New book by David Bedein on the Shelves Soon: The PLO – Behind The...
New book by David Bedein on the Shelves Soon: The PLO - Behind The Facade. 1550 pp., 3 volumes
Soros Documents Highlight Irresponsible and Unaccountable Funding to Political NGOs
On August 14, a number of leaked documents from the Open Society Foundations – a political framework funded by George Soros – were posted anonymously on the DC Leaks website. The material covered...
Free books by Barry Rubin on the Net
Barry Rubin, may he rest in peace,was my friend and teacher. As a gift, he
posted 13 of his books on the net, free of charge, for people to read.
Please peruse.
Palestinian Textbooks: From Arafat to Abbas and Hamas
For many years Palestinian schools in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip used textbooks published by the Jordanian and Egyptian authorities, respectively. Even under Israeli rule, between the years 1967 and 1994, those...
House Foreign Affairs Committee Slams Palestinian Incitement
The following US congressional initiative reflects painstaking work of twenty years to overcome all odds to make the issue of war incitement of The Palestinian Authority and UNRWA onto the US agenda. We acquired...
New Book Backed By New Polling
As the English edition of Jerusalem: Delusions of Division goes to print, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy has published remarkable findings of a public-opinion survey conducted in east Jerusalem in June 2015, under...
HJS Event: ‘Perpetuating Statelessness? UNRWA, Its Activities and Funding’
On the 4th December, The Henry Jackson Society hosted an event with Bassem Eid, Director of the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group; Dr. Arnon Groiss, Deputy Director of IBA’s Arabic Radio and experienced translator...
A Man who Inspired Davd Bedein: A Letter to the All Good People from Amos...
Writing in the October 1968 issue of Midstream Magazine, a publication of the World Zionist Organization, Kenan wrote this piece entitled A LETTER TO ALL GOOD PEOPLE, in which Kenan related that “the action...
The price of Europe’s fecklessness
In Luis Bunuel’s eponymous 1961 film, the young postulant Viridiana leaves her convent to claim her uncle’s rural estate, and creates a refuge for local beggars. They ransack her house in a bachannalia staged...
The anti-semitism underlying UNRWA-USA fundraising
Here is UNRWA's chart describing the number of registered "refugees" under its purview in each of the five areas it works.
If you look at the American Friends of UNRWA fundraising site, however, you find...