ATCHALTA UNRWA: How is an issue so critical for national security not led by...

The Atchalta team participated in an open discussion of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee called by MK Ze'ev Elkin that dealt with UNRWA. In the discussion it was revealed that more than...

Calls To Remove UNRWA From East Jerusalem, After Video Shows Students Terror Statements

“I am ready to carry out a suicide attack”, a student at a UNRWA school in East Jerusalem says in a video filmed in 2022 by the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research....

What They Are Actually Teaching Kids in UNRWA Schools and Summer Camps

The precursors for the October 7th massacres began 75 years ago. Beginning with approximately 700,000 Palestinian refugees from the original War of Independence of the state of Israel, refugee status has been passed down...

WATCH: Biden Admin Repeatedly Praised UNRWA’s ‘Essential’ Work

The Biden administration repeatedly praised the United Nations’ Palestinian aid organization as "essential" in the weeks and months after Hamas’s Oct. 7 terror attack in Israel, going so far as to defend the agency...

Researcher has sounded alarm for decades about hate in UNRWA camps

Palestinian children in U.N. Relief and Works Agency camps, mere yards from the border with Israel, talk in a video about killing Jews and returning to their land. “The actions of Hamas match the...

Why Israel’s foreign and defence establishments lobby for continuity of UNRWA...

Why would Israel  corporations tied to the IDF lead the call for unlimited  access to the PA and UNRWA with no restrictions?   The answer :  400 corporations in Israel invested in the PA and Unrwa.   Such a  conflict of interest  caused a generation of Jews  to lobby for...

Weekly Commentary: President Biden Deputizes State Department To Engage In Lawfare Against Israel Without...

Thursday, February 1, 2024 Weekly Commentary: President Biden Deputizes State Department To Engage In Lawfare Against Israel Without Needing A CourtWeekly Commentary: President Biden Deputizes State Department To Engage In Lawfare Against Israel Without Needing A...

UNWRA has been teaching Palestinian kids to hate and fight Israel for decades

How did seemingly innocuous United Nations summer camps for thousands of Palestinian children jump to the forefront of the horrific war in the Middle East? The UN Relief and Works Agency provides summer camps for children of...

David Bedein reveals who is against shutting UNWRA and it’s Israel

Revelations of UNRWA’s involvement in Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror came as no surprise for David Bedein, head of the Nahum Bedein Center for the Near East Policy Research. He’s been documenting the evil...