BA and MA at a Russian university. When she arrived to Israel with her husband in 1996, she worked as a Russian language teacher.

The couple moved to Sderot after living in Bat Yam for four years. Her husband suffered a heart attack seven years ago, and lay bed ridden.

During that time, Maria took care of him and also worked until he passed away. “I only hope that there will be some peace and quiet for us here in Sderot,” finishes Maria. “I am too old to continue living with this kind of danger. You never get used to war.”

Incisive Commentary

Posting: January 8, 2009

“Diplomatic Confusion”

Major Ro’i Rozner, of the Kfir Brigade, has been killed by mortar fire in a fierce battle in the region of the former Jewish community of Neztarim. We salute him.


It was obvious yesterday that our government seemed to be on the verge of agreeing to a ceasefire — which was enormously worrisome — and then backed off. The reason given for backing off was that there were elements of the agreement that turned out to not be acceptable to us.

I have since learned that there were, in essence, two versions of a ceasefire agreement being floated, and that we had actually agreed to one and then backed off because it became apparent that what was on the table was the second version, not what our government thought it was agreeing to. What is more, I have been advised that Sarkozy was at the heart of this confusion, having lead Israel to expect one thing and then offering Mubarak something else.


So… we backed off, and decided to continue our operation. But we have not yet decided to expand it to the next stage, which would have involved bringing in some of the reserves who have been called up and are waiting, and sending troops into the south of Gaza. Those in the Security Cabinet who were in favor of expanding the operation with an eye to toppling Hamas were Haim Ramon, Eli Yishai, Daniel Friedmann and Rafi Eitan; eight voted against doing so. Barak, who dragged his feet with regard to starting the war, seems most eager to call a halt now.

We are, in essence, in a modified holding pattern while we wait to see what develops diplomatically. Amos Gilad has been sent to Cairo to participate in discussions Still worrisome. It is not yet time.


As for continuing the operation, what we did was to release flyers in the area of Rafah — near the Philadelphi Corridor — warning people to leave their homes. Five thousand people left, seeking temporary shelter in nearby schools.

And last night we began bombing in the area — bombing both additional tunnels and houses. We had already destroyed at least 100 tunnels, but it is said there are some 200 more still in existence. As to the houses, not only are weapons stored in many of them, but in many cases the tunnels exit holes are inside of houses so they are not visible.

The Post editor-in-chief, David Horovitz, made the point this morning that we learned from Lebanon that an army trapped in indecision is most vulnerable: the army must keep moving to avoid being a target. Indeed. The indecision, such as it exists, is totally political and diplomatic. Our troops have been exceedingly well prepared and trained and are comporting themselves excellently.


While we have not yet sent troops to the south, I note that there are those who are advocating that we return to the Philadelphi Corridor and stay there. Horovitz says that Yom-Tov Sama — who is now advising the head of the Southern Command, Maj.-Gen. Yoav Galant — has urged that we return to the Corridor and stay for 25 years.


Rather than even attempting to examine the elements of the various cease-fire proposals being advanced, I would like here simply to review the major issues and their import.

[] There is talk of a temporary cease fire, to be followed by a permanent one. The parameters of each would have to be clearly defined, if indeed there would be two stages. There has been some suggestion that Israel should halt unilaterally, which strikes me as a horrendous idea.

[] Israel must retain the right to act if Hamas either renews smuggling or again launches rockets or fires mortar shells. We cannot have a cease-fire that prevents us from responding defensively.

[] The issue of opening all crossings permanently is key to what Hamas seeks. In fact, Hamas has said if it doesn’t get the crossings opened, it won’t agree to a cease-fire. The parameters and conditions for this would need to be carefully spelled out — if indeed we were to agree at all, which seems unlikely. Hamas is seeking normalcy while we are seeking to isolate it. (Humanitarian aid would continue to flow.) There is talk of some monitoring by Europeans of the crossings, which is likely to be fairly useless.


[] The big issue for us is the matter of the re-establishment of tunnels by Hamas and its renewed smuggling of weapons in order to rearm. And the ultimate question is whether it’s actually possible to set up a system that would block this from happening. There remains some serious doubt in this regard.

Major Israeli defense officials are saying this won’t be possible.

Egypt, it goes without saying, must be a key player. The Egyptians have been vociferously denying that they have been lax in their monitoring of the situation until now, and are somewhat defensive. But evidence is that for years they might have done much more, and, in fact, blithely looked away.

By agreement, since we pulled out of the Philadelphi Corridor in 2005, Egypt has had 750 soldiers stationed on its side of the border. They are requesting permission to put in more. Permission is required because our peace treaty with Egypt makes this area demilitarized.

There are some US army engineers in the area now, as well, working as advisors with the Egyptian troops, and there is talk about bringing in more, to remain on a permanent basis. Presumably, they would be empowered to destroy tunnels.

But a question of great sensitivity arises here regarding what any monitors/observers/advisors from another country can do on sovereign Egyptian soil. Egypt will not take kindly to suggestions that it is falling down on the job and that other forces must act. There is a parallel here with Resolution 1701, which put in place enhanced UNIFIL in Lebanon: UNIFIL is not empowered to act unilaterally against Hezbollah, only at the behest of the Lebanese army.


On the other side of the Sinai-Gaza line is the Philadelphi Corridor (and Rafah). When Rice spoke this week about bringing back the PA, it was to place them here. The regrettable arrangements Rice manufactured in 2005 had us gone from Philadelphi and the PA in. She wants to return to this situation, but it is not going to work. Hamas will not stand for it — they’ve already said so — and the PA has not the power to withstand Hamas.

This is where our presence might be invaluable.


So here we are, once again, at a cross-road. Will we slow down and then agree to a diplomatic arrangement, or hit Hamas even harder than we have so far?

Olmert visited the south and received a briefing today. In a statement he issued, he admitted that we have not yet reached our military goal: We are not in a place that yet assures long term peace for the south of our nation. Said he: “… the IDF hasn’t been asked yet to do whatever it takes get to this point.”

