Hostages of Hatred – Part 2 After having shown the plight of the million Jews who, from the mid-1940s, had to flee the countries they and their forefathers had lived in for centuries, those most discreet refugees whose story had...

[The question remains: Will UNRWA evaluate the effects of an educational curriculum based on...

Islamist Watch Launches 'Islamist Money in Politics' Philadelphia – October 1, 2014 – Prominent Islamists in the United States have donated almost $700,000 to federal candidates over the past 15 years, according to a...

Hostages of Hatred – Part 4 After having shown the plight of the million Jews who, from the mid-1940s, had to flee the countries they and their forefathers had lived in for centuries, those most discreet refugees whose story had...

World Lawmakers to Present Hanegbi With Resolution to Investigate UNRWA

A group of 20 parliamentarians from Israel Allies Caucuses will present Deputy Foreign Minister Tzach Hanegbi with a signed resolution Tuesday calling for an investigation of UNRWA following the discovery of weapons in UNRWA schools in...

Hostages of Hatred – Part 5 After having shown the plight of the million Jews who, from the mid-1940s, had to flee the countries they and their forefathers had lived in for centuries, those most discreet refugees whose story had...

UNRWA Right of Return Summer Camp August 2011

Hostages of Hatred – Part 5 After having shown the plight of the million Jews who, from the mid-1940s, had to flee the countries they and their forefathers had lived in for centuries, those most discreet refugees whose story had...

Why State Dept. Defends UNRWA’s Artificial “Refugee” Designations The U.S. State Department has chosen to act as UNRWA's patron and the protector of its mission, perpetuating and expanding the refugee issue as a source of conflict against Israel. Apparently more Israeli houses hurt...