Iran Makes Headway In Fatah Iran was said to have forged relationships with leading members of the Fatah movement. Officials said Iran and Hizbullah were seeking to coopt members of the Fatah leadership, particularly the Central Committee. They said the...

Iran is stepping up its preparations for war with Israel Confirmation that Israeli warplanes have carried out a series of air strikes in Syria against consignments of missiles being shipped to Hizbollah in southern Lebanon has highlighted Iran's attempts to reinforce its regional allies...

Iran’s Plans to Take Over Syria In mid-April, Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah paid a secret visit to Tehran where he met with the top Iranian officials headed by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and Gen. Qasem Suleimani, the commander of the...

When Terrorists Fall Out You Know Jihad is Doomed One of the reasons why the Middle East situation is less fearsome than it might seem is that the radicals and terrorists are not united at all but battle among themselves for tactical, doctrinal,...

What’s in a Name: Is Associated Press Laundering Islamism? Political leaders and government officials are paid for trying to avoid, mitigate, or manage damage to their countries. Experts and journalists are supposed to warn about them and explain the dangers. This isn’t happening....

Lessons of the Syrian Reactor THE OFFICE of the assistant to the president for national-security affairs in the West Wing of the White House is a spacious, well-lit corner room in a building where space is at a premium....

How UNRWA Steals Money from Those Who Need It Most The UN High Commissioner for Refugees is threatening to end relief operations for Syrian refugees, who currently number 1.3 million and counting, if it doesn’t receive the necessary funds soon. The agency says it...

Whoever Attacked Boston, The Revolutionary Islamist Terror War on America is Still in High... Whoever perpetrated the terror attack in Boston, Americans have been probably underestimating the extent of the terror war against them and what has been its overwhelming single point of origin. This fact is not...

Rewarding Terror Against Israel While Denouncing It Elsewhere As Boston was mourning its victims of terror yesterday, a Parisian suburb was planning a gala fete for terrorists. Among those slated to be honored at tonight’s ceremony in St. Denis are Allam Kaabi,...

Israeli Security Concerns and the Balkans Heading into April 2013, Israel is confronted with a complexity of issues in the greater Middle East. These include: chronic political disagreements at home; the Syrian conflict next door, with its possibility to affect...