Hamas continues to operate freely in UNRWA schools in GAZA (updated Apr. 2018)

Canada continues funding for UNRWA Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, announced on August 24, 2017 Canada’s continued support of up to $25 million to “Palestinian refugees” via the United Nations Relief...

Scope of Our Work on UNRWA REFORM-2003-2018

UNRWA Reform Initiative -Scope of our Work Click here to see full report.

The UNRWA uprising. Stage one

"​To understand what is behind the current ​marches and riots in Gaza, “for the Right of Return by force of arms,” look no further than UNRWA operations in Gaza," says David Bedein, Director of the Israel Resource News...


http://www.jwire.com.au/pauline-hanson-questions-australian-funds-for-unrwa/#more-83581 http://www.spectator.co.uk/2018/03/aussie-tax-slayer/ https://www.facebook.com/AustralianJewishAssociation/videos/225984114807316/​


Canada’s recent pledge to give $10 million in emergency humanitarian assistance to Palestinian refugees in the West Bank and Gaza has met with skepticism from Jewish groups. B’nai Brith Canada and the Centre for Israel...

סוכנות ידיעות פלסטינית : דוד בדין – אויב מושבע של אונר”א

סוכנות ידיעות פלסטינית דף ראשי: דעות ומאמרים האויב המושבע של אונר"א יום רביעי, 14 במרץ 2018, לפי שעון ירושלים הכבושה תוופיק אבו שומר התכנית לפירוק אונר"א כבר איננה תכנית סודית, אלא היא הפכה לבעיה המרכזית כעת. לפני...

Anti-Semitism in UNRWA Education

Introduction The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the refugees of the 1948 war (UNRWA) provides educational services to school children registered as refugees in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the West Bank (including East...

Why does the US continue to fund UNRWA schools?

On ​January 1, 2018 UNRWA incorporated a new set of school books to educate a new generation of half a million children who live in UNRWA refugee camps Here are those new books: http://israelbehindthenews.com/israel-jews-peace-new-pa-textbooks-used-unrwa-schools-today-final-study/16903/ Here is a...

B’nai Brith Canada Questions UNRWA Spending

The Canadian government announced Thursday that it will transfer an extra $10-million to Palestinian refugees via the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). While acknowledging the important humanitarian nature of Canada’s contribution, B’nai Brith Canada...

Meet the man who reveals the true face of UNRWA

For more than thirty years, David Bedein, social worker and investigative reporter, has been working to bring the scandal of UNRWA to public attention. Bedein claims that unlike any other refugee agency in the world,...