LISTEN: Interview about Israel’s decision to ban UNRWA with Middle East researcher

  Click below to listen to the interview about Israel's decision to ban UNRWA.  

New UNRWA laws enacted by the Israel Knesset Parliament: lethal and...

While  new  UNRWA laws enacted by Israel will close the Unrwa offices in Jerusalem and curtail the one unrwa refugee facility in Jerusalem , the new Israel UNRWA laws mandate  that the 58 unrwa refugee facilities outside of Jerusalem will   now now function without any Israel involvement...

An Obstacle to Peace

WOULD YOU FIND IT conceivable that an entire UN agency was created to perpetuate a conflict rather than solve it? Would it sound reasonable to you that a UN agency would knowingly pay salaries...

The Flood of Hatred: Reflecting on Humanity’s Moral Crisis

This has been a fast-moving, heart-wrenching week. Every headline tells a story of unimaginable loss and sacrifice, and it’s challenging to keep up with the harsh reality Israel faces. Over 35 soldiers have fallen...
View of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) building in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib / Flash90.

What does the new unrwa legislation mean for Israeli businesses sector and unpacking the...

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Nordic countries express ‘deep concern’ over Knesset bill to halt UNRWA operations

The five Nordic countries say they are “deeply concerned by the recent introduction of draft legal bills in the Knesset that, if adopted, would prevent the UNRWA from continuing its operations in the West...

Biden-Harris envoy accused of pressuring Israeli lawmakers to drop bill banning terror-linked UN agency

As the Israeli Knesset prepares to debate legislation aimed at severing ties with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), U.S. pressure on Israeli lawmakers is said to...
View of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) building in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib / Flash90.

The world does not understand: UNRWA must be dismantled

Once upon a time, the United Nations launched a refugee agency called UNKRA, distinct from UNRWA. While similar, UNKRA was established as the United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency in October 1950, aiming to aid...

Are you kidding me?! Western countries racing to save terror-infested UNRWA

The United States and several western countries are racing to save UNRWA from being banned from operating in Israel or working with government agencies, according to Jewish Insider. Israel's effort against UNRWA began following October...