Americans Say Never Again

Never Again to indifference. Never Again to silence. Never Again to deportation. Dear Friend of Israel: The Sharon Government plans to deport close to 10,000 Jews from Gush Katif and Northern Shomron later this summer. Jewish lives are...

Knesset Briefing on Iranian’s Nuclear Weapons

Discussion Leader: MK Dr. Yuri Stern Panel: Alon Bar, Director of the Arms Control Department of the Foreign Ministry Dr. Ephraim Asculai, Senior Research Associate of the Jaffe Center for Strategic Studies Dr. Jerome Corsi, formerly with the...

Before Meeting Sharon, Abbas and His Media Issue List of “do’s” and “Don’ts”

A few hours before his scheduled conference Tuesday with Israel's prime minister, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and his state-controlled media issued a list of things he will demand of Israel and things he will...

The Unreported Story

Introduction 16 days after the Iranian revolution of 1979 Yasser Arafat was the first foreign leader who visited Ayatollah Khomeini. This was a historic visit for many reasons. Ayatollah Khomeini gave the PLO its own...

Abbas Orders Release of Islamic Insurgents Wanted for Murder

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has ordered the release of Islamic insurgents accused of helping plan a February 2005 suicide bombing in Israel. PA officials said Abbas ordered the release of the insurgents held in...

Continues Anti-US Incitement

JERUSALEM, June 4 Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas announced Saturday the indefinite postponement of the Palestinian legislative elections in what was widely seen as a political maneuver designed to help Abbas's faltering Fatah movement reorganize against...

Ushering in a New Era in the IDF: Dependence on Air Force Capability

The retirement of Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Moshe Ya'alon ushers an Israeli doctrine that plays down the Palestinian insurgency and envisions air power as the leading element against ground threats Israeli defense sources as...

2 Helicopters and 50 APCS

Next week, Russian President Vladimir Putin will land in Israel for an historic visit, while Russian involvement in the region, which has been criticized many times by Israel, continues at full speed. In the...

Israel Fears Regional War in 2006

WASHINGTON -- Israel has relayed its concern to the United States of the rising prospect of a Middle East war in 2006. U.S. officials said Israel has determined that the expected U.S. withdrawal from...

When World Leaders Forget that the US Congress Must Foot the Bill

While the Bush-Sharon Summit focused on mutual threats (e.g. Iran and Islamic terrorism), it has highlighted a few basic misunderstandings - in Israel - concerning the US political system, US-Israel relations and Disengagement. For example,...