Well, you want to ask, Why the hell not? If security for the south was our stated goal, why has action to secure it not been ordered?

“This decision is still ahead of us,” declared Olmert.

The decision is, of course, to be made by the political echelon. To me, it’s a no-brainer. We haven’t reached the point of protecting our citizens adequately yet, and we have a superbly trained and functioning force ready to move ahead to achieve this. Do we stop now for a diplomatic arrangement that at best would provide dubious protection?

Let us pray not.


And right now, in spite of vigorous efforts to secure a ceasefire, and our potential willingness to cooperate, it looks as if Hamas attitudes and statements may move our government in the direction of further forceful action:

Eight radical Palestinian movements headquartered in Damascus — primary among them Hamas and Islamic Jihad — have met to discuss the situation in Gaza. Now a spokesman for these groups has declared:

“Palestinian organizations, notably Hamas, see no valid basis in the Egyptian plan for a solution to the crisis… The Franco-Egyptian initiative does not contribute towards finding a solution since it is a threat to the resistance and the Palestinian cause, allowing the enemy to continue its aggression.”

We cannot declare a cease-fire with ourselves. And Hamas is not ready to have one imposed.


It must be remembered that Hamas leadership consists of radical, jihadist revolutionaries. They do not make compromises and they do not surrender easily. They have to be beaten to the ground.

Hamas still retains some military leadership and forces, and some rocket supplies. They are defiant and arrogant in their attitude, even as they are hurting badly. Even if the political leadership of Hamas ultimately might agree to a cease-fire, the military wing is unlikely to truly honor it. “We will win, or we will die,” they have said.

Our defense officials say Hamas is still capable of delivering a “quality” (let us say, “serious”) terror attack.

To date, the IDF is reporting that engagement with Hamas forces is lighter than had been expected. This is what General Kupervasser was referring to yesterday with regard to flushing them out. Instead of doing battle, Hamas troops are going into heavily populated urban areas and melding with the civilian population. Leadership is in hiding, either in bunkers or places such as hospitals.


Let me add one other factor of considerable importance here: the question of deterrence and how we appear at the end of this war. We have to come out having vanquished Hamas sufficiently so that there is no question that Israel and not Hamas is victorious. Anything that makes Hamas seem to have achieved an advantage, such as opening of crossing and normalization of the situation, in return for their holding their fire, would be disastrously counterproductive to our goals.

They would broadcast to the world that they had achieved what they wanted by attacking us. And this would further motivate and energize radical jihadist forces in other places — such as Hezbollah to our north and Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

This must be a consideration in terms of how a cease-fire might be structured.


Questions have been raised about securing the release of Gilad Shalit. I am not seeing this as a central issue in resolution of the war. But, off the record, it is being said that the hundreds of Hamas fighters we are capturing will give us a new advantage on this score.


Our fighting stopped for three hours again today, to allow in more humanitarian supplies. A European Commission official is due to arrive soon to coordinate these humanitarian efforts. I think this is an excellent way for the EU to be occupied.


A barrage of three Katyusha rockets coming from Lebanon hit the Nahariya area of northern Israel this morning; two people were lightly wounded when a rocket went through the roof of a retirement home. We returned fire.

The rockets were fired from the southern town of Nakoura, where, in late December, eight Katyusha rockets pointed at Israel and ready to be fired were discovered by a local farmer. He informed the Lebanese army, which defused the rockets.

What happened today is being considered an isolated incident. It is thought that these rockets were launched by a radical Palestinian group in Lebanon and not by Hezbollah. The rockets were an older model than what Hezbollah now possesses, and it would be expected that if Hezbollah were attacking there would be more than three rockets launched. The suspicion is that a Palestinian group is trying to drag Lebanon into the war.

Israel, none-the-less, has let Lebanon know that it is held responsible for rocket launching.


More rallies for Israel (hopefully I’ve gotten all that have been sent to me)

St. Louis (from Paula Lemerman) Today, January 8, 7:00 p.m., 2 Millstone Campus Drive

Toronto (from Steve Tanennbaum) Today,Thursday, January 8, 7.30 p.m., Beth Tzedec synagogue, 1700 Bathurst Street


Posting: January 7, 2009

“A Tough Task”

In a different battle from the ones that claimed the soldiers I named yesterday, we lost one other soldier: St.-Sgt. Alexander Mashevizky, of the Engineering Corps. If I locate a photo of him, I will run it, for he, too, should be honored.


Yesterday, Hamas terrorists stationed themselves on the grounds of an UNRWA school in the refugee camp of Jabaliya in northern Gaza and fired mortar shells at nearby IDF troops. The troops returned fire; an IDF investigation indicates that they acted according to procedures.

However, what happened subsequent to this is that there was an explosion and over 30 Palestinians inside the school building — of the many more said to be hiding there — were killed. Our defense officials say that booby-trapped bombs were hidden in the school and were set off by the fighting, killing persons inside.

A great deal has been made of this, and it hurts our public image. This is particularly painful because it is clearly and unequivocally Hamas that is at fault here. Yet one continues to read of the deaths “caused” by Israel.


I routinely point out that when Hamas conducts itself in a fashion that puts civilians at risk, that it is guilty of a war crime. Here I would like to refine this statement a bit, and in the process demonstrate how difficult it is for Israel to cope with the situation:

Someone with considerable knowledge with whom I spoke this morning pointed out to me that Hamas is not a sovereign nation and is not a signatory to international agreements that define the rules of war — and what constitutes a war crime. Hamas does as it pleases, without legal entanglements or concern for the standards of the international community. And he’s right. So technically what I need to say is that Hamas is behaving in a way that is defined as a war crime by the civilized international community, but Hamas does not care.

The issue is how the most civilized and moral of nations, Israel, handles itself in military confrontation with a group such as this.


Today I attended a special briefing at the Jerusalem Center of Public Affairs, on the issue of what constitutes victory for Israel, in both the military and diplomatic aspects. Dr. Dore Gold, who heads the Center, spoke, as well as Brigadier General (res.) Yossi Kupervasser.

