Poilievre tells Winnipeg Jewish Review in an exclusive interview that he will defund all...

Pierre Poilievre  told the Winnipeg Jewish Review in an exclusive telephone interview Dec 18, 2024 that  he will not tolerate and will “defund”  “all of those with a woke anti-Semitic agenda” including  at universities...

Israel’s Anti-UNRWA Campaign is Working

The IDF has gathered evidence that proves that dozens of UNRWA staff members took part in the atrocities — rapes, tortures, mutilations, murders — carried out by Hamas on October 7, 2023. In addition,...

Records Seized by Israel Show Hamas Presence in U.N. Schools

To his students, Ahmad al-Khatib was a deputy principal at an elementary school in Gaza run by the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees. To Hamas’s military wing, documents say, he was something else...
UNRWA employee during the massacre - IDF spokesperson

New York Times: UNRWA employees were Hamas, Islamic Jihad operatives

The New York Times has confirmed that UNRWA employees in Gaza were also terrorists affiliated with the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror groups and were provided with weapons. According to the report, at least 24 people...

Danon reads from PA textbook glorifying mass murderer

In 2017, David Bedein brought this PA/UNRWA textbook of murder endorsement to the personal attention of António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations  after which Guterres ordered UNRWA to remove the book.

Nitzanim Shabbat Newsletter

YOU can change UNRWA and the policies of UNRWA donors. Come learn how at Nitzanim, December 21 at 8PM. David Bedein, founder and bureau chief of IsraelBehindtheNews.com, will give us actionable intel so we...

Die Verwicklung der UNRWA in den Terror

Die Anschläge von palästinensischen Gruppen gegen jüdische Gemeinden im westlichen Negev wurden insbesondere von der Hamas, dem Islamischen Dschihad, den Al-Mujahideen-Brigaden und den Al-Aqsa-Märtyrer-Brigaden der Fatah angeführt, um nur einige zu nennen. Philippe Lazzarini, seit 2020 Generalkommissar der...

Unwra Sponsoren können zu einem dauerhaften Frieden in Israel damit beitragen indem sie eine...

Dies sind die Punkte für eine sachliche Grundsatzdiskussion der Ziele der Organisation, die dafür sorgen will, dass palästinensische Kinder und Jugendliche in der Westbank und in Gaza gut erzogen werden und eine vernünftige Ausbildung...

An Updated UNRWA Peace Initiative

UNRWA policy discussions often waste precious activist energy on the unachievable goal of getting rid of UNRWA – which would require the agreement of a majority of UN members. However, the UN will never vote...