Should US give taxpayer money to help rebuild Gaza? David Bedein and Christopher Gunness debate American funding of the UN agency UNRWA for Palestinian refugees.

Extinguishing the Fires of Anti-Israel Agitation (REVIEW)

“Financing the Flames” is very troubling, but then that’s nothing new for an Edwin Black book since all of his works studiously reveal facts and unknown information that shocks and disrupts historical conventions. What is...

The World Bank In West Bank and Gaza

2020 has been a tumultuous year for the Palestinian economy, which is suffering the economic fallout of the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as a political standoff that has made it difficult for the Palestinian...

Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial, chapt. 18: The Flight from Fact

Introduction: It was a privilege to re-read and summarize a chapter in this book. I hope that I was able to capture the nature of the author that permeates the pages: a devoted humanitarian, but...

Israel, Jews and Peace in Textbooks used in UNRWA Schools In the West...

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the Palestinian refugees of the 1948 war and their descendants provides educational services to school children of this population in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the West Bank,...

The Free Zionist eBook – By Dry Bones

Download "The Zionists" in PDF, eBook by Dry Bones, click here.
Pro-Hamas demonstrator directed Hamas’s al-Qasam’s terrorists to Columbia Jewish and pro-Israel students. (Inside Edition, Youtube, screenshot)

Qatari Paymasters and the Hijacking of American Democracy

Ever since Hamas’s brutal pogroms of October 7, 2023, on Jewish communities in southern Israel, which sparked the ongoing war in Gaza, there has been a drastic surge in antisemitic incidents in the West,...

Rosenberg Haggadah -Published In Amazon

Rosenberg English Holocaust Haggadah for Passover is an exceptional publication that offers an easy to follow format completely in English for you to share with your family and friends for the Passover seder night....

“Follow Me: The Yoni Netanyahu Story”

“Follow Me: The Yoni Netanyahu Story” (2012), directed by Jonathan Gruber and Ari Daniel Pinchot, is a moving documentary about Operation Entebbe and the titular man’s role in returning the hostages home safely. However,...

Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial, Chapter 7 Remnant of a Tradition: The Arab-Jewish Diaspora

This chapter deals with the remnants of those Jewish communities in Arab lands in the Middle East and North Africa.  By 1982 the largest Jewish population, about 18,000, was in Morocco. Their numbers have...