Commentary: The BLair Plan to Engage Syria and Iran and more…

Tony Blair today urged the world to engage Iran and Syria to advance the peace process in the Middle East. I am not making this up, though you might be temped to think so....

Commentary: The Reactivated Peace Process?

Barry Rubin, in his most recent column, lists "four phony panaceas, which will clearly not work." These are quick fixes that a very foolish and nearsighted world is promoting. Rubin says, not only will...

Syria: New Missile Deployment on the Border

The Middle East Newsline reports from Israeli military sources that Syria has deployed more than 1,000 missiles and rockets near the Jewish state. Israeli officials said Syria has brought a range of medium- and long-range...

Iranian Sponsorship of Fatah

As the Palestinian internecine violence in Gaza becomes increasingly severe, alarm in Israel and the US about what is going to happen there grows apace. The prevailing wisdom, promoted for some time now, is...

UN Resolution 1701 Compromised

In a declassified report released this week and published by the Israeli Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center located at the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center (IICC), security officials make an official claim that...

Incisive Commentary: Time for Action

Posting: October 25, 2007 "Time for Action" As these are serious times, action in the US is called for. And so I ask each of you who is a US citizen to help. Below you will find...

The Myth of Moderate Islam

Posted June 2008 Supporting moderation in all things Islamic may seem like a no-brainer, but woe betide the policymaker who tries to turn a plausible idea into a workable strategy Categorize this: Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi wants...

Hamas: From Cairo to UNRWA

There is an oft-repeated statement that echoes across the Israeli political spectrum during the current Israeli political campaign, which is Israel will overthrow the Hamas government, which now rules Gaza. With that threat in mind,...

Why Gaza aid flotilla was a media success

It was exactly the kind of coverage that pro-Palestinian activists behind the Gaza aid flotilla were aiming for: "Deaths as Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ship." Associated Press, BBC, Fox News, CNN and countless...

Obama Again Predicts Direct Israel-Palestinian Talks, Is He Wrong Again? We depend on your contributions. To make a tax-deductible donation through PayPal or credit card, click the Donate button in the upper-right hand corner of this page. To donate via check, make it...