When the issue of Hamas willingness to sacrifice civilian lives was raised, Dr. Gold referred to Sheikh Nizar Rayyan, the Hamas terrorist leader who had been taken out by Israel recently. Rayyan’s family was with him when their house was hit. Information about their refusal to leave, even after IDF warnings, had made the press. Dr. Gold, however, said that when Rayyan knew the IDF was coming after him, he actually called his family, which had been elsewhere, to join him.

I have now searched the Internet for information on this, and found the following that came from Ma’an, a Palestinian news agency that interviewed Walaa, one of Rayyan’s surviving daughters:

“‘My father raised us all to love martyrdom,’ Walaa said. ‘If you had the chance to ask my 4-year-old sister Aaysha, who died in the attack, she would have told you that she preferred to die martyr.’

“… According to one of his four wives, Rayyan would tease his children in the days before his death, and ask them: ‘Who wants to die martyr with me?’ and all his children used to answer, ‘Yes daddy, we all want to be with you alive or dead.’ His youngest son said, ‘I can’t imagine that you die martyr and leave me behind unable to see you. I want to die with you.'”

How to cope with this?


Christopher Gunness, an official with UNRWA, has now said that UNRWA was “99.9% certain there were no militants or military activity in its school.”

And I am 99.9% certain that Gunness is lying. I speak as someone who has done years of research on UNRWA and has known for a long time that terrorists use UNRWA schools. (I have documented material on this and will return to the subject in due course.)

I am certain because I know the IDF does not just shoot at schools and I believe what they’ve said here.

Residents living near the school, who wisely chose to go unidentified, told AP yesterday that they saw terrorists shooting near the school. And some of those who were killed inside the school have been identified by the IDF as part of a rocket launching cell. They include senior operatives Imad Abu Askhar and Hassan Abu Askhar.

We will never know how many others of the 30 allegedly killed in that operation were actually terrorists and not “innocent” civilians.

Last year the IDF filmed a terrorist who was operating — and firing mortars — from an UNRWA school. They provided the video to UN Secretary-General Ban, who promised to investigate. He has yet to give an answer.

Enemies of Israel are all about.


General Kupervasser spoke at today’s briefing about the fact that the air operation was important, but did not achieve goals that were critical. We hit some weapon storage and many weapon production sites. Some key figures were taken out, but not enough. Thus has the ground operation been necessary.

Hamas tries to hit us indirectly, using booby-traps, etc., and to avoid direct confrontation. We are trying to flush them into the open. They have had Iranian training, but are not as well trained as Hezbollah. Our efforts in fighting them have been impressive and our casualties minimal. But right now there are fighters remaining and rockets remaining, and they still have the capacity to launch against us.

The more the pressure is maintained on Hamas, and the more they are in isolation, the more likely that they will crumble. Every day their ability to fight erodes further. What is needed is time.


Says General Kupervasser, Hamas has not yet surrendered its goal of using Gaza as a base to attack us. They are not yet convinced that there’s a new game. And indeed, Hamas made a statement to this effect today, declaring that there is no intention of accepting a permanent ceasefire and they intend to keep fighting the “occupation.”

The general believes that given enough time we could get Hamas to that point. They have a vested interest now, he says, in holding on to control of Gaza. If they see that they must decide between losing Gaza or surrendering the fight, they might give up the practice of attacking us. Destroying us would become only a dream, for the future.

Perhaps. (I and others still suspect that giving up the practice of terrorism would be only a temporary maneuver on their part.) What is clear, however, is that it is not time to stop. They are not yet on their knees. Victory is close, but not yet ours.


In line with all of this, the IDF was talking today about expanding the operation to move into all of Gaza, and the Security Cabinet was supposed to meet to discuss this. Temporarily this was put on hold because of potential progress (if we can call it that) in the diplomatic arena.

The diplomatic progress involves discussions between Sarkozy and Mubarak, in an attempt to come up with a cease-fire plan that is acceptable to both sides. For the first time, Rice, instead of stalling, was saying this is going in a good direction. What is more, she was talking about re-instating Abbas in Gaza. This is her own pipe-dream, a step towards the fulfillment of the negotiations she’s worked on. But it’s not going to happen.

All-in-all, however, this was a most worrisome state of affairs.

Sarkozy wanted us to stop fighting now, while this ceasefire is being discussed and shaped in its particulars. But Olmert told him, nothing doing: We haven’t come this far to stop for an unknown quantity in terms of arrangements.

Both Sarkozy and the PA (Abbas is most eager) have lent the impression that we’re solidly on board. This is not the case.


The core issue is the stopping of smuggling and how to achieve it. Egypt must be a key player here, as a major part of the action to stop it would take place on Egyptian soil. (Interestingly, talk about the Philadelphi Corridor has diminished.) Egypt for the first time today is saying it needs help, notably Israeli help, certainly with intelligence. And it is said there would be a significant contingent of US army engineers involved.


But what has evolved is that there are other elements of the proposal Egypt was advancing that are definitely not to our liking: Including Hamas in discussions and opening all crossings.

That being the case, the Security Cabinet has now met and said we are going forward with the battle. In the coming days, we will be continuing the operation in order to achieve our goals. Hamas must be squeezed and crushed. Our government — glory be! — is not caving. Breath a sigh of relief.

Olmert has no intention of returning to a glorified version of what we had with Hamas before, and has no intention of negotiating with Hamas. He wants conditions imposed on a vanquished Hamas. Livni has said this repeatedly — negotiations with Hamas would give it credibility. We want to isolate and weaken Hamas. The mere fact that Egypt is thinking about making concessions to Hamas to get them to stop firing shows with certainty that they are not vanquished yet.

Israel has expressed gratitude to France and Egypt for its efforts and will be sending a delegation to participate in discussions regarding the cease-fire. Said cease-fire is several days down the road, at least.


We held a three-hour cease-fire today, at the request of Sarkozy, to allow more humanitarian supplies to come in and the civilian population to collect materials from warehouses.

As soon as this time was over, Hamas hit Beersheva with two Grad rockets.


