Hagel – a Litmus Test of Obama’s Attitude to Israel

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=3210&sec=1&title=Hagel_-_a_Litmus_Test_of_Obama’s_Attitude_to_Israel The possible nomination of former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense will represent a litmus test as to whether President Obama is poised to resume his anti-Israeli campaign, despite supporting Israel during...

Israeli Security Concerns and the Balkans

http://www.balkanalysis.com/blog/2013/03/31/israeli-security-concerns-and-the-balkans/ Heading into April 2013, Israel is confronted with a complexity of issues in the greater Middle East. These include: chronic political disagreements at home; the Syrian conflict next door, with its possibility to affect...

Israel Strike Could Halt Iran’s Nukes

An Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities could end that country's weapons program, a report said. The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies asserted that an Israeli destruction of some of Iran's nuclear infrastructure could mobilize...

Slashed budgets, plummeting standards, and political radicalization have turned Israel’s most respected newspaper into...

http://www.thetower.org/article/downfall-of-a-great-newspaper/ In early April of this year, the controversial Haaretz reporter Amira Hass, whose coverage of Palestinian violence over the last decade has often prompted accusations of bias, caused a major stir when she published...

Israel Mulls Iran Deterrence

www.menewsline.com Israel has sought to maneuver between two schools on how to deter Iran, a report said. The Institute for National Security Studies asserted that strategists in Israel were considering two doctrines to deter a nuclear...

And the Winner is… Iran’s Nuclear Program

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3773/rouhani-iran-nuclear-program The Iranians are the best strategists in the Middle East, better than those in the West, and the reason the Iranians constantly succeed in out-maneuvering the West. In the West, we constantly look for ways...

How the Syrian Civil War and Egyptian Coup Positively Transform Israel’s Strategic Situation

http://pjmedia.com/barryrubin/2013/07/11/how-the-syrian-civil-war-really-affects-israel/ Some subtle issues are coming out of the Syrian civil war regarding Israel: clearly, Israel is neutral regarding the war; it won’t get dragged into it; and the longer the war continues the better,...

The Iran-Hezbollah terror connection: What must be done

http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Op-Ed-Contributors/The-Iran-Hezbollah-terror-connection-What-must-be-done-319577 As EU foreign ministers prepare to meet later this month in Brussels to determine whether a consensus exists to declare Hezbollah - or part of it - a terrorist organization, five disparate developments have...

Lost: Obama Middle East Policy, 2013-2016,(1) Why U.S. Policy Betrayed the Moderates

http://rubinreports.blogspot.co.il/2013/08/by-barry-rubin-in-1848-new-communist.html In 1848, the new Communist movement issued a manifesto. It began with the opening line: “A specter is haunting Europe-the specter of Communism.” For our purposes today, this threat might be reworded as: “A specter is...

Morsi detained, bloodbath in Egypt

http://www.meforum.org/3588/morsi-detained-bloodbath-egypt As Egypt explodes in what could be civil war, with a reported death toll of at least 628 dead and rising in clashes between security forces and Islamists that began August 14, many are...