A Betrayal of Bush’s Vision for Democratic Process in the Middle East?

SCENARIO ONE: Rajoub... Last week, Arafat's security chief, Col. Jabril Rajoub, declared to the Palestinian Arabic language media that the PLO should confine its terrorist activity against Israel to the areas that Israel captured in...

Geneva Sellout

On Monday, an agreement will be signed by Israelis and Palestinians. This "Geneva accord" has gotten much attention. And the signing itself will be greeted with much hoopla. Journalists are being flown in from around...

NGOs – The New Israel Fund and the Propaganda War Against Israel

The primary threats to Israel's survival do not come from Iran's weapons of mass destruction, or from Palestinian terrorists. Rather, the deeper danger comes from the continuing propaganda campaign that rejects Israel's legitimacy and...

Striking Syrian Bases of Terror: Is Saudi Arabia Next?

While the people of Israel were in the midst of preparations for the solemn fast of Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, this year's observance of Yom Kippur has been overshadowed by nostalgic...

Terror in the North, Nabil Shaath, Accountability for Terror Attack in Jerusalem, Arafat Still...

Funding Terrrorism in Northern Israel? The Attack In the August 11 edition of the Israeli paper Ha'aretz, the leading military analyst Zev Schiff noted that the "Hezbollah uses anti-aircraft aimed to explode over Israeli communities and...

Next stop on the Road Map: All-out war

The End of "Peace" Anyone who breathes the air of Israel during summer 2003 can discern plans for war in the Fall. Israel's press is replete with Israeli intelligence reports which convey the precise plans of...

Israel Without Apology

Three decades ago, I was a Berkeley New Leftist with a political and personal problem. I had been born in Israel, and, though I didn't consider myself a Zionist, I certainly didn't want to...

The Palestinian Security Forces and the Second Intifada

Presentation given at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on July 24th, 2003 (Presentation hosted by the Center For Near East Policy Research and the Israel Resource News Agency) Copyright © Gal Luft Introduction In the period...

Briefing with Dr. Yuval Steinitz, Chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee

Yuval Steinitz was a Professor of Philosophy and a Peace Now activist. In 1994, when he saw that Oslo was a disaster, he did a great deal of soul searching and joined the Likud...

Killing KAWASME: The Ramifications

Yedioth Aharonot (June 22, 2003)(p. 2) by Roni Shaked -- Israel settled an open account yesterday with Abdullah Abed Elkader Kawasme, 35, the number one Hamas wanted man in the West Bank, who was...