What is a War Crime?

So what exactly is our story with the bombs and civilians injuries? Are we the most evil element in the world, as the Evil and Stupidity Front claims, from Professor Noam Chomsky and Jose...

Hizbullah Rockets Approach Tel Aviv With Iranian Assistance

On August 3rd, the authoritative Middle East News Line confirmed that Iran acknowledged the supply of long-range missiles to Hizbullah. A senior Iranian official, Hujjat Mokhtashemi-Pour, said Hizbullah has obtained the Zelzal-2, which he...

Secretary Rice on CNN’s Larry King Live: Hezbollah human shields “very difficult to deal...

QUESTION: Madame Secretary, thanks for joining us. We're getting reports that the United States hopes to have a deal on a U.N. resolution ending the Middle East violence and that deal should come through...

Netanyahu: Israel Must Finish the Job

NewsMax senior correspondent and Middle East expert Kenneth R. Timmerman is in Israel reporting on the conflict there. Timmerman reports from Kiryat Shemona in this exclusive interview with former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Former...

Judgment Day, Iranian Style

With the international community focused on Iran's quest to develop nuclear weapons, little attention has been paid to Tehran's preparations for a possible showdown with America and its allies. For more than a year,...

Apocalypse Postponed: The Process of Weakening Iran

The current conflict between Israel and Hizballah terrorists is the first step to weakening the power of Iran in the Middle East In an interview broadcast on July 23 on the Iranian News Channel, Iranian...

When NGO’s Take Sides

This op-ed was originally published in The Jerusalem Post The war with Hizbullah, like all Israel's confrontations with terror groups in the past decade, includes a political front that is as important and complex as...

Senior Israeli intelligence officer: ‘Our strategy isn’t working’

Israel's current strategy for countering Hezbollah activity in southern Lebanon "is not working... should be changed soon" according to an Israeli military intelligence officer. The officer's remarks echoed sentiments expressed by a growing number of...

Iran’s War: A Prelude to the Spanish Civil War

Think again. "This is more like the Spanish Civil War," says Daniel Seaman, an Israeli government spokesman. "What we are seeing is a series of conflicts that foreshadow a future world conflict, just as the...

Jenin Redux: UNRWA Once Again Misleads the Media

Four years ago, Israel launched Operation Defensive Shield in response to a spate of horrendous suicide bombings. The theater of operations was the West Bank, specifically the UNRWA refugee camp in Jenin, referred to...