Middle East Myths Metastasize, Iran War Hysteria Rages Onward

http://rubinreports.blogspot.com/2012/02/middle-east-myths-metastasizes-iran-war.html Much written and said about the Middle East has always been fantasy. But nowadays the proportion of fantasy to reality is higher than ever. And number one on that list is the war hysteria...

Commentary: Appeasement Now

Caroline Glick's first line in her column yesterday: "The world has gone mad." She then proceeds to explain the many reasons why this is so. For example: "As the Palestinians push forward with their Iranian-sponsored,...

Al-Ahram Weekly

Making Anti-Terrorism Global by Jailan Halawi Heading "Egypt's interior minister El-Adli seized the occasion of the Arab interior ministers' meeting in Amman to renew Egypt's call for an international conference on terrorism. The meeting, resolving to escalate...

NGO: UN renews rights chief Pillay without consultations on her record

http://blog.unwatch.org/index.php/2012/05/15/ngo-un-renews-rights-chief-pillay-without-consultations-on-her-record/ After Ban Ki-moon’s announcement today that he supports a two-year extension for rights commissioner Navi Pillay, a non-governmental watchdog group says that the decision was made - pending the UNGA’s rubber stamp -...

Qatar’s Support of Hamas and Jihadist Forces in the Middle East

http://jcpa.org/article/qatars-support-of-hamas-jihadist-forces/#sthash.dk14HQuF.dpuf Vol. 14, No. 30       September 23, 2014 Qatar is unquestionably engaged in international terrorist financing. According to the U.S. Treasury’s division for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, “Qatar, a longtime U.S. ally, has...

Covering Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman’s Press Conference in Tel Aviv

(Tel Aviv) December 29, 2002 Senator Joseph Lieberman made his final appearance in the middle east in a small press briefing that occurred near the US embassy in Tel Aviv on Sunday evening, December 29,...

My Optimism About the New Arab Revolt

Unprecedented convulsions across the Middle East, from Morocco to Iran, prompt three reflections: First, these rebellions fit into the context of a regional chessboard, what I call the Middle East cold war. On one side...

Israel’s Predicament at 60

Two religiously-identified new states emerged from the shards of the British empire in the aftermath of World War II. Israel, of course, was one; the other was Pakistan. They make an interesting, if little-compared pair....

Is Iran a Lunatic State or a Rational Actor? Neither: It is a Rational...

http://rubinreports.blogspot.co.il/2013/10/is-iran-lunatic-state-or-rational-actor.html The United States now estimates it will take one year for Iran to get nuclear weapons; Israel says some months. Is Iran a Lunatic State or a Rational Actor? It is neither; it is a...

The New Middle East

http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/Article.aspx?id=210724 If the mullahs aren’t overthrown, the New Middle East will be a very dark and dangerous place. A new Middle East is upon us and its primary beneficiary couldn’t be happier. In a speech Monday in the...