Antisemitic UNRWA school page taken down – but problem remains

On Sunday, I reported that the Facebook page of an UNRWA school had posted antisemitic images and encouraged Arabs to run over Jews with cars. On Monday, the news was reported in The Tower. UN Watch...

UNRWA to Probe Teachers’ Anti-Semitic Posts

UN agency claims to be investigating anti-Semitic and pro-terror Facebook uploads from its school teachers. Teachers working at United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) schools in Gaza, Judea and Samaria, Lebanon and Jordan have received no disciplinary...

Help UNRWA Schools Get Funding: Remove UNRWA War Education

UNRWA reports that its $1.2 billion budget, funded by 62 nations, cannot come up with the necessary $101 million to launch the new school year for 492,000 students who study in 699 UNRWA schools...

Chris Gunness Of UNRWA Is Lying Again And The World Won’t Check

The following ominous tweet came out of Chris Gunness: What a truly tragic reflection! Where else on earth is infant mortality rising? I bet not in blockaded places like #Gaza @BergMaartje @UNRWA — Chris Gunness (@ChrisGunness)...

Israel and the Palestinian Refugee Issue

Since 1948, both the Palestine Arab refugee problem and the United Nations Works and Relief Agency for Palestine Arab Refugees (UNRWA) have been studied comprehensively. Almost since its inception, UNRWA, the international agency charged with...

Condemnations Lead to Quiet, and UNRWA Exposed

Arab affairs expert Bassem Eid joins VOI's Josh Hasten to provide in-depth analysis of many issues affecting the Palestinians. First, in relation to last week’s attack in Duma, which left an 18-month-old Palestinian baby dead, Bassem says that the support...

For presentation for US congressional staff July 31, 2015

Activities of the Islamic Bloc in UNRWA's schools after Operation Protective Edge The Islamic Bloc, Hamas student movement, resumed its activities in UNRWA schools after the last military confrontation between Israel and a coalition of...

Hamas Threatens UNRWA With Violence

Hamas calls UNRWA bankruptcy leading to school closure a 'political game,' threatens that situation may 'spin out of control. The Hamas movement that holds de facto rule in Gaza on Tuesday sent a threatening message...

UNRWA releases new Gaza Pallywood propaganda film Why is it propaganda? Because every scene is staged not to reflect reality but to maximize fundraising. Gaza kids don't meet in the middle of the artificially maintained rubble of Shujaiyeh to create makeshift see-saws. Gaza...


Only eight months ago, UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness viciously attacked out agency  on Fox News fWxBrz9c and claiming that our agency acts in a fraudulent manner without "evidence" when we documented  that the Hamas military wing...