UNRWA as an Obstacle to Peace: THE GENETIC REFUGEE

The United Nations wants very much to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They want that so badly, that Israel just can’t seem to get off the agenda in the subcommittees and the leaders’ speeches. Paradoxically, UNRWA-a sub-agency...

Four questions for Mahmoud Abbas:PA president needs to explain his duplicitous behavior

Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and historian Harold Brackman is a consultant to the center. In conjunction with his appearance at the U.N. General Assembly and meeting with President...

How to Communicate Concern to the Government of Israel Over the Latest Round of...

____________________________ September 6, 2010 "Taking No Chances" The ambivalence about where Netanyahu is headed is quite pervasive. His signals are not clear. As someone knowledgeable I spoke to said, "He's dancing between the raindrops." That is, there...

The Continuous Terror Paradigm proposed by Dr Shalev and colleagues from Hadassah University Hospital.

While many studies in the literature evaluate PTSD following a discrete traumatic occurrence, the recent article by Shalev and colleagues evaluates the effect of continuous terror by examining the occurrence of general distress, PTSD...

Incisive moments on a family trip : TO ISRAEL AND EGYPT …TO CELEBRATE MY...

My extended family returned recently from a trip to Israel and Egypt to celebrate our younger son's Bar Mitzvah. We are grateful and blessed that our dream trip was realized. We marked Noah’s becoming...

Monograph: As Negotiations Resume: The Palestinian Authority Stand on the “Right of Return”

Mahmoud Abbas Of primary interest when examining the position of the Palestinian Authority with regard to the “right of return” is the stand of Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen), president of the PA. Abbas’s position on...

Competing World Views Tear A “Peace Process” to Pieces

The U.S. announcement inviting Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) for direct talks shows quite clearly, though unintentionally, why the talks will fail. Special Envoy George Mitchell explains: "We are all well aware that there remains...

Saddam-style freedom at Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva, Israel.

Omer Gertel // Saddam Hussein won 100% of the vote in the elections held in Iraq in 2002. This accomplishment made him very happy, as it proved that popular support for him grew since the 1995 elections,...

WikiLeaks Reveals Pakistan’s Intel Deceit

http://www.newsmax.com/KenTimmerman/WikiLeaks--Afghan--War--Pakistan--InterServices--Intelligence--Service--ISI--Taliban--Ron--Paul--Kucinich--Obama--Bush/2010/07/29/id/366037 The explosive revelations of the “Afghan War Diary” released by WikiLeaks this week reveal several open secrets that have been well known to those who have closely followed this war for many years. First and...

The Mideast Reality Outside the Oval Office President Obama’s policies remain inconsistent with on-the-ground...

When the Obama administration banned the terms Islamic extremism and jihad from US national security documents back on April 7, 2010, the United States aired out a new approach to the war against terror....