The World Bank In West Bank and Gaza

2020 has been a tumultuous year for the Palestinian economy, which is suffering the economic fallout of the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as a political standoff that has made it difficult for the Palestinian...


Genesis of the Palestinian Authority collects articles and policy papers by Bedein, director of The Center for Near East Policy Research and founder of the Israel Resource News Agency. The author has covered the Palestinian...

The textbook study: flawed and wrong

Tell me what a school system is teaching its children and I will tell you whether there will be peace or war in another five to 10 years. Less than a month ago, there were...

Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial, Chapter 15: Britain’s Double Standard

Introduction This chapter focuses on an issue which is documented or at least touched upon in almost every chapter of “From Time Immemorial”:  British restriction and at times suspension of Jewish immigration to Palestine, combined...

Palestinian Human Rights Activist Calls for Major Overhaul of UNRWA (INTERVIEW)

Bassam Eid, a prominent Palestinian human rights activist, has issued an urgent plea for a serious overhaul of UNRWA, the UN agency tasked with caring for the Palestinian refugees of the 1948 war in...

Nadav Shragai’s new book: Al-Aqsa Terror: From Libel to Blood

Press Release Nadav Shragai’s new book: Al-Aqsa Terror: From Libel to Blood What motivates the lone-wolf terrorists? Published by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and Sella Meir Nadav Shragai, a researcher at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs...

Discover Sweden’s Moose Relationship with Israel

People may think the Swedish anti-Semitic government is in charge in Sweden. This is wrong! Sweden has a very special governor who rules; the Moose - and he is the Swedish King full of...

How the Western World Funds Hamas’ Terrorism

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) was founded in 1950, with its stated goals of providing “education, health care, relief and social services, camp infrastructure and improvement, microfinance and emergency assistance” for...

US calls on UNRWA to ‘uphold neutrality’ after call to boycott ‘Post’

The State Department is calling on personnel at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East to “uphold its stated policy of neutrality,” after its spokesman, Chris Gunness,...

The man who went off script

What is the link between the classic newspaper play and film The Front Page and Bibi Netanyahu? Well, the play’s colourful news boss Walter Burns and the Israeli prime minister both like a good cigar, a...