Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal PHOTO: REUTERS/FADI AL-ASSAAD

Iran Rekindles Relations With Hamas

Iran is the leading Shiite protagonist in the increasingly bitter conflict against rival Sunni Muslims in the Arab world, but lately that hasn’t prevented Tehran from rekindling one Sunni alliance. The ayatollahs are rebuilding...

A new approach to Iran

Here are four facts that turn the whole Iran debate on its head: If Iran wants to build a nuclear weapon, it will. Sanctions have accomplished all they can accomplish, and maintaining them or strengthening them...

Killing americans and their allies

Preface Iranian-supplied weapons have led to casualties across the Western alliance for Britain, Israel, and the United States. Tehran has used its weapons deliveries to fuel a number of regional insurgencies, like the Houthi revolt...
Iranian protestors burn an Israeli flag during a demonstration in Tehran on July 25, 2014. (BEHROUZ MEHRI/AFP/Getty Images)

Inside Obama’s Meeting With Jewish Leaders

Imagine if at the height of Apartheid madness in South Africa, the president of the United States had decided to partner with the racist white regime in Pretoria, lift sanctions, and put that country’s...
The position of women today in the West Bank and Gaza provides chilling insight into what life in a Palestinian state will be like if that state ever becomes a reality.

Robert Fulford: The plight of Palestinian women

Their many admirers in the West like to depict Palestinians as innocent victims of imperialism, anxious to live free under their own state but tragically locked within boundaries imposed by Israel. The myth of the virtuous Palestinian...
TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian negotiator announced on Monday that the western members of the Group 5+1 (the US, Russia, China, Britain and France plus Germany) are not allowed to threaten Tehran at the negotiating table.

Iran: West Not Allowed to Speak with Threatening Voice in N. Talks

"We negotiate on equal footing and with mutual respect and don’t allow the other side to participate in the negotiations with a hidden gun and in (military) boots," Director General for Political Affairs at...

URGENT MUST READ: Iranian fact sheet completely contradicts White House

http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13940126001122 TEHRAN (FNA - Fars News Agency)- The Iranian parliament's Nuclear Committee on Wednesday released a factsheet to declare the revisions needed to be made in the Lausanne statement that was issued by Tehran and the world...

Iran Is America’s New Iraq

Ten days after the Iraq War began, I happened to be in Washington on a work visit. I had the chance to observe up close the imperial capital that had just embarked on the...

Israel: Nuclear Deal Is Capitulation To Iranian Dictates

On Thursday evening, news broke that six world powers reached a framework agreement with Iran that is supposed to curtail its nuclear program. The Times of Israel reported that under the deal, the giant...

US, Iran reach nuke deal outline

The United States and other world powers have reached an outline of a nuclear deal with Iran that would lift international sanctions on Tehran in exchange for new limitations on its nuclear program. President Obama...