More rallies:

Atlanta (information from Joel Margolies) Today, Wednesday, January 7, at 7:30 p.m., Ahavath Achim Congregation, 600 Peachtree Battle Ave NW

Fort Lauderdale FL Tomorrow, Thursday, January 8, 5:00 p.m., at US Federal Building, Broward Blvd. and Third St. For info: (305) 864-5110

Nashville Sunday, January 11, 3:00 p.m., Tennessee Legislative Plaza

Philadelphia Tomorrow, Thursday, 12:00 p.m., noon, Love Park, Center City


Posting: January 6, 2009

“Pain and Progress”

Our boys are in the toughest of fights now, since the beginning of this war.

Overnight, we suffered three losses in the Golani Brigade. This happened in Saja’iya, when a contingent of our troops hid in an empty house and the house was hit by one of our own shells. This happens, but it’s tough, tough stuff.

They have been identified as Yousef Moadi, 19, who was buried in his Druse village of Yirka today; Maj. Dagan Wartman, 32, from Ma’aleh Michmash, who served as the doctor for Golani 13th Battalion; and St.-Sgt. Nitai Stern, 21, from Jerusalem.

And there was a forth death overnight: Capt. Yehonatan Netanel, 27, from Kedumim, of the Paratroopers Brigade.

May there be no more occasion for reporting such news.

And may their families be comforted with the knowledge that they had gone bravely to protect our nation.

Soldiers killed in Gaza: From…

From Top left (clockwise): St.-Sgt. Nitai Stern, 21, from Jerusalem; Yousef Moadi, 19, from Haifa; Capt. Yehonatan Netanel, 27, from Kedumim; Maj. Dagan Wartman, 32, from Ma’aleh Michmash. Photo: IDF

In the course of the day, yesterday, another 12 soldiers had been wounded in other action; I understand most of these injuries were light to moderate.


For our part, in intense gun battles, we killed 100 Palestinian terrorists and captured 80, who will be interrogated. That interrogation should be greatly helpful in securing intelligence for our operations.

All and all, we are moving as had been planned and are said to be making good progress.


According to the Post’s Khaled Abu Toameh, a very reliable source, Hamas desperately needs the fighting to stop, but is searching for some way to turn this into a “victory.” At this point, what Abu Toameh describes is a rather schizoid situation, with some leaders wanting to call it quits and others wanting to keep fighting in order to “score some kind of ‘military victory.'” Hamas is on the verge of collapse.

Hamas’s leaders in Gaza have thrown away their cell phones and gone into hiding. They cannot be reached, and are no longer in direct communication with Hamas leaders in Damascus, or with their patrons in Damascus and Teheran. The leadership in Gaza knew nothing about the decision, made in Damascus, to send a mission to Cairo to discuss a cease-fire.

All in all, the military wing of Hamas, Izza al-Din al-Qassam — which is what we are now fighting, is in control of Gaza, as the political elements in Gaza have abdicated. The fighters have been charged with doing everything possible to prevent the collapse of the Hamas regime. But because they have no guidance from local leadership, the result is chaos and anarchy: except for some long-distance communication from Syria, the gunmen are in charge on the street. Hamas as a local governing body has collapsed.

This has implications not only for our ultimate victory, but for what lies in store for Gaza after the war.


Reports are surfacing that if matters continue to go as intended, we might be finished in 78 hours. It is not clear if this is what was intended, if we’re progressing faster than had been expected (which seems to be the case), or if this is all the time it is estimated we will have before the international community intervenes.


About that international community:

The Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic, which chairs the EU at the moment, said in a press conference:

“We didn’t have a specific plan for the cease-fire because the cease-fire must be concluded by the parties. We can help it, mediate, assist a solution, but it not up to us to propose the conditions of the cease-fire.”

And so there is speculation by some analysts and diplomats that the visit of the EU delegation, and the separate visit of Sarkozy, were meant in part for domestic consumption.

Certainly, “we think you should stop, but you have to work it out, we can’t tell you what to do,” does not seem to be a major threat to our military progress.


Sarkozy, without a doubt, has been a thorn in our side, however. Where did he go as soon as he came to this area? To Ramallah, to meet with President Abbas. And standing next to Abbas (talk about playing to the Arabs), he declared that the fighting must stop “as soon as possible.” He said he would be delivering the message that the violence must stop when he came here.

But it seems to me that Olmert handled him as well as he might have. Yesterday he appealed to him to block a Security Council resolution for a ceasefire. France currently holds the rotating presidency of the Council.

Said Olmert:

“We defined from the very beginning a limited goal – to change the security situation in the South and to free thousands of citizens from the threat of terror.

“In view of the diplomatic developments, it would be unwise to pass a resolution on the matter, since past experience has proven that Israel cannot afford restricting its freedom to act against terrorism…

“Sometimes the need to find a compromise in the UN comes at Israel’s expense… “

I do not know what Sarkozy said to Olmert, other than offering a vague promise to keep working on the issue with him, but I would not hold my breath with regard to his cooperation in the matter. It would be nice to be pleasantly surprised here.


The Security Council is scheduled to meet and discuss the situation in Gaza later today (well after this will have gone out). French Foreign Minister Bernard Koucher (who is no friend to Israel) will be presiding over this meeting. The goal enunciated by some parties is to promote an immediate ceasefire. But it’s not going to happen so fast.

Said Zalmay Khalilzad, US Ambassador to the UN, there should not be “false expectations”: “Practical arrangements have to be put in place in which everyone has confidence that it will be maintained, it will be respected, it will be observed,” and these will take more than “a day or two.”

In any event, Israel has no expectations with regard to what the UN might do, and intends to proceed as necessary. “We’re fed up with empty gestures,” Olmert has said.


President George Bush has been a sterling friend during this process. He said:

“I understand Israel’s desire to protect itself and that the situation now taking place, in Gaza, was caused by Hamas… I know people are saying, let’s have a cease-fire. And those are noble ambitions. But any cease-fire must have the conditions in it so that Hamas does not use Gaza as a place from which to launch rockets.”


