UNRWA Investigating Jordanian Official Who Quoted Hitler

http://freebeacon.com/unrwa-investigating-jordanian-official-who-quoted-hitler/ The United Nations’ refugee arm has launched an investigation into one of its top Jordanian officials after he posted on his Facebook page a “motivational” poster featuring Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. Dr. Fares Haider, reportedly...

Whose taxpayers fund UNRWA?

http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Op-Ed-Contributors/Whose-taxpayers-fund-UNRWA-322135#_methods=onPlusOne%2C_ready%2C_close%2C_open%2C_resizeMe%2C_renderstart%2Concircled&id=I0_1375747952821&parent=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jpost.com&pfname=&rpctoken=43187279 The United Nations Relief and Work Agency is the only UN refugee agency dedicated to a single group of people. It is the only agency that designates individuals as original refugees if they lived...

Welcome To Camp Jihad

The hazy, crazy, lazy endless days of summer are upon us and children are enjoying vacation from school, the luxury of going to bed late and then sleeping in the next morning and for...

Islamism’s Likely Doom

http://www.danielpipes.org/13124/islamism-doom As recently as 2012, it appeared that Islamists could overcome their many internal dissimilarities - sectarian (Sunni, Shi'ite), political (monarchical, republican), tactical (political, violent), or attitudes toward modernity (Salafi, Muslim Brotherhood) - and cooperate....

Kerry Runs Around in Rings

http://www.gloria-center.org/2013/07/kerry-runs-around-in-rings/ Once again a lot of people think that Secretary of State John Kerry is on the verge of making a breakthrough toward peace. The problem is that these people believe that the contenders were...

Egypt Punishes the Palestinians

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3847/egypt-punishes-palestinians The Palestinians often complain that Israel, the US and other countries keep intervening in their internal affairs. These complaints often draw much attention from the Western media and many in the international community. But when...

UNRWA’s limited aid focus in Syria, and its consequences

http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Op-Ed-Contributors/UNRWAs-limited-aid-focus-in-Syria-and-its-consequences-319729 Since March 2011, Syria has fallen into a vicious civil war in which over 100,000 people have lost their lives while 1.5 million have fled or been displaced. Before the outbreak of the war,...

IDF Says Hezbollah Weapons Cache Exceeds 60,000 Rockets, All Israel in Range

http://www.algemeiner.com/2013/07/12/idf-says-hezbollah-cache-exceeds-60000-rockets-can-strike-any-part-of-israel/ On the seventh anniversary of the start of the month-long Second Lebanon War, marked Friday, the Israel Defense Forces said in a statement that Lebanese terror group Hezbollah has dramatically expanded its arsenal of...

How the Syrian Civil War and Egyptian Coup Positively Transform Israel’s Strategic Situation

http://pjmedia.com/barryrubin/2013/07/11/how-the-syrian-civil-war-really-affects-israel/ Some subtle issues are coming out of the Syrian civil war regarding Israel: clearly, Israel is neutral regarding the war; it won’t get dragged into it; and the longer the war continues the better,...

The Terror Threat and Iran’s Inroads in Latin America

http://www.propublica.org/article/the-terror-threat-and-irans-inroads-in-latin-america Last year, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited his ally President Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, where the firebrand leaders unleashed defiant rhetoric at the United States. There was a quieter aspect to Ahmadinejad's visit in January...