Collective and compulsive convulsions
One did not need to possess a crystal ball or read tea leaves in order to predict that 2023 would commence with Israel being targeted by the usual motley collection of serial international hypocrites.
How Canada Can Influence UNRWA Refugee Policy
With the dawn of a new government in Israel, Canada seeks a constructive role in the renewal of a peace process in the Middle East.
In that context, the Canadian government has announced renewed funding...
UNRWA paving the road to conflict
When UNWRA (United Nations Relief Work Agency) was formed In December 1949, it was supposed to temporarily tend to the needs of the approximately 600,000 Arab refugees of the Arab-Israeli war of 1948, in...
How Canada Can Influence UNRWA Refugee Policy
With the dawn of a new government in Israel, Canada seeks a constructive role in the renewal of a peace process in the Middle East.
In that context, the Canadian government has announced renewed funding...
Film UNRWA incitement to Jihad
During the first week of 2023, Fatah & the Palestine Liberation Organization will celebrate the anniversary of their founding at the venue of UNRWA.
UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, runs 59 "temporary" refugee camps for 6.7 million descendants...
The initiative of the Palestinians: the UN will automatically fund UNRA permanently Israel today
Israel and the US are working together at the UN to torpedo an initiative by the Palestinians that could change the financing mechanism of the UNRWA agency, which handles the Palestinian "refugees". According to...
Dr. Abu Holi Discusses With The German Ambassador The Conditions Of Refugees In The...
Palestine Liberation Organization Executive Committee member, & Refugee Affairs Department head, Dr. Ahmed Abu Holi discuss with German Ambassador to Palestine Oliver Owcza Palestinian refugees camps conditions, German funding for the United Nations Relief...
How to defeat the PLO and UNRWA
Below is a list of doable steps that will make all the difference:
1. Recognize the new paradigm: Fatah can no longer be defined as a "partner for peace."
2. Neutralize COGAT (Israel's Civil Administration), and its...
Israel Policy Letter to US House Foreign Affairs Committee & its Middle East Subcommittee
At the dawn of a new session at the US Congress, writing this policy letter as a journalist who has covered US Israel relations from a perch in the press center of Jerusalem, running...
Palestinian Authority texts that appear in UNRWA education, translated and analyzed by Dr. Arnon...
Palestinian Authority texts that appear in UNRWA education, translated and analyzed by Dr. Arnon Groiss, Research Director of the Nahum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research and posted at The Meir Amit Intelligence...