The US is currently working on international channels outside the UN for establishing a “meaningful” ceasefire. The goal is said to be to end rocket fire by Hamas, secure opening of crossings, and insure that no further smuggling of arms is done. In some contexts I have read that Bush wants Hamas held responsible.

Olmert has spoken about disarming Hamas, but I see no mention of this. And, while Shalit is not being mentioned here (and should be!), I have read that Israel will not agree to normalization — which refers to crossings being opened — until Gilad Shalit is returned.


I would like to examine in some more detail the entire notion of observers or monitors at the Philadelphi Corridor to prevent smuggling of weapons. We have destroyed perhaps the better part of 100 tunnels running under that Corridor, but it is perfectly possible for many to be dug again, and for Hamas to bring in even more weaponry, if not prevented from doing so.

In general, the notion of international monitors is a joke. UNIFIL “supervised” in Lebanon while Hezbollah re-armed under the noses of these troops. Actually, the situation has been so ludicrous that UNIFIL does patrols that deliberately avoid Hezbollah strongholds. Egypt was supposed to be monitoring on its side of the Corridor, but, pleased to allow Hamas to harass Israel, has pretty much turned a blind eye to weapons smuggling.

When we pulled out of Gaza for the “disengagement” in late August 2005, we were supposed to remain at the Philadelphi Corridor (which, technically, is a sort of no-man’s land between Gaza and the Sinai). But then along came Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and pressured us to leave the Corridor. We should have said no — our security people knew it was a bad deal. This was about giving the PA more control, you see.

A deal was worked out in which the PA supervised on its side of the Rafah Crossing between Egypt and Gaza. (The Corridor is the entire length of the Gaza-Sinai border, Rafah is an actual crossing facility.) European observers were stationed there and theoretically information was supposed to be transmitted to us by computer informing us of who was crossing — there was a desire by Israel to keep out terrorists and the suitcases full of money they sometimes carry. This, too, was a huge joke. All the Europeans did was “observe.” And not only did we not reliably receive information in a timely fashion, we had no way to stop someone we objected to from getting through. Then Hamas took over, and it all fell apart.


So why should we have the remotest confidence now that any international forces will be effective there? And what will Israel ultimately agree to?

The Reuters report that Olmert was demanding monitors with real enforcement responsibility was encouraging — forces that were armed and trained and able to take out new tunnels.

Best of all would be our returning to the Corridor.


Lastly here now, I want to look at Livni’s comments yesterday on the arrival of the European mission. She said some very good things. For example:

“… a necessary war on terror does not end with an agreement. We don’t sign agreements with terror; we fight terror.”

But she also said,

“The region is divided between moderates and extremists. Each person in the region must pick a side to work with. Hamas works with Iran.”

And she concluded that signing an agreement with a terror organization would prevent Israel from advancing the “peace deal.”

The corollary: Allow us to take down Hamas properly, because you all want peace here, and then we’ll be able to achieve it.

A very dangerous and erroneous conclusion. But this is the way Livni is headed. She envisions a situation in which Hamas is destroyed, and Gaza is turned over to the PA — after which she is elected prime minister and manages to negotiate “peace.”

No, the Fatah is not Hamas. But it’s goals are not so different. It too wants us gone and seeks all of the land. We are not about to have “peace” with the PA. This approach is something that must be monitored, and protested, vigorously, once the war is done.

The catch here is that, Livni’s goals not withstanding, there is solid reason to believe that radical forces in Gaza would never accept the PA. That is certainly the opinion of some very savvy analysts.

The question, then, is who will be in power in Gaza at the end of the day. The mistake that fueled this situation was our leaving in 2005. What is certain is that the struggle will not end on the day the fighting stops.


After I posted yesterday, I received this information from Minka Goldstein and put it out now for all those in the Washington DC area who want to attend a rally for Israel:

Today, Tuesday, January 6, at 12:30 p.m. at the Israeli Embassy, 3514 International Dr. NW, DC Take the Red Metro Line — Van Ness Stop.

Wednesday, January 7, at 12:00 p.m. at the Sixth and I Historic Synagogue Take the Red, Green or Yellow Metro Line — Gallery Place Stop, Chinatown Exit.

For more information, call 301-770-0881.


Posting: January 5, 2009

“Heads High”

Golani Staff-Sergeant Dvir Emanuelof (22), who died of his wounds from a mortar attack in Gaza, was laid to rest in the Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem last night. Thousands attended.

It is being reported that he told his mother, “Ima, I have to fight.”

I salute him, as does all the nation.


See here for a video clip of reservists off to serve. It does us proud.



Livni has met with representatives of all the major humanitarian organizations providing relief in Gaza to determine precisely what needs are. Crossings were closed yesterday, with the beginning of the ground incursion, but humanitarian supplies will be going in again today.


Our four brigades in Gaza have successfully surrounded Gaza City and divided the Strip in two. What this does is cut off the flow of men, weapons, and supplies to the north, and interfere with Hamas’s command-and-control facility.

Now our operation is being expanded as we go after the military wing of Hamas, Izz al-Din Al Qassam Battalions — both men and infrastructure. This fighting force still retains considerable strength, and were it to emerge at the end of the war with much of its fighting power intact, it would not only have capacity to hit us yet another day, it would also provide Hamas leadership with the rationale for declaring that we didn’t, and couldn’t, defeat them.

Thus this is a critical operation. But it is also a dangerous one.

According to Palestinian sources, our troops are on the outskirts of Beit Lahiya, Jabaliya, Saja’iya, and al-Attara. Homes, where gunmen, supplies and tunnel exits are hidden, are being surrounded, shot at, and, as appropriate, entered.

The heart of nation is with the soldiers conducting this necessary battle.

It certainly appears that a good deal has been learned since Jenin, where our men were ambushed in small alleys. I read of one operation in which holes were shot in the sides of houses before they were approached. Troops in certain circumstances are accompanied by dogs from a K9 unit that can sniff out booby traps; soldiers move around to avoid becoming stationary targets; troops in the dark use night-goggles and camouflage their faces. Attack helicopters hover overhead when appropriate, accompanied by drones, and release flares to confuse shoulder-launched heat-seeking anti-aircraft missiles. Artillery units shell heavily to support troops on the ground.


