Israel Without Apology

Three decades ago, I was a Berkeley New Leftist with a political and personal problem. I had been born in Israel, and, though I didn't consider myself a Zionist, I certainly didn't want to...

Immoderate Fatah: A responsible Palestinian representative would be helpful, but there just isn’t one.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is currently in the Middle East. As has been the case in the past, one of her goals is to "strengthen" the "moderate" Mahmoud Abbas. Her desire to do...

President al-Assad Gives an Interview to Kuwaiti Newspaper of al-Anba

With regard to the possibility of war with Israel for the restoration of occupied Golan, the president said: "Syria expects an Israeli aggression at any time, and Syria knows that Israel has a powerful...

“Bill Clinton: Israel-Syria peace deal could be reached within 35 minutes”

A peace agreement between Israel and Syria could be reached within 35 minutes, former U.S. president Bill Clinton told the Lebanon-based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper in an interview published Sunday. Clinton said Israel and Syria were...

Defection of an Iranian General: Iranian Nuclear Secrets Revealed

Leading Israeli investigative journalist Ronen Bergmann has confirmed that General Ali Reza Askari, who disappeared in Istanbul last February and about whom many guesses were published about what had happened to him, defected to...

Samir Kuntar and the Last Laugh

Israel has lived the past sixty years more intensively than any other country. Its highs - the resurrection of a two-thousand year old state in 1948, history's most lopsided military victory in 1967, and the...

Obama Visits Sderot 1

"I can assure you," Barak Obama said, speaking at the local police station against a backdrop of Kassam rockets, "if someone was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night,...


On Tuesday Fatah will hold its sixth congress in Bethlehem, at which point a draft party platform will be put to the vote. That draft explicitly notes that Israel must not be recognized as a Jewish...

Egypt’s Classic Strategic Triangle BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 133, March 16, 2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Three forces are now competing for control of Egypt: the army, the Muslim Brotherhood, and various other opposition organizations. The outcome depends on...