Insight Behind the News in Israel

Posting: August 8, 2007 "Tisha B'Av" Immediately upon the close of Shabbat tomorrow night begins Tisha B'Av (the ninth of the month of Av), a day of Jewish national mourning because it is the day on...

Jews Observe Solemn Fast, Recall Historical Tragedies

This Sunday, Jewish people around the world observe the fast day that marks the ninth of Av on the Jewish calendar. The fast of the Ninth of Av is only one of two days...

Witness to a the press conference in Nicosia: A Slow Boat to Gaza

On Monday, a movement known as held a press conference in Nicosia, Cyprus, in which a group of 40 people from around the world announced that they would board two small boats to...

U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.

Iran has carried out missile tests for what could be a plan for a nuclear strike on the United States, the head of a national security panel has warned. In testimony before the House Armed...

Incisive Commentary

Posting: July 31, 2008 "Just Suppose" Political predictions are never written in stone, and certainly I make no claims that what I'm about to write here is anything other than a speculation. But I think it's...

Olmert Did Not Yet Resign: He Holds On to the Reigns of Power

Even as the Israeli Prime Minister announces his intent to resign, he acts as if he will make himself indispensable to the country, while he recruits Diaspora Jews to his cause. After all, when a...

Iran Seeks Seat On UN Security Council

Iran has asked the largest United Nations' largest voting bloc to back its controversial bid for a two-year term on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Addressing fellow Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) foreign ministers on Sunday,...

“Obama’s Visit & Policies”

Obama's whirlwind tour of Israel is completed, and I find that readers are seeking comments on that visit. He did it all right while here: Visiting Yad VaShem (the Holocaust Memorial -- required stop...

Obama Visits Sderot 1

"I can assure you," Barak Obama said, speaking at the local police station against a backdrop of Kassam rockets, "if someone was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night,...

Samir Kuntar and the Last Laugh

Israel has lived the past sixty years more intensively than any other country. Its highs - the resurrection of a two-thousand year old state in 1948, history's most lopsided military victory in 1967, and the...