According to YNet, another target of our operations is Hamas’s fortified defensive system that exists both below and above ground. Action on razing this system will come in stages, as the IDF is working to secure additional intelligence.


A senior IDF officer has indicated that our troops are prepared to enter urban areas if this becomes necessary: “This is what the troops have trained for and are designated to do — to fight in densely-populated areas,” the senior officer said.

Over the past year, all of the troops that have been deployed in Gaza or may be deployed there, have received training at the IDF’s Ground Forces Command Urban Training Center near Tze’elim.

“We built models for them of places inside Gaza. There are places that replicate city outskirts, the casba marketplaces and over-populated refugee camps.”


Defense Minister Barak gave a briefing to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee today, in which he said the operation is “being held as planned”:

“Gaza City is partially besieged and the forces have reached the ground targets we set for them… Hamas has suffered a very heavy blow, but we have yet to reach the goals we set for ourselves, so the operation continues.”

He indicated that armored, engineering and artillery corps were taking part in the ground operation, supported by the Navy, Air Force and special units.


Yesterday, Prime Minister Olmert had phone conversations regarding a cease-fire with Tony Blair, the Quartet’s Middle East envoy; German Chancellor Angela Merkel; and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. According to the Prime Minister’s Office, Olmert presented them with Israel’s demands for a truce: The end of all projectile fire on Israel, the end of all terror acts, international monitoring of Gaza and the complete disarmament of Hamas.

Olmert, we are told, emphasized that Israel will continue its operation in Gaza until its conditions are met.


Reuters is reporting that an Israeli demand with regard to monitoring by international forces has to do with the Philadelphi Corridor and insuring that no further smuggling is going on. Israel wants fortifications along the stretch of the Corridor, with monitors that are heavily armed and equipped to search out and destroy tunnels that may be re-dug.


Yesterday, Foreign Minister Livni said:

“The war in Lebanon ended in a diplomatic arrangement, but today we are in a different place. The objectives today are military. We went in to strike against terrorism, and to impair the capabilities and motivation of Hamas. My position in favor of a long-range goal of toppling Hamas is known; this is not a one-time operation… For this situation to end in a diplomatic arrangement with Hamas would be contrary to our strategic goals; our diplomatic activity concentrates on weakening Hamas and striking it, as I described… Anything that weakens Hamas is good from our standpoint.”

Today she said to visiting foreign ministers (mentioned below) that Israel intends to “change the equation in the region” as the days of “Hamas firing rockets and Israel showing restraint” are over. She indicated that there was no constructive place for international observers yet, as Israel needed time to complete the military operation.

“Complete” — this indicates she is seeing international involvement as a follow-up to, and not a substitute for, our victory.


The northern border with Lebanon is being closely monitored in event of attack from Hezbollah there. UNIFIL and the Lebanese army have raised an alert with regard to this possibility.

Barak has indicated that we would be prepared to fight on both fronts at one. In fact, some of the thousands of reservists who have been called up, but have not yet been sent into Gaza, are being held back and prepared for this eventuality.

But the Lebanese Information Minister Tarek Mitari said today that Lebanon has no intention of being dragged into a war with Israel over Gaza and believes this is Hezbollah’s position as well.


Hamas is offering public defiance still. Strongman Mahmoud Zahar, in Gaza, called on Hamas fighters to “crush the enemy.”

A closer look, however, indicates something else. Our intelligence sources indicate that numerous Hamas leaders are still hiding in hospitals.

And it has been announced from Hamas’s political wing in Damascus that a Hamas delegation — headed by Imad al-Alami and Mohammad Nasr — will be visiting Cairo next Monday to discuss Israeli “aggression,” opening of border crossings, and lifting of the blockade. As if Egypt can negotiate a ceasefire with Israel to make this possible now.

Perhaps most significantly, even though it was mentioned last, the mission will be discussing an Egyptian proposal for reconciliation with Fatah. This is what they had refused to do previously. This is a bid for increased legitimacy and for tempering the relationship with Egypt.

It is unlikely that there will be any permanent alliance between Hamas and Fatah. As Martin Kramer, of the Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies, says, “Hamas assumes (probably correctly) that its Palestinian opponents fed Israel with much of the intelligence it needed to wage precision warfare against Hamas. There is likely to be a vicious settling of scores as soon as a cease-fire is in place, if not before.”


Rockets are continuing to fall on Israel. Yesterday 50 were launched and today by late afternoon there had been over 30. This includes Grads that wounded nine people in Ashkelon. Rockets have hit several other locales as well, including Ashdod, Sderot, and Yavne.

It has been revealed that a Grad rocket shot into a Beersheva kindergarten at the end of December contained ball bearings to increase injuries. Thank Heaven, the decision had been made to close the schools, so no one was present.

It is feared that Rishon LeTzion and Rehovot, both over the 40 km. line — which represents the farthest that any rockets have reached thus far from Gaza, may be vulnerable to attack. They are preparing bomb shelters.

A report from the London Times indicates that there is Israeli concern that Hamas may have acquired Iranian-made Fajr-3 missiles, which have an even greater range.


Hamas has made claims about having kidnapped some of our soldiers, but the IDF is denying this.

Hamas has shot a number of Fatah-affiliated people in Gaza in the leg, to “insure” that they don’t fight on behalf of Israel. (A mere hint of what Kramer has suggested will be coming.) It has been revealed, however, that Al Aksa Brigades, a terrorist arm of Fatah, is fighting against Israel in Gaza.


The stream of international visitors who are here to push for cease-fire has begun. The European delegation consists of Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg, who heads the group, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana and Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner. Some of the visitors will be going to Egypt and Ramallah as well. A report on this — including an expansion of Livni’s comments — will follow tomorrow.


Here I would like to mention French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is coming on his own. Sarkozy was one of the first to criticize Israel when this war started, calling our actions “disproportionate.”

But he has told a Lebanese paper that “Hamas is largely responsible for the suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza.”

