Armed procession in UNRWA camp

The Jerusalem-based Bedein Centre has written to the Head of the Australian Representative Office to the Palestinian Authority on a Fatah commemoration held in the UNRWA-funded Deheishe refugee camp. In her letter, Julia Marks pointed out to...

Film “Iran: Billions For Terror”- Released Sept. 11, 2015 ​​With billions of assets ​which may soon be ​unfrozen for Iran, this film interviews boy and girl​ ​students ​from​ UNRWA schools in Gaza, as they ​learned to become child soldiers at ​ Hamas military...

UNRWA does not create policies on its own

At a time when news of renewed aid to UNRWA from the US, Canada, the UK, Saudi Arabia, Norway and Germany now dominate the headlines, the time has come  for a dispassionate perspective from...

Background to the film: Iran: Billions for Terror

This summer, our news agency received a press release that was startling. It stated that ​​the Hamas movement, which essentially runs Gaza, would organize weapons training 'camps' for 15,000 boys and girls, age 12 to 16,...

Who pays for the ongoing decades-long UNRWA fiasco and why it matters: The latest...

UNRWA was created almost seventy years ago and has evolved into the UN's single largest arm, employing more than 30,000 staffers. Ninety-nine percent of that incomprehensible total (we explain why in a moment) is made up...

SunNews Prime time Video : UNRWA goes to war

Journalist David Bedein has produced a shocking documentary exposing a United Nations organization that is helping fund jihad in Palestine.

UNRWA’s Education Fuels Hatred: A Lethal Threat To Israel’s Existence

On September 27, 2023, less than two weeks before all hell broke loose in Israel, three officials from the Israel Ministry of Strategic Affairs met with four researchers who have spent their careers studying...

UNRWA Reform Through Nations That Donate to UNRWA

There is a myth that the UN determines policies of the UNRWA, The United Nations Relief and Works Agency. FACT: UNRWA is a self-run authority, funded by donor nations, not by the UN, with no board...

Filmmaker: Human Rights Report “a pornographic moment in UN history” David has made three films in the last two years that explain the human rights violations being perpetrated by Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. He and I discuss his latest film, The Children's Army...