French President Nicolas Sarkozy (Photo: AP)

Speaking of things French, there is this good news: Yesterday there was a pro-Israel rally of 12,000 persons in Paris. Paris!

While in Harlem, New York City, Bishop Carlton Brown of the Bethel Gospel Assembly led a pro-Israel prayer service for 1,000 worshippers. All of NY’s TV stations covered this.


Listed here for your information are a number of scheduled pro-Israel rallies to take place in the US, sponsored by StandWithUs. Listed by time:

New York: Monday, January 5, 1:30 p.m., Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 1st to 2nd Ave. at 47th St.

Denver: Monday, January 5, 5:30 p.m., Hebrew Educational Alliance, 3600 South Ivanhoe St.

New York: Tuesday, January 6, 12:30 p.m., Across from the Israeli Consulate, E42nd St. at Second Av.

Los Angeles: Tuesday, January 6, 4:30 p.m., In front of the Israeli Consulate, LaJolla and Wilshire

Los Angeles: Wednesday, January 7, 12 – 2:00 p.m., Federal Building in Westwood, Veteran and Wilshire

Boston: Thursday, January 8, 7:30 p.m., Congregation Mishkan Tefilah, 300 Hammond Park Pkwy, Chestnut Hill

If you are interested in helping plan or attend a rally in Seattle: seattle@standwithus.com If you are interested in helping plan or attend a rally in Portland: portland@standwithus.com


Posting: January 4, 2009

“Inside Gaza”

Barry Rubin, in his latest piece, “On the Ground in Gaza,” observes how upside down and incomprehensible this world has become. His observations are a good way to begin today’s post: “Often, nowadays, it seems as if all history is being rewritten when it comes to Israel. In World War Two, allied air forces carpet-bombed cities even though there were no military bases in civilian areas. In France alone, tens of thousands of civilians were killed by allied bombs that fell on their intended targets.

“Even the Nazis didn’t put ammunition dumps in houses and use human shields. And up until now the blame for doing so would fall on those who deliberately and cynically sought to create civilian casualties in order to gain support for themselves

“Up until now, a country whose neighbor fired across the border at its people and even staged cross-border raids had the right of self-defense.

“Up until now, there has been a capability of understanding which group is inciting hatred, trying to turn children into robotic terrorists, calling for the extermination of another people, and committing aggression.

“Many people, many journalists, many governments, and even many intellectuals still understand the most basic principles of right and wrong as well as of the real world. Unfortunately, too many don’t or at least don’t when Israel is the target.”


This leads us directly to a video from the IDF with regard to our current operations — and why they are necessary — that is well worth seeing and sharing broadly:



Inside Gaza:

We have large numbers of troops in the north of Gaza, so that Gaza is in essence divided, as I am reading it, into three sections, which prevents movement of weapons and fighters.

There have been reports of numerous tanks cited in the area of the former Jewish community of Netzarim, which is south of Gaza City. (No, I am not suggesting we are re-taking it for Jewish settlement purposes.) Apparently we have approached the outskirts of Gaza City.

We are said to be aiming to control areas which were being used for launching of rockets, and to do damage to the military wing of Hamas, which hasn’t been heavily damaged in the air attacks.

Our very finest fighters are involved here: Paratroopers Brigade, Givati Brigade, and Golani Brigade.

It seems that there is no intention of getting bogged down in the sort of house-to-house search (such as was done in Jenin in 2002) that is so dangerous to our boys, and is just what Hamas would like — not in Gaza City and not in the huge Jabaliya UNRWA refugee camp. Much terrorist activity emanates from Jabaliya, and rockets are often fired in its vicinity.


Last night, 30 of our boys from the Golani Brigade were wounded in a mortar shell attack, two seriously, three moderately, and the rest lightly. It has now been reported that one of those seriously wounded has succumbed to his injuries: St.- Sgt. Dvir Emanuelof, 22, from Givat Ze’ev.

St.- Sgt. Dvir Emanuelof, 22,…

Today an additional three were wounded. Fighting is intense. According to Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi, fighting has been mainly carried out from close range. “I spoke to the brigade and regiment commanders on the ground, and I’m encouraged by their determination and willingness to complete the mission.”

The IDF has placed an embargo on the details of the fighting.


Along with the ground operation, we are continuing air attacks. In a strike on Khan Yunis, we took out senior Hamas terrorist Hussam Hamdan, who was in charge of Grad-rocket launches into Beersheba and Ofakim, and senior Hamas terrorist, Muhammad Hilo, who was in charge of the Hamas special forces in Khan Yunis.


The Cabinet, in its weekly meeting today, was briefed on the war.

Prime Minister Olmert offered remarks at the beginning of the meeting, and in the course of which he addressed parents and family of our soldiers and security personnel:

“I have thought about you a lot since the operation began, especially since the decision about a ground operation approached. I asked myself and my ministerial colleagues if there was some other step, outlet or effort that we had not yet tried before sending our boys into a place fraught with such risks – from which some of them may not return. This morning, I can look each one of you in the eyes and say that the Government did its utmost before deciding on the operation.

“This operation was unavoidable.”

He ended with these words:

“We will behave as a responsible and reasonable society, the way we know how to behave in times of decisions of national importance. My heart and the hearts of the people of Israel are with its fighters.

“We in the political echelon will limit our statements, and try to transmit responsible and reliable information to the public in real time, and put our rivalries and disputes aside. Now more than ever, the people of Israel are one people.”


The reports delivered at the Cabinet meeting by security heads are encouraging:

According to Shin Bet head, Yuval Diskin:

“There are first signs that Hamas is toning down its views in regards to a possible ceasefire… The Hamas leadership abroad is stressed, working to obtain a ceasefire and disappointed by the Arab countries failing to stand by its side. The situation of the leadership in Gaza is similar. A real threat exists today on the Hamas enterprise in the Gaza Strip. The leaderships in Gaza and abroad feel an existential threat.”

The message from Military Intelligence chief Major-General Amos Yadlin was even stronger:

“Hamas understands that violating the lull was a strategic mistake. It suffered a great blow. Dozens of headquarters have been damaged, the ammunition warehouses and production infrastructure were destroyed. The ability to smuggle through the tunnels was damaged.

“The organization leaders only care about themselves. There is harsh criticism against them among the Palestinians. Hamas has brought hate upon itself and found itself isolated in a lepers’ alliance with Iran and Syria.”

According to Chief of Staff Ashkenazi, we have killed about 400 in our operations, most of them Hamas. “Not much is left from the Hamas government.”

(A note here: the IDF is saying that about 40 civilians have been killed, roughly one in ten of those taken out.)


There is strong feeling here that Livni’s diplomatic efforts in making our case are paying off. In any event, the US is running interference for us at the UN, and blocked Libya’s move to call for an immediate cessation of our effort.

Rice is coming to New York to spear-head efforts to cobble together an acceptable cease-fire resolution. She and Bush both say it must be a balanced and sustainable cease-fire. Israel has made it clear that there is no point in stopping if we will have to go in again very soon. This sustainable cease-fire will not be easy to achieve.

Livni has made a further point that she doesn’t want a cease-fire that elevates Hamas and gives it legitimacy, she wants a cease-fire imposed upon Hamas.


Hamas resumed its barrage of rockets last night, after a temporary lull. Today over 30 — including both Kassams and Grads — have been launched, with four injured and a house that took a direct hit destroyed.


UN Secretary-General Ban has called Olmert to declare himself “extremely disappointed” with Israel ground incursion.” He’s not nearly as disappointed as we are, perennially, with the UN itself. He “insists” that we cease operations immediately, which carries no weight whatsoever here.

There is no further Security Council meeting scheduled until Wednesday. What is particularly notable, from my perspective, is that YNet this morning reported that according to “top diplomatic officials” we need not concern ourselves unduly even if a resolution that works against us were to be passed at that time:

“There have already been precedents, for example Operation Defense Shield [in Judea and Samaria in 2002]. A Security Council resolution will not necessarily stop Israel from proceeding with the ground operation in Gaza. It is in Israel’s sovereignty to make such decisions, since it is operating in self defense.”

If we are in a place where we are no longer running to appease those who oppose us, this alone is a much welcomed sign of increased strength.


On Friday, before our ground invasion, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Robert Serry, called for a “truce” that will “require bringing Gaza back into the fold of the Palestinian Authority through arrangements on the ground and renewed efforts to reunite Gaza and the West Bank.”

He did not clarify exactly how this state of affairs would be brought about.

I’m reading about some notion of placing the PA in charge of the Rafah crossing into the Sinai — a stipulation of Egypt for allowing the crossing to be opened. But as long as Hamas is standing, I do not imagine them tolerating this, or the PA having the strength to withstand what would ensue.


In the meanwhile, French president Sarkozy is coming tomorrow. What a disappointment he has been: there was expectation when he first assumed the presidency that he would be more amenable to understanding Israel’s situation. But, I imagine, he’s playing to the Muslim population and the anti-Israel sentiment within his nation: He has condemned what we’re doing.

Following Sarkozy, a EU delegation is expected.


Dr. Max Singer, writing for the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, today address the issue of victory for Israel that I had raised yesterday.

We must face the fact, he says, that total victory is not possible because we are not prepared to totally occupy the Palestinians, as Japan was occupied after WWII, for long enough “to change their society into one that is ready to live in peace with Israel.” And we cannot destroy the Palestinians.

“Therefore after any war, Palestinian enemies will still be there seeking ways to attack Israel, and Israel will have to live with the continued existence of the Palestinians on our borders.” But “temporary” victories are very possible — victories that can be critical:

“Our basic task is to defeat each and every kind of attack that the Palestinians devise. Each of our victories will lead, some time later, to a new Palestinian attack which must be defeated in turn… we must go from victory to victory,” until the day when the political situation changes.

Dr. Singer concludes that the current victory against Hamas is one that “Israel can win because it must win, regardless of the cost. There is no substitute for this victory.”

What will this victory do for us?

“It will demonstrate to everyone that Israel is still – or again – capable of doing whatever is required to win the battles it needs to win to protect the country. It will show what some have come to doubt, that we are prepared to take whatever casualties, and whatever international condemnation, that we have to take to achieve our military missions, and we will undertake whatever military mission is necessary to protect our country.”



Posting: January 3, 2009

Motzei Shabbat (After Shabbat)

“We’re In!”

Late this afternoon — in line with a Security Cabinet decision yesterday to expand our actions against Hamas — IDF ground operations began in Gaza. This followed a heavy artillery bombardment to soften things up.

Large numbers of troops from the Infantry Corps, Engineering Corps and Armored Corps have entered at several points, accompanied by intelligence units, in the north of Gaza. (Reports are being received of three different fronts advancing.)

Our troops have engaged with Hamas fighters already and it is believed that more than 30 Hamas people have been killed.

As I write there have been no Israeli casualties. This is significant because there had been dire predictions of booby-trapped ground that awaited our troops entering on foot. Either those predictions were erroneous or the “softening up” we did with artillery took care of it.

An IDF official has stated that, “For the time being, we are facing several hubs of resistance, yet we are not dealing with massive resistance.”

Tens of thousands of additional reservists have been called up, to be utilized as needed.

At the moment, for whatever it means, there are no rockets being launched from Gaza. There are expectations that launchings may well start again and even intensify for a period.

Our navy has established a blockade at sea, to prevent Hamas from being aided in that direction.


Prime Minister Olmert has said, briefly, “The time has come for Israel to do what Israel must do.”

Defense Minister Ehud Barak gave a brief statement tonight in which he said, “it won’t be easy, it won’t be short.”

“We have been biting our lips for long enough, but now we must provide our citizens with what every citizen deserves – peace and quiet.”

All Barak said about the aim of the operation was that it was to hit Hamas and its infrastructure hard.

We know that there was no specific goal of taking out Hamas enunciated in the Security Cabinet decision — because both Eli Yishai (Shas) and Haim Ramon (Kadima) abstained in protest of the fact